CONTENTS Introducing RAL Prov Management Framework Road Network Road Management Strategy Priority Roads Criteria for Tarring Tarring Programme Conclusion
Rationale & Context In 1994 over personnel were responsible for roads. Unskilled personnel were not proportionately distributed in regions/districts. Excess staff in general. Shortage of labourers in some regions. Shortage of managers. A larger portion of the budget went into salaries and wages. Moratorium on appointment of personnel.
New Role Road network to be repositioned to serve a new role. Support the political agenda of democracy, integration and unity. It must promote access to different geographic and cultural areas. Support economic growth and development. Prioritise unconnected communities. Provide affordable access to areas of social and economic opportunities.
RAL Established Roads Agency established to own and manage Provincial roads. Only a small and key engineering staff was transferred. It had to remain small and agile. Rely on private sector for roads delivery. No equipment, no workshops & no labourers. Fast procurement process and specialised staff. Mandate: BE DIFFERENT – BE EFFICIENT
Shareholding MEC a shareholder on behalf of government. Responsible for: –Setting strategic direction. –Providing the budget. –Approving annual business plan. Shareholder’s Expectations: –Maintenance of roads in acceptable condition relative to budget. –Spending the budget on time. –Compliance with laws, policies, and regulations. –Achieving business plan objectives.
Legal Framework NPRA & Provincial Roads Act 7 of –Gives it ownership and management of roads. –Planning, design, construction, maintenance, rehabilitation, and control.
Legal Framework This means that: –The provincial govt has full powers and responsibility over provincial roads. –Any legislation required has to be passed by the legislature. –The Agency has a legal responsibility as an owner. –The directors are legally answerable for its operations and conduct.
Prov Mangement Framework Roads classified according to functional hierachy. Ownership goes accordingly. Each roads authority is backed by constitution and laws. Roads have to be developed and maintained irrespective of ownership authority. All Roads Authorities need to cooperate to preserve the integrity of the network.
Creating Prov Framework Provincial roads have been classified accordingly Gazzetted all as public roads. Transferring some to national govt. SANRAL taken about 1 500km. Gazzetted the transfer of all municipal roads to districts. Districts to agree on the classification with local municipalities. All roads authorities have to plan together.
ROAD NETWORK km, Only 6 638km tarred. Former Transvaal better: –Waterberg 1 995km –Vhembe 1 287km –Capricorn 867km –Mopani 1 181km –Sekhukhune 1 308km
ROAD MANAGEMENT STRATEGY Priority is preventative maintenance to avoid deterioration. Selective routine maintenance –Prioritise patching of potholes. –Installation and cleaning of drainage structures. –Selective/Spot improvements of gravel roads –Limited regravelling –Seasonal grass-cutting in some areas Tarring new roads.
CRITERIA FOR TARRING Tarring of priority roads –Connecting the Province. –Connecting North to South and East to West. –Creating a grid pattern. –10km to a tarred road for everyone. –High traffic volumes (600 vehicles/day. –Linking settlements with areas of social and economic opportunities. –Prioritizing neglected/isolated areas. –Connecting mining, tourism and agricultural dev areas.
PRIORITY ROADS Agricultural roads –1 921km at R7.684b. –Overlaps with tourism roads. Tourism –2 771km at R11.084b. –Overlaps with agricultural roads. Mining –668km at R2 672b. Hospital access roads. –183.5km at R734m Priority network –Total is 3 300km. –Costing R13.2b.
TOURISM ROADS Vhembe Makonde-Masisi Tarring of 55km at R220m 11km completed. Mukula-Mhinga Tarring of 33km completed. N1-Vleifontein-Vuwani-Malamulele- Altein/Shangoni Kruger Gate. Tarring 53km at R212m. 28km completed Tshisaulu-Donald Frazer Tarring 17km at R68m. 8km to be completed end March 2009.
TOURISM ROADS Vhembe Matavhela-Muswodi Tarring of 27km completed. Dumasi-Mavambe Tarring 11km completed. Vhurivhuri-Lambani-Mahagala- Mhinga-Maphophe-Bevhula-Altein. Tarring 65km at R260m. Mutele-Sagole-Moswodi Tarring 40km at R160m.
