Zhechka Toteva IT/DI-SM CMDB in Snow Zhechka Toteva IT/DI-SM
Service Now CMDB
Today’s topic Service Catalogue Structure Computer Centre Servers Service Area, Customer Service, Service Element, Functional Element, SE-FE relation, Service Offering Computer Centre Servers Server, Cluster, Warranty, Rack Other computing and network devices Desktop, IP-phone, Telephone, Printer Equipment Items Repair contract Organisation data People, Group, Organic unit, Budget Code
Service Catalogue EXPORT Is run by house-built Java based middleware Feeds SNOW@FOUNDEXT_SERVICE_PROD Is used by “AIS roles” and “Phonebook” applications Direct interfaces SOAP - <URI>?WSDL XML - <URI>?XML CSV - <URI>?CSV JSON -<URI>?JSON * URI = https://cerndev.service-now.com/cmdb_ci_service.do
Computer Centre Servers Server related objects in ServiceNow * The number represent sonly the locations that host servers Warranty (148) Vendor (54) Rack (1194) Server (17308) Location (31*) Cluster Node (17331) Cluster (1280) We do not mark retired machines
Servers IMPORT (only from Oracle data sources) 1066 Puppet 13510 Quattor IMPORT (only from Oracle data sources) Snow table column Snow table Source for Puppet Source for CDB Cluster Server/Cluster/Cluster Node Puppet_nodes CDB Contract Type Server Department CDB/SDB Importance IT Contact Last Modified in CDB - Location CDB? Hardware Model Name Operating System Rack Server/Rack LANDB Serial Number Vendor Warranty
Servers - II IMPORT (only from Oracle data sources) IMPORT E-groups from LDAP Snow table column Snow table OFTB Source Main User Configuration Item yes LANDB Responsible User Main Group no Responsible Group Location Manufacturer Name Serial Number Inventory Number Class name Model Updated at CERN
Questions How can we have last updated time for Puppet Machines? How can we have vendor information for Puppet machines? How can we have warranty information for Puppet machines? How can we get the retired machines? From where should we get location, serial number and model number? CDB? LANDB? Other?