Bio-2 The Geant4-DNA project Takashi Sasaki – KEK, Japan Sébastien Incerti – IN2P3/CENBG, France on behalf of the Bio-2 team TYL-FKPPL Joint Workshop, Seoul, June 4-6, 2013
Outline Context Proposed workplan for 2013 Collaboration matters Development of a simulation platform dedicated to the modelling biological effects of ionising radiation down to the cellular & sub-cellular scales the Geant4-DNA project Proposed workplan for 2013 Validation of theoretical cross section models in biomolecules through dedicated measurements Development of realistic cellular geometries Efforts toward Geant4-DNA computation speedup Application in targeted radiotherapy Collaboration matters
Proton & hadrontherapy Modelling biological effects of ionising radiation remains a major scientific challenge Chronic exposure Fukushima Diagnosis Space missions ISS Space exploration Proton & hadrontherapy « A major challenge lies in providing a sound mechanistic understanding of low-dose radiation carcinogenesis » L. Mullenders et al. Assessing cancer risks of low-dose radiation Nature Reviews Cancer (2009) Mars NCC
The Monte Carlo approach Can « reproduce » with accuracy the stochastic nature of particle-matter interactions Many Monte Carlo codes are already available today in radiobiology for the simulation of track structures at the molecular scale in biological medium E.g. PARTRAC, TRIOL, PHITS, KURBUC, NOREC… Include physics & physico-chemistry processes, detailed geometrical descriptions of biological targets down to the DNA size, DNA and chromosome damage simulation and even repair mechanisms (PARTRAC)… Usually designed for very specific applications Not always easily accessible Is it possible to access the source code ? Are they adapted to recent OSs ? Are they extendable by the user ? « To expand accessibility and avoid ‘reinventing the wheel’, track structure codes should be made available to all users via the internet from a central data bank» H. Nikjoo, IJRB 73, 355 (1998)
ATLAS, CMS, LHCb, ALICE @ CERN BaBar, ILC… Brachytherapy PET Scan (GATE) Hadrontherapy DICOM dosimetry Medical linac Earth magnetosphere ISS GAIA GLAST/FERMI (NASA) Physics-Biology
Geant4 ? Can we try to extend Geant4 to model biological effects of radiation ? Strong limitations prevent its usage for the modelling of biological effects of ionising radiation at the sub-cellular & DNA scale Condensed-history approach No step-by-step transport on small distances, a key requirement for micro/nano-dosimetry Low-energy limit applicability of EM physics models is limited ~250 eV for Livermore Low Energy EM models ~100 eV for Penelope Low Energy EM models No description of target molecular properties Liquid water, DNA nucleotides Only physical particle-matter interactions Physical interactions are NOT the dominant processes for DNA damage at low LET...
See Int. J. Model. Simul. Sci. Comput. 1 (2010) 157–178 The Geant4-DNA project Initiated in 2001 by Dr Petteri Nieminen at the European Space Agency/ESTEC Main objective: extension of the general purpose Geant4 Monte Carlo toolkit for the simulation of interactions of radiation with biological systems at the cellular and DNA level in order to predict early DNA damages in the context of manned space exploration missions (« bottom-up » approach) Providing an open source access to the scientific community that can be easily upgraded & improved First prototypes of physics models were added to Geant4 in 2007 It is now a full independent sub-category of the electromagnetic category of Geant4 $G4INSTALL/source/processes/electromagnetic/dna Usable from external codes such as GATE since 2012 Currently an on-going interdisciplinary activity of the Geant4 collaboration « low energy electromagnetic physics » working group Coordinated by CNRS/IN2P3 since 2008 Supported by several funding agencies : ESA (AO6041, AO 7146), ANR, INSERM...
