Artificial Intelligence CS105
Group Presentation Project Week of November 7 to November 11 Group presentation Groups of 3/4 – Each group will get 12/16 minutes maximum – Each member must speak for 4 minutes – Q&A session for 3/4 minutes – Team Leaders Topics: 1.An existing AI application(s) 2.An AI application that will possibly be created in the future and you would invest money in it 3.Technology in an AI movie – their advantages & disadvantages Questions: What is it? How does it work? – Don’t have to explain any technical details if you don’t want to
Group Presentation Project Evaluation: – Content and details – Organization – Member evaluation form – Dress up on the day of presentation Powerpoint files should be received BEFORE the beginning of class. Attendance is mandatory this week
Finding your group!
Artificial Intelligence
Study and design of machines that can think like a human being – Attempt to understand human intelligence But how do you define intelligence? – Abstract thought, understanding, communication, reasoning and learning, planning and problem solving Goal: understand primary issues involved and the challenges
Artificial Intelligence Intelligent machines List
Turing Test A behavioral test to determine whether a computer system is intelligent Weak equivalence: The equality of two systems based on their results Strong equivalence: The equality of two systems based on their results and the process by which they arrive at those results Natural language processing Knowledge about various topics Reasoning
State of the art Deep Blue beat Gary Kasparov, world champion in 1997 in a set of six games by two wins Tartan Racing: 2007 DARPA Urban challenge winner. Autonomous vehicle capable of driving in traffic. Search engines Mobile humanoid robots: MIT media labs TD Gammon learned how to play backgammon Responsive environments: Bill Gates home
Foundations of AI Psychology – How do humans and animals think and act? Computer Science/Engineering – How to build an efficient computer system? Linguistics – How does language relate to thought? Philosophy Mathematics Economics Neuroscience Education / Learning
Knowledge Representation Many ways – Natural language : not efficient for processing – Mathematical notation: rigorous – Want: Logical view so we can process it efficiently Capture facts and relationships
Semantic network A graph or network that presents meaningful relationships among objects/concepts Water Vertebra Animal Mammal Bear Cat Fur Fish Whale has is a lives in is a
Search Trees Hierarchical structures that represents the alternatives of situations/choices – Nodes: Points in a tree that contains some form of data – Edges: Link between nodes in a search tree – Game tree: is a graph whose nodes are the positions in a game and whose edges are moves
Search Trees Nodes Edges Parent nodes C L P P P P PP C C C P Child nodes L LLL CL C L L L Leaf nodes
Game Trees Player 1 Player 2 Player 1 Player 2 Wins! Depth first search Breadth first search Wins!
Thought Question Think of five questions that you might issue as the interrogator of a Turing test. Why would a computer have difficulty answering them well? Please explain your reasoning.