Accommodation policy discussions continued after the August 11, 2011 TETN. Therefore some updates have been made since the original broadcast. Those updates are included in this PowerPoint in purple and will be posted to the Accommodations Resources Page with these additions. Revised slides have also been indicated in the footer. Revised 9/9/11 TETN #10958 TEA Student Assessment Division 2
Disclaimer These slides have been prepared and approved by the Student Assessment Division of the Texas Education Agency. If any slide is amended or revised for use in local or regional trainings, please remove the TEA footer at the bottom of the slide. 3 8/11/2011 TETN #10414 TEA Student Assessment Division
Agenda Accommodation Resources web pages Critical Information About Accommodation for Students With Disabilities The Accommodation Triangle Detailed Accommodation Documents Large Print, Dictionary, and Calculator Revised 9/9/11 TETN #10958 TEA Student Assessment Division 4
5 8/11/2011 TETN #10414 TEA Student Assessment Division
accommodations/ 8/11/2011 TETN #10414 TEA Student Assessment Division8
8/11/2011 TETN #10414 TEA Student Assessment Division10
The triangle on the website will be changing… fewer accommodations in Type 1 and more “Related Testing Procedures” will be available to ANY students. More on this to come. 8/11/2011 TETN #10414 TEA Student Assessment Division11
12 Revised 9/9/11 TETN #10958 TEA Student Assessment Division
CRITICAL INFORMATION ABOUT ACCOMMODATIONS FOR STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES Applies to STAAR STAAR Modified STAAR L TELPAS A disability limits a student’s activity or restricts a student’s participation during classroom instruction and testing 13 8/11/2011 TETN #10414 TEA Student Assessment Division
Students who need accommodations due to a disability include: A student with an identified disability who receives special education services A student with an identified disability who receives Section 504 services A student with a disabling condition who does not receive special education or Section 504 services but who meets established eligibility criteria for certain accommodations 8/11/2011 TETN #10414 TEA Student Assessment Division14
Accommodations are changes to instructional materials, procedures, or techniques that allow a student with disabilities to participate in grade-level or course instruction and testing must be individualized for each student should be routinely used during classroom instruction and testing should be evaluated regularly to determine effectiveness and to help plan for accommodations the student will need each year 8/11/2011 TETN #10414 TEA Student Assessment Division15
Accommodations are not changes to the performance criteria of an assignment or assessment are not changes to the content being assessed and should not replace the teaching of subject-specific knowledge and skills as outlined in the TEKS should not be provided to an entire group of students, such as those in the same class or disability should not be provided to a student year-to-year without evidence of effectiveness 8/11/2011 TETN #10414 TEA Student Assessment Division16
Routinely, Independently, and Effectively Routinely Used often enough that student is familiar and comfortable using accommodation on a statewide assessment Not necessarily used every day Independently Only applicable to some accommodations (e.g., applies to use of a calculator but not to an oral administration) Effectively Accommodation meets student needs as evidenced by scores and observations with or without accommodation use 17 8/11/2011 TETN #10414 TEA Student Assessment Division
Responsibilities of Educators having knowledge of the TEKS understanding the relationship between a student’s performance and the TEKS providing effective accommodations for a student who has a disability collecting data to determine if an accommodation is effective for the student making adjustments and changes in accommodations based on student need from year to year 18 8/11/2011 TETN #10414 TEA Student Assessment Division
Remember Some accommodations may be appropriate for classroom use, but may not be appropriate or allowed on a statewide assessment This should not discourage the use of appropriate accommodations in the classroom 8/11/2011 TETN #10414 TEA Student Assessment Division19
