Towards statistical visibility in children’s rights By Gerardo Sauri Advances and challenges of Kids Count Mexico
Since stages Model construction and diagnosis Data-warehouse constructionReport productionData exploitation
1. Model construction and diagnosis Research and training in diverse models and experiences Construction of our own model Track of information sources
Revised data-based advocacy model
Exemple of compability with MNIP Proposed Mexican DomainsImpact topicsMultinational Dominion or Sub domain Convention’s Rights Dominion Demographic - Population by age and sex - Indigenous children population by ethnic group, age, religion, and sex - Adolescent mothers Not contemplated as an impact topic Not contemplatedGeneral principles Survival and basic health -Basic indicators such as child mortality, low weight at birth, immunizations, etc. -Nutrition HealthNot contemplated because the project goes further than mere survival. Right to life; Survival and development; health and wellbeing. Security, environment free of violence, and justice. -Children with legal conflicts -Abuse - Maltreatment -Homicides - Lesions and traumas -Suicide Human Security (Justice and environment free of violence) Child security/ Human security Includes: Lesions and traumas - Homicide and suicide -Abuse and maltreatment is considered in HOME - Children with troubles with justice not contemplated Civil rights and liberties. Respect to child’s opinion; General principles Populations under risk - Working children -Exploited working children -Street children -Migrant children -Orphans Populations under risk.Not contemplatedSpecial measures of protection; civil rights and liberties; respect towards the child’s opinion; general principles.
Data-warehouse construction About 60% of the necessary data had not a children- centered approach Information had to be reprocessed by us Now practically all indicators are children- centered
Report production Shadow Report for the UN Children’s Rights Committee Kids Count Mexico Borders Kids Count Mexico Children in North America
Example: first comparation KDCM 05 vs. 06 data
Exploiting data
Dissemination Dissemination on 3 levels National State International Bulletins, conference Workshops Using data for specific pusposes Sharing experiences Training on the model
Main challenges Access to information Dissemination of report on both, broader and focused audiences Keep producing KCM annually Raise interest on using data in such a way that could get national resources