TOURISM ROADS Vhembe Tshandama-Tshixwadza-Siloam Tarring 50km at R200m. P135/1-Bale-Dambale-Sagole Tarring 15km at R60m. Total for Vhembe 399km at R1 596m
TOURISM ROADS Mopani Giyani-Phalaborwa Tarring 61km at R244m. 34km completed. Modjadji-Mokwakwaila-Bambeni-Nkomo. Tarring of 56km at R224m. 34km completed. Giyani-Thomo-Altein Tarring 15km at R60m Burgersdorp-Gravellote. Tarring 27km at R108m.
TOURISM ROADS Mopani Tzaneen-Letsitele. Rehabilitation 64km at R256m. Deerpak-Moruji Tarring 19km at R76m. Mooketsi-Houtbosdorp. Tarring 30km at R120m. Mushiyani-Dzumeri-GaMokgwathi- GaWale-Nwa-Mitwa-Morutji. Tarring 79km at R316m. 22km to be completed end March 2009.
TOURISM ROADS Mopani Houtbosdorp-Magobaskloof. Tarring of 9km at R36m. Thomo-Mahlathi-Ndindani-Hlomela-Mbaula. Tarring 51km at R204km. Trichardtsdal-Metz. Tarring 30km at R120m. Timbavati Reserve Tarring 11km at R44m. Total for Mopani 423km at R1 692m.
TOURISM ROADS Waterberg Marulaneng-Segole-GaRapadi- Marken. Tarring 46km at 184m. GaSeleka-Kauletsi-Abbotspoort- GaMonyeki-Mmatladi. Tarring 30km at R120m. Modimolle-Vaalwater-Lephalale. Rehabilitating 120km at R240m. Modimolle-Marble Hall. Rehabilitating 83km at R166m.
TOURISM ROADS Waterberg Marble Hall-Mokopane- Groblersbrug (SANRAL). Rehabilitating 189km at R378m. Mokopane-Marken. Rehabilitating 102km at R91.8m. GaKgabudi-Bakenburg. Tarring of 18km completed. Dwaalboom to D1173 next to border. Tarring 36km at R144m.
TOURISM ROADS Waterberg Dwaalboom to D1173 next to border. Tarring 36km at R144m. Swartklip Mine-Thabazimbi Rural. Tarring 87km at R348m. Thabazimbi-Buffelsdrift border gate Tarring 77km at R308m. Mookgopong-Alma-Thabazimbi. Tarring 138km at R552m.
TOURISM ROADS Waterberg Mookgopong-Melkery-Marken. Tarring 49km at R196m. Tolwe to Road D887. Tarring 31km at R124m. Merekeli Natonal Park-Leeupoort. Tarring 36km at R144m. Road D2460-D112. Tarring 23km at R92m.
TOURISM ROADS Waterberg Bela-Bela to Alma. Tarring 47km at R188m. GaMotlana-GaMalekwa-GaRapadi. Tarring 26km at R104m. Lephalle-Stockpoort border post. Tarring 35km at R140m. Total 1 172km at R3.664b.
TOURISM ROADS Capricorn Bochum-Blauwberg. Tarring 73km at R292m. Mafefe-Sekororo. Tarring 68km at R272m. Schiermonikoog-Kromhoek-Grootpan. Tarring 68km at R272m. 26km completed. Polokwane-Mooketsi-Duiwelskloof. Rehab of 101km at R404m. Lebowakgomo-Mokopane. Rehab of 70km at R63m.
TOURISM ROADS Capricorn Sekhung- My Darling. Tarring 37km at R148m. Bochum – Vivo. Tarring 24km at R96m. Bochum-Mobotha-Dikgale-Mahlwareng- Manaka-Driekoppies-Windhoek. Tarring 78km at R312m. Haenertsburg-GaMothapo. Tarring 34km at R136m. Total of 434km at R1.995b
TOURISM ROADS Sekhukhune Flag Boshielo Dam-Veeplats-Apel- Mmabulela. Tarring 69km at R276km. 47km completed. Sekiti-Sehlaku-Mamphahlane. Tarring 46km at R184m. Penge-Mmamogolo-Motsane-Malemeko- Mafefe. Tarring of 35km completed. Total of 150km at R600m. Total Tourism Roads 1 172km at R4.688 billion.
MINING ROADS Dilokong Corridor (Sekhukhune) Polokwane Bugerfort Transferred to SANRAL Needs widening Flag Boshielo Dam to Apel (crossing Polokwane Bugersfort road. Mafefe-Lekgalameetsi Nature Reserve to Trichardtsdal. To Gravelotte, then Phalaborwa. Needs tarring of 137km at R548m
MINING ROADS Dilokong Corridor Cont … Atok mines to Driekop 59km at R236m Kromdraai-Nebo to Ga-Masha. Needs taring of 35km at R140m. Maololo-Mphanama-Dikobeleng to Matokomane to Penge. Needs tarring for 69km at R276m Ga-Marishane-Mathapisa kromdraai. Needs tarring for 37km at R148m.