Classroom instruction provides an opportunity to learn every day uses a variety of instructional techniques allows each student to maximize academic potential Statewide assessment measures mastery of state-mandated curriculum must be valid, reliable, and secure 8/11/2011 TETN #10414 TEA Student Assessment Division20
21 Revised 9/9/11 TETN #10958 TEA Student Assessment Division
The Accommodation Triangle Revised 9/9/11 TETN #10958 TEA Student Assessment Division Related Testing Procedures
The Accommodation Triangle Organizes accommodations for students with disabilities in accordance with the specificity of the eligibility criteria and the need for TEA approval (Accommodation Request Form) before the accommodation can be used on a statewide assessment. No longer categorized by Presentation, Response, Setting, or Timing/Scheduling 23 8/11/2011 TETN #10414 TEA Student Assessment Division
Related Testing Procedures Available to any student who routinely uses them in both instruction and testing (not necessarily limited to Special Ed or Section 504) No longer considered an “accommodation” Treated just like highlighters have been in previous years Will not be collected on the answer document Revised 9/9/11 TETN #10958 TEA Student Assessment Division 24 Related Testing Procedures
Individual administration Small-group administration Reading test aloud to self Preferential seating Magnifying devices Overlays (colored or magnifying) Highlighters Clock, watch, or timer Place markers (Potentially more to come…) 25 Revised 9/9/11 TETN #10958 TEA Student Assessment Division Some examples of Related Testing Procedures:
Type 1 Accommodations Available for students who have a specific need and who meet this one eligibility criterion: Student must routinely, independently (when applicable), and effectively use the accommodation during classroom instruction and testing. No Accommodation Request Form should be submitted to TEA for Type 1 Accommodations /11/2011 TETN #10414 TEA Student Assessment Division
Some examples of Type 1 accommodations: Individual or Small-Group Administration Reading Test Aloud to Self Magnifying or Projection Devices Amplification Devices (Potentially more to come…) 27 Revised 9/9/11 TETN #10958 TEA Student Assessment Division
Type 2 Accommodations Available for students who have a specific need and who meet two or more eligibility criteria. No Accommodation Request Form should be submitted to TEA for Type 2 Accommodations /11/2011 TETN #10414 TEA Student Assessment Division
Some examples of Type 2 accommodations : Large Print Braille Calculation Devices Dictionary Oral/Signed Administration Supplemental Aids Manipulating Test Materials 29 8/11/2011 TETN #10414 TEA Student Assessment Division
Type 3 Accommodations Available for students who meet all of the eligibility criteria and, if so, an Accommodation Request Form is submitted to TEA. Any accommodation that requires the submission and approval of an Accommodation Request Form must be documented in the student’s paperwork as "pending TEA approval." 30 8/11/2011 TETN #10414 TEA Student Assessment Division 3
Type 3 Accommodations Some examples of Type 3 accommodations: Photocopy Extra Day Also includes accommodations that are listed as “Other” in the Accommodation Triangle. An Accommodation Request Form must be submitted to TEA. The request must be approved by TEA before a student can use the accommodation on the statewide assessment. 31 8/11/2011 TETN #10414 TEA Student Assessment Division
The triangle will be updated. 8/11/2011 TETN #10414 TEA Student Assessment Division32
This type of document opens when the link to an accommodation in the triangle is clicked. 33
34 Revised 9/9/11 TETN #10958 TEA Student Assessment Division
This section provides a general description of the accommodation and who may need it. The statewide assessments that the accommodation may be used on are listed in this section. This section lists the criteria that a student must meet to use the accommodation. The checkboxes are provided for possible record-keeping. 8/11/2011 TETN #10414 TEA Student Assessment Division35
This section lists the campus personnel and the required documentation necessary for making accommodation decisions. This section also explains what to record on the student answer document. This section states if an Accommodation Request Form is/is not required. This section lists examples and types of the accommodation that may be used on a statewide assessment. 8/11/2011 TETN #10414 TEA Student Assessment Division36 Accommodation Request Form required.
