Strategic Planning Training New Mexico Strategic Prevention Framework State Incentive Grant February 22, 2006 Paula Feathers Southwest Center for Applied Prevention Technologies
Strategic Planning Agenda Welcome and Introductions Group Work Agreement Review Objectives Review-Visit Assessment and Capacity phase Prioritizing Intervening Variables Planning Process Reviewing the Plan and ensuring it is being implemented Report requirements Closure Training evaluation
Strategic Planning Training Objectives Prioritize Intervening Variables according to severity and existing capacity. Identify benchmarks, recruitment strategies, and action steps for capacity in each Intervening Variable. Identify action steps for continual assessment of each Intervening Variable.
Strategic Planning Training Objectives Identify a goal for each Intervening Variable and objectives that address contributing factors for each Intervening Variable Identify strategies that are: population appropriate, evidence-based, theory derived, or based on practical knowledge, and consider community readiness for each Intervening Variable.
Strategic Planning Training Objectives Ensure cultural competence and sustainability throughout the strategic planning process. Identify a process to review progress towards benchmarks and action steps included in the strategic plan.
SPF SIG New Mexico Community Logic Model Reducing alcohol-related youth traffic fatalities High rate of alcohol- related crash mortality Among 15 to 24 year olds Low or discount PRICING of alcohol Easy RETAIL ACCESS to Alcohol for youth Easy SOCIAL ACCESS to Alcohol Media Advocacy to Increase Community Concern about Underage Drinking Restrictions on alcohol advertising in youth markets SOCIAL NORMS accepting and/or encouraging youth drinking PROMOTION of alcohol use (advertising, movies, music, etc) Low ENFORCEMENT of alcohol laws Underage DRINKING AND DRIVING Social Event Monitoring and Enforcement Bans on alcohol price promotions and happy hours Young Adult BINGE DRINKING Enforce underage retail sales laws Intervening Variables Strategies (Examples) Substance- Related Consequences Substance Use Low PERCEIVED RISK of alcohol use Young Adult DRINKING AND DRIVING Underage BINGE DRINKING
Capacity Check In 1.What good things have you learned about your community as a result of your capacity efforts? 2.What has been challenging? 3.What resources or allies did you discover during this process? 4.Which allies are not currently present? In your communities, answer the following questions:
Promotion Social Norms Social Access Easy Retail Access Low Perceived Risk Low Enforcement Low Prices Substance Use year olds involved in alcohol-related vehicle crashes and crash fatalities
Intervening Variables Review Contributing Factors : 1.For each of the 7 Intervening Variables, list all contributing factors your community has identified. 2.Record your answers on flipchart paper. 3.Share with larger group
Intervening Variables Review Example: Easy Retail Access
Intervening Variables Review Easy Retail Access Low Enforcement Low Perceived Risk Social Access Social Norms Promotion Discount Pricing 2. Record your answers on flipchart paper. 3. Share with larger group 1. For each of the 7 Intervening Variables, list all contributing factors your community has identified.
Strategic Planning Strategic Planning involves the development of a strategic plan that includes programs, practices, and policies that create a logical, data driven plan to address the problems identified during assessment. Strategic planning actions include: identifying goals, objectives, strategies, benchmarks, and performance targets.
Strategic Planning and the SPF SIG Our Logic Model and process is data driven. Capacity is built around Intervening Variable contributing factors identified in assessment. The Strategic Plan will take everything we have learned from our data and turn that into a prevention implementation guide.
Strategic Plan Benchmarks Comprehensive Strategic Plan Action Plan/Steps Performance Monitoring –Needle moving –Project itself Evaluation Plan and Performance Measures
Strategic Plan Other considerations: Community Readiness Cultural Competence Sustainability
Strategic Planning Process 1.Prioritize Intervening Variables. 2.For each Intervening Variable: Identify Goal Identify objectives for each contributing factor. Identify evidence-based programs, practices, and policies to address each contributing factor. Identify action steps for continual assessment. Develop capacity plan. Ensure Cultural Competence and Sustainability
Strategic Planning Process 3. Establish a process for reviewing progress towards action steps and benchmarks.