How can Geant4-DNA model radiation biology ? FJPPL Physics stage step-by-step modelling of physical interactions of incoming & secondary ionising radiation with biological medium (liquid water) Excited water molecules Ionised water molecules Solvated electrons Physico-chemistry/chemistry stage Radical species production Diffusion Mutual interactions FJPPL Geometry stage DNA strands, chromatin fibres, chromosomes, whole cell nucleus, cells… for the prediction of damages resulting from direct and indirect hits Biology stage DIRECT DNA damages Biology stage INDIRECT DNA damages (dominant @ low LET) t=0 t=10-15s t=10-6s
a) Physics stage: improving Physics
Physics models available in Geant4 9.6+P01 (Spring 2013) Geant4-DNA physics models are applicable to liquid water, the main component of biological matter They can reach the very low energy domain down to electron thermalization Compatible with molecular description of interactions (5 excitation & ionisation levels of the water molecule) Sub-excitation electrons (below ~9 eV ) can undergo vibrational excitation, attachment and elastic scattering Purely discrete Simulate all elementary interactions on an event-by-event basis No condensed history approximation Models can be purely analytical and/or use interpolated data tables For eg. computation of integral cross sections They use the same software design as all electromagnetic models available in Geant4 (« standard » and « low energy » EM models and processes) Allows the combination of models and processes
Overview of physics models for liquid water Electrons Elastic scattering Screened Rutherford and Brenner-Zaider below 200 eV Partial wave framework model, 3 contributions to the interaction potential Ionisation 5 levels for H2O Dielectric formalism & FBA using Heller optical data up to 1 MeV, and low energy corrections Excitation Dielectric formalism & FBA using Heller optical data and semi-empirical low energy corrections Vibrational excitation Michaud et al. xs measurements in amorphous ice Factor 2 to account for phase effect Dissociative attachment Melton et al. xs measurements Protons & H Excitation Miller & Green speed scaling of e- excitation at low energies and Born and Bethe theories above 500 keV Ionisation Rudd semi-empirical approach by Dingfelder et al. and Born and Bethe theories & dielectric formalism above 500 keV (relativistic + Fermi density) Charge change Analytical parametrizations by Dingfelder et al. He0, He+, He2+ Excitation and ionisation Speed and effective charge scaling from protons by Dingfelder et al., Semi-empirical models from Dingfelder et al. C, N, O, Fe Speed scaling and global effective charge by Booth and Grant Photons from EM « standard » and « low energy » -Electron ionisation: low energy phase-specific (liquid) exchange term proposed by Emfietzoglou et al. -Electron excitation: semi empirical low energy corrections by Emfietzoglou et al. -Electron vib. excitation: Measurements detailed by Michaud et al. (2003) were considered taking into account 9 excitation phonon modes; 2 translational, 2 vibrational, bending, stretching, asym-metrical stretching, stretching-vibrational combination and an overtone of the stretching modes. In the condensed water phase cross-section are expected to be higher than for ice, a common procedure among Monte-Carlo users is that cross-sections on ice films are multiplied by a factor of 2 to account for differences between solid and liquid phases, e.g. Meesungnoen et al. (2002). This factor was deduced somehow empirically by analyzing the expected results after comparing the difference between the gas phase data e.g. Banna et al. (1986) and the solid phase data of Michaud and Sanche (1987), Michaud et al. (2003), and also because it leads to a reasonable range and energy loss rate for subexcitation electrons. -Electron attachment: Melton’s experiments were carried on vapour water studying the energetic electron dissociation yields.Three species can result from such an interaction; O-, H- and OH-. The electron dissociation is important as it contributes to the energy loss processes and it is also important for the physico-chemical phase simulation that follows the physical stage. Summing up the molecules production cross-sections, from Melton’s experiment, one can obtain the total inelastic dissociative attachment cross-section as a function