This section provides detailed information that is integral to the appropriate use of each accommodation. For instance, the section may include test administration instructions, security precautions, and training requirements. The intent of this section is to assist districts in making accommodation decisions. It will be updated as needed based on educator feedback. This section will not be included on all accommodations. 8/11/2011 TETN #10414 TEA Student Assessment Division37
The new Related Testing Procedures will have their own descriptions that will include some examples and special considerations. They will NOT be documented as an accommodation on the answer documents. 38 Revised 9/9/11 TETN #10958 TEA Student Assessment Division
39 8/11/2011 TETN #10414 TEA Student Assessment Division
Large Print Type 2 accommodation Applies only to STAAR STAAR Modified STAAR L /11/2011 TETN #10414 TEA Student Assessment Division
Any student may use this accommodation if he or she routinely and effectively uses large-print materials, including text books, worksheets, etc., during classroom instruction and testing meets at least one of the following: has an impairment in vision has a disability that affects accuracy in tracking letter to letter, word to word, and/or line to line has a physical disability which necessitates the use of large-print materials to accurately indicate responses 41 8/11/2011 TETN #10414 TEA Student Assessment Division
Use caution when ordering large-print tests; new tracking system to alert TEA to over-ordering. Point Size and Font Matrix document on Accommodations Resources webpage will be updated to include STAAR. For students who need a larger print size than offered in the large-print test refer to the Photocopy accommodation policy (posted at a later date). For TELPAS reading tests, technology-based accommodations enable most students who need a large-print accommodation to test online. In rare cases in which technology-based accommodations are not appropriate, large-print TELPAS reading paper booklets can be ordered through a special request process (more information posted at a later date). 42 8/11/2011 TETN #10414 TEA Student Assessment Division
Dictionary Type 2 accommodation Applies only to grades 3–5 STAAR reading tests grades 3–5 STAAR Modified reading tests /11/2011 TETN #10414 TEA Student Assessment Division
A student may use this accommodation if he or she receives Section 504 or special education services routinely, independently, and effectively use this accommodation during classroom instruction and testing Examples of dictionaries that can be used as an accommodation standard bound dictionary (not subject-specific) electronic dictionary (no Internet access) ESL dictionary picture dictionary sign language dictionary 44 8/11/2011 TETN #10414 TEA Student Assessment Division
Calculation Devices Type 2 accommodation Applies only to STAAR grades 3-8 mathematics tests and STAAR grades 5 and 8 science tests STAAR Modified grades 3-8 mathematics tests and STAAR Modified grades 5 and 8 science tests STAAR L grades 3-8 mathematics tests and STAAR L grades 5 and 8 science tests /11/2011 TETN #10414 TEA Student Assessment Division
A student may use this accommodation if he or she receives Section 504 or special education services, routinely, independently, and effectively uses this accommodation during classroom instruction and testing, and meets one of the following for the applicable grade. 8/11/2011 TETN #10414 TEA Student Assessment Division46
Grades 3 and 4 The student has a physical disability that prevents him or her from independently writing the numbers required for computations and cannot effectively use other allowable accommodations to address this need (e.g., whiteboards, graph paper). The student has an impairment in vision that prevents him or her from seeing the numbers they have written during computations and cannot effectively use other allowable accommodations to address this need (e.g., CCTV, magnifier). 8/11/2011 TETN #10414 TEA Student Assessment Division47
Grades 5 through 8 The student has a physical disability that prevents him or her from independently writing the numbers required for computations and cannot effectively use other allowable accommodations to address this need (e.g., whiteboard, graph paper). The student has an impairment in vision that prevents him or him or her from seeing the numbers they have written during computations and cannot effectively use other allowable accommodations to address this need (e.g. CCTV, magnifier. The student has a disability that affects mathematics calculations. Even after intensive instruction and remediation is consistently unable to memorize basic addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division facts or perform the steps in an algorithm correctly when solving problems. 8/11/2011 TETN #10414 TEA Student Assessment Division48
Large-key calculator Abacus or Cranmer modified abacus Speech-output calculator 49 8/11/2011 TETN #10414 TEA Student Assessment Division
Phone: (512) FAX: (512) or 50 TEA Student Assessment Division Contact Information 8/18/2010 TETN #7928 TEA Student Assessment Division