Step 1: Prioritizing Intervening Variables Before the strategic plan can be developed, Intervening Variables must be prioritized. Prioritization will be based on: – Severity –Capacity –Ability to Implement Strategies
Prioritizing Intervening Variables 4 questions to answer for a data driven prioritization process: 1.How do you weigh your data? 2.What criteria will you use in regard to your methodology and sources? 3.How will you balance your findings from quantitative data vs. qualitative data? 4.How will you address polarized findings?
Prioritizing Intervening Variables Severity: The seriousness of a hazard if not properly controlled The severity of a loss is a measure of the amount of harm caused by the loss. The measure may be qualitative or quantitative, and a variety of measures may be used: financial loss, number of people affected, or political impact, for example.
Prioritizing Intervening Variables Capacity: Based on your capacity assessment, which Intervening Variables have enough capacity to begin implementing strategies? If there is a severe need, but a lack of capacity, capacity needs to be built before efforts begin.
Prioritizing Intervening Variables Ability to Implement: What is the readiness of your community? Does ground work need to be laid? Political will: Does work need to be done in the political arena before a strategy can be implemented? Initiatives that can experience quick success may be needed first to assist with community mobilization.
Prioritizing Intervening Variables Create a strategic plan for each intervening variable. Even if the data at this time does not support an Intervening Variable, do not rule it out.
Prioritizing Intervening Variables 1.Based on the assessment data you have for each Intervening Variable, prioritize them based on : Severity Capacity Ability to Implement strategies. 2.Record your response on flip chart paper. 3.Share with the larger group.
Promotion Social Norms Social Access Easy Retail Access Low Perceived Risk Low Enforcement Low Prices Substance Use year olds involved in alcohol-related vehicle crashes and crash fatalities
Low Enforcement Lack of Sobriety Check Points Sales to Intoxicated People DWI convictions result in Minimum consequence Youth are able To Purchase Alcohol At various stores No Law Enforcement Currently Involved No Judicial officials Experts involved Low Priority for small Police Force Low Priority for small Police Force
Prioritizing Intervening Variables 1.Based on the assessment data you have for each Intervening Variable, prioritize them based on : Severity Capacity Ability to Implement strategies. 2.Record your response on flip chart paper. 3.Share with the larger group.
Goals and Objectives What information from this activity was useful? What challenges do you foresee? Questions or concerns?
Step 2: Planning for each Intervening Variable 2.For each Intervening Variable: Identify Goal Identify objectives for each contributing factor. Identify evidence-based programs, practices, and policies (strategies) for each contributing factor. Identify action steps for continual assessment. Develop capacity plan. Ensure Cultural Competence and Sustainability
Step 2: Planning for each Intervening Variable Identify Goal for Intervening Variable: Goals provide general purpose and direction. They are the end result of ultimate accomplishment toward which an effort is directed. They generally should reflect perceived present and future need. They must be capable of being effectively pursued. Source:
Step 2: Planning for each Intervening Variable Example: Alcohol is not illegally or inappropriately available to adolescents and young adults in social settings. Provides general purpose and direction Ultimate accomplishment Reflect current and future need Capable of being pursued
Step 2: Planning for each Intervening Variable Identify objectives for each contributing factor identified in the assessment: A concrete statement describing what the project is trying to achieve. The objective should be written at a “low” level so that it can be evaluated at the conclusion of a project to see whether it was achieved or not. A well-worded objective will be Specific, Measurable, Attainable/Achievable, Realistic and Time bound (SMART). Source:
Step 2: Planning for each Intervening Variable Example: Goal: Alcohol is not illegally or inappropriately available to adolescents and young adults in social settings. Objective: Reduce the percentage of parents reported to provide alcohol to their minor children by 20% by May 30, 2006.
Step 2: Planning for each Intervening Variable Example: Objective: Reduce the percentage of parents reported who provide alcohol to their minor children by 20% by May 30, Specific Measurable Attainable Realistic Time bound
Step 2: Planning for each Intervening Variable Evaluation of Objective: For each objective discuss evaluation methods in report. Will receive further guidance from BAI
Step 2: Planning for each Intervening Variable Community Practice: 1.Write a goal statement for your top prioritized Intervening Variable. 2.Write and objective based on the data your community has identified. 3.Write them on flip chart paper. 4.Share goals and objectives with others.