of the electron’s energy. Although there are some differences between data from different measurements,the threshold energies and the peak positions remain the same; this gives an idea about the reliability of the obtained results Fermi density effect stands for medium polarization effects -For ions: for ions heavier than alphas, it is complicated to calculate cross sections for every single charge state of the particle. Thus a global effective charge, including the charge change effect as well as the charge screening for the incident ion, is used. The effective charge expression of Booth and Grant is applied -Born and Bethe have shown that the stopping power of a medium is proportional to the mass M, and to the square of atomic number, Z2, of the atoms in the medium and divided by E incoming energy of particle See Med. Phys. 37 (2010) 4692-4708 and Appl. Radiat. Isot. 69 (2011) 220-226
Electron process cross sections in liquid water Vib. excitations Ionization = excitation Dissociative attachment Electron process cross sections cover energy range up to 1 MeV down to either 7.4 eV for the partial wave elastic scattering model (default) or 9 eV for the Screened Rutherford elastic scattering model
Extension to DNA material We have implemented physics processes and models for the modeling of proton and neutral hydrogen atom interactions with liquid water the four DNA nucleobases : Adenine (A), Thymine (T), Guanine (G) and Cytosine (C) within a Classical Trajectory Monte Carlo approach and taking into account specific energetic criteria Mean energy transfers (potential and kinematical) during interactions were computed from quantum mechanics and are tabulated First time that a general purpose Monte Carlo toolkit is equipped with such functionnalities Dedicated Physics constructor: G4EmDNACTMCPhysics Expected to be released in Geant4 X
Examples of integral cross sections Liquid water Adenine Protons : single capture, single ionization, transfer ionization (new process), double ionization (new process) Neutral hydrogen : single ionization, stripping Adenine cross sections are of about one order of magnitude greater than their homologous in liquid water for all the ionizing processes (double ionization shows a 2 orders of magnitude ratio)
Is DNA equivalent to water ? Nucl. Instrum. Methods B, in press (2013) Is DNA equivalent to water ? A commonly used approximation Not necessarily true when studying elementary energy deposition events in nanometer size biological targets ... Chromatine DNA segment (10 bp) Nucleosome Incident protons
Need for experimental validation of theoretical cross section models Experimental measurement of cross section in biomolecules remain very scarce today Pr A. Itoh, Kyoto University, joined this proposal in order to propose an experimental workplan dedicated to the measurement of cross sections in biomolecules Ion induced collisions on DNA & RNA components Ionisation and electronic capture processes Measurement of multi-differential and total cross sections Will allow the validation Geant4-DNA theoretical models
Eg.: ionisation of Uracil Nucl. Instrum. Methods B, in press (2013) Eg.: ionisation of Uracil Comparison between experimental and theoretical doubly differential cross sections (CDW-EIS and CB1: solid and dashed line, respectively) for 1 MeV-protons colliding with uracil at different electron emission angles. First 1st Born approximation with correct boundary conditions (CB1 model) or the continuum distorted wave-eikonal initial state approach (CDW-EIS model)
Experimental setup A beam of 1 MeV H+ is extracted from a Van de Graff accelerator at Kyoto University Beam was well collimated to about 1x3 mm2 in size and was introduced into a double mu-metal shielded collision chamber. A typical beam current of about 50 nA measured by a Faraday cup was used in this work. An effusive molecular beam target of uracil was produced by heating crystalline uracil powder (99 % purity) in a stainless steel oven at a temperature of 473 K. The energy and angular distributions of secondary electrons ejected from uracil molecules were measured by a 45° parallel plate electrostatic spectrometer. The measurements were carried out for electron energies from 1 eV to 1 keV and emission angles from 15° to 165°. Experimental errors on the obtained single and doubly differential cross sections are 8-13%.