Goals and Objectives What information from this activity was useful? What challenges do you foresee? Questions or concerns?
Step 2: Planning for each Intervening Variable Identify evidence-based programs, practices, and policies (strategies). Strategies should meet one of the following: 1. Evidence-based 2. Limited evidence 3. Logic Driven
Step 2: Planning for each Intervening Variable 1.Evidence-based: there is sufficient research and evidence to demonstrate effectiveness as identified by a meta- analysis or expert peer panel. Example: Sobriety check points Enforcement of minimum age purchasing laws
Step 2: Planning for each Intervening Variable 2.Limited evidence: Strategies that are supported by evidence or individual studies, but that are not as rigorous as meta-analysis studies. Example: Pulling people over who are speeding or not wearing seatbelts. “Parents who host lose the most” campaign.
Step 2: Planning for each Intervening Variable 3.Logic driven: strategies that have not been widely researched, and are derived from logic or theory. Example: Party Patrols Key Registration Elimination of year olds in bars
Step 2: Planning for each Intervening Variable Community Activity: –Using the list of contributing factors you developed this morning, identify possible logic driven strategies. –You will be given time for each Intervening Variable. –Record your answers on flip chart paper. –Share with larger group.
Logic Driven Strategies What information from this activity is beneficial? Do you foresee any challenges? Questions or concerns?
Step 2: Planning for each Intervening Variable Goal: Alcohol is not illegally or inappropriately available to adolescents and young adults in social settings. Objective: Reduce the percentage of parents reported to provide alcohol to their minor children by 20% by May 30, Strategy: Increase parental knowledge of underage drinking laws by disseminating “Parents Who Host Lose the Most” information cards to 4,000 APS High School Parents.
Step 2: Planning for each Intervening Variable Strategies continued: Goal: Have comprehensive strategies for each contributing factor. Comprehensive addresses: Norms Regulations Availability Source: Environmental Change Theory Into Prevention Practice By Michael Klitzner, Ph.D.
Step 2: Planning for each Intervening Variable Strategy: Increase parental knowledge of underage drinking laws by disseminating “Parents Who Host Lose the Most” information cards to 4,000 APS High School Parents. Which of the 3-pronged approach does this example fall under? Norms Regulations Availability
Merchant Education Low Enforcement Retailers ID compliance checks Sobriety Check Points Rewards for not Selling to intoxicated patrons Media Campaign Behavior Changes Behavior Changes Decrease year olds Alcohol related classes Community Action group Sheriff's office Inputs Outputs Short Term Outcomes Long Term Outcomes Community Change
Strategic Planning Practice Community Activity: 1.Develop a goal for Social Access and Retail Access. 2.Choose one contributing factor for each and develop an objective and identify a strategy. 3.Refer to: – PIRE review –Handout pages: Share with other communities
Strategic Planning Practice What new ideas or information did you get from this exercise? What challenges are you aware of? Questions or concerns?
Strategic Plan Review Process Plans will continuously need to be monitored and reviewed. Why? Evaluate progress Accountability Make necessary changes Account for new data Management
Strategic Plan Review Community Activity: 1.List ways you have or you plan to review and monitor your plan. 2.Record answers on flip chart. 3.Share with larger group.
Report Requirements Michael Coop
Strategic Planning Training Objectives Prioritize Intervening Variables according to severity and existing capacity. Identify benchmarks, recruitment strategies, and action steps for capacity in each Intervening Variable. Identify action steps for continual assessment of each Intervening Variable.
Strategic Planning Training Objectives Identify a goal for each Intervening Variable and objectives that address contributing factors for each Intervening Variable Identify strategies that are: population appropriate, evidence-based, theory derived, or based on practical knowledge, and consider community readiness for each Intervening Variable.
Strategic Planning Training Objectives Ensure cultural competence and sustainability throughout the strategic planning process. Identify a process to review progress towards benchmarks and action steps included in the strategic plan.
Evaluation Final thoughts or concerns? Please fill out evaluation-only for today’s training, please do not include yesterday’s meeting. Thank you and safe travels! PowerPoint can be found at: Click on Southwest CAPT, then on the state of New Mexico.