b) Geometry stage: improving geometries
Towards DNA and cell geometries Dose Point Kernel simulations and the CENBG« nanobeam » simulations (see Geant4 « nanobeam » advanced example) have shown that the Geant4/Geant4-DNA transport is accurate at nanometer scale Being included in Geant4, Geant4-DNA can use Geant4 geometry modelling capabilities We have built a cell nucleus (15 μm diameter) containing 6×109 base pairs of DNA in the B-DNA conformation Containing randomly oriented and non-overlapping fragments of chromatine fibers Based on voxellized nucleus phantom (see « microbeam » advanced example)
Frequency of energy deposition in DNA backbone It is possible to simulate the frequency of energy deposition events in the sugar-phosphate volumes (backbone) of the DNA segments contained in the whole nucleus This allows for the quantification of DNA direct strand breaks
Estimating DNA damages Possibility to investigate direct single and double strand breaks Results depend mainly on Energy threshold value for induction of a single strand break Fixed threshold (8.22 eV) Linear probability (à la PARTRAC) Geometrical volumes of sugar-phosphate groups (backbone) Reasonnable agreement with experimental data Difficult to clearly distinguish direct from non-direct effects Nucl. Instrum. Methods B, in press (2013)
Including chromosomal territories Voxellized appoach Voxels cotain a chromatine fiber element of 6 nucleosomes, each including 2 x 100 base pair B-DNA loops The B-DNA sequence follows the ratio 6:4 (A-T VS G-C) 46 chromosomes are built from a random walk approach Each chromosome has a selectable overall shape Sphere, cylinder, box 5.4x104 voxels 46 chromosomes KEK/CENBG
Toward skin tissue The geometrical model was extended to a skin-like tissue Top view of three layers of skin-like tissue. One layer consists 100 voxels with 100 x 100 x 10 micrometer µm3 volume each. Each voxel contains one nucleus shown as a green sphere that includes the 46 choromosomes. Deliver a Geant4-DNA example KEK/CENBG
c) Software performance
Improving the computation speed of Geant4-DNA Hot spots requiring heavy CPU usage will be identified through profiling Improvement of existing models is proposed, focusing first on two major processes Simulation of electron elastic scattering – dominant process at low energy Electron & proton ionization speed-up (Born) Main energy loss mecanism Speed improvement on-going through switching to cumulated single differential cross sections
d) Application: targeted radiotherapy
I-125 located at cell nucleus I-125 located at cell membrane Radionuclide therapy with 125I labeled antibodies to HER Use Geant4-DNA physical processes: ionization, excitation, vibration excitation, electron attachment in water Distribution of energy deposit Electron trajectory (50keV) 100μm 100μm to simulate energy deposition (or dose) in cell nucleus or membrane by Auger electrons (I-125) Simple cell phantom Energy deposit (dose) / decay of I-125 I-125 located at cell nucleus I-125 located at cell membrane Energy deposit in nucleus (dose) 9.3keV (3.7mGy) 0.4keV (0.18mGy) in cytoplasm (dose) 4.4keV (0.26mGy) 6.6keV (0.38mGy) in membrane (dose) 0.001keV (0.09mGy) 0.15keV (10mGy) human epidermal growth factor receptor, or HER1 Diameter of cell nucleus: 10μm Size of cell: 20 μm Thickness membrane: 5 nm The simulation results will be useful for the optimization of injected dose and configuration of RI
TRI with Geant4-DNA accuracy More accurate cellular geometries Cellular phantoms (eg. Rad Prot. Dos. 133 (2009) 2-11 ) Include new cross section models for biological targets Theory (including quantum chemistry : GAUSSIAN) Experiments at Kyoto U. Simulate oxydative radical generation, interaction and transportation in cells Other radioemitters At-211 alpha emitter accuracy
Bio-2 collaboration matters
Participants France Japan C. Champion CENBG K. Amako KEK S. Incerti S. Hasegawa NIRS (M. Karamitros) Y. Hirano A. Itoh Kyoto U. A. Kimura Ashikaga IT K. Murakami C. Omachi Nagoya city hosp. T. Sasaki
Budget request for 2013 Request from France Request from Japan 2 french visitors to KEK & Kyoto U. Participation to experimental program (possibly participate to a Geant4 Japanese tutorial) Request from Japan 3 japanese visitors to CENBG for a week Note: we do not befenit from any other funding for Japan-France collaboration around Geant4-DNA & Geant4
Geant4-DNA from the Internet A unique web site for Geant4-DNA: Fully included in Geant4
Thank you very much