MINING ROADS Dilokong Corridor Cont … Mafefe-GaMokgotho to Penge. Needs tarring of 35km at R140m. Sekiti-Sehlaku-GaMampuru to GaMasha. Tarring 46km at R184m.
MINING ROADS East West Sub-Corridor (Waterburg) GaKgabudi-Bakenburg-Phaka to Marken Tarring of 64km at R256m. Lephalale to Stokpoort border post. Tarring 35km at R280m. GaSeleka to Shongwane. Tarring 30km completed. Polokwane to Gillead Rehabilitating 25km at R100m
MINING ROADS East West Cont … Swartklip mine to the border North- West of Thabazambi. Tarring 87km at R348m. Modimolle-Vaalwater to Lephalale. Rehabilitating 120km at R240m. Modimolle to Marble Hall Rehabilitating 83km at R176m. N11 Marble Hall-Mokopane to Groblersbrug (SANRAL). Resealing & Rehabilitating 189km at R124m.
MINING ROADS Vhembe District Makonde to Masisi (Tshikondeni Mine). Tarring of 55km at R220m. 11km completed. Total Cost of Mining Roads R2.752m for 688km
AGRICULTURAL ROADS Vhembe Dumasi-Mavambe Tarring of 11km completed. Tshakhuma-Phiphidi Tarring 8km at R64m. Mooketsi-Sekgosese-Mamaila- Magorho-Njhakanjhaka-Mashau. Tarring 30km completed. N1-Vleifontein-Vuwani-Malamulele. Tarring 53km at R212m. 28km completed.
AGRICULTURAL ROADS Mopani Deerpak-Moruji (Kubjana-Madumana). Tarring 19km at R76m. Mooketsi-Houtbosdorp. Tarring 30km at R120m. Eiland-Letaba Ranch Tarring 37km at R148m. Burgersdorp-Gravelotte. Tarring 27km at R108m. Houtbosdorp-Magoebaskloof. Tarring 8km at R48m.
AGRICULTURAL ROADS Capricorn Bochum-Vivo:Tarring 24km at R96m. Sekonye-Marowe-GaMantlhodi- Schaffhausen-GaMothapo-Sepobe- Segole. Tarring 123km R492m. Haenertsburg-Molepo-GaMothapo. Tarring 34km at R136m. Solomondale-Rita (N1) 12km at R48m. Mafefe-Sekororo. Tarring 68km at R272m. 35km completed. Moletlane.Mogoto-Elandskraal. Tarring 21km to be completed end March 2009.
AGRICULTURAL ROADS Waterberg GaKgabudi-Bakenburg. Tarring 18km completed. Dwaalboom to D1173 next to border. Tarring 36km at R144m. Merekeli Natonal Park-Leeupoort. Tarring 36km at R144m. Bela-Bela to Alma. Tarring 47km at R188m.
AGRICULTURAL ROADS Waterberg Dwaalboom to D1173 next to border. Tarring 36km at R144m. Swartklip Mine-Thabazimbi Rural. Tarring 87km at R348m. Thabazimbi-Buffelsdrift border gate Tarring 77km at R308m. Mookgopong-Alma-Thabazimbi. Tarring 138m at R552m.
AGRICULTURAL ROADS Sekhukhune Flag Boshielo Dam-Veeplats-Apel- Mmabulela. Tarring 69km at R276m. 47km completed. Maserumo/Nebo-Matwitwane- Ragaphela-GaMatlala-Gammela- Tsimanyane-Kromdraai. Tarring 35km completed. Penge-Mmamogolo-Motsane-Malemeko- Mafefe. Tarring 35km at R140m. Maserumo-Patatswane-GaMasha. Tarring 25km at R100m. Total of 150km at R299m.
AGRICULTURAL ROADS Rehabilitation Modimolle-Vaalwater-Lephalale. Rehabilitating 120km at R240m. Modimolle-Marble Hall. Rehabilitating 83km at R176m. Marble Hall-Mokopane- Groblersbrug (SANRAL). Rehabilitating 189km at R378m. Mokopane-Marken. Rehabilitating 102km at R91.8m.
AGRICULTURAL ROADS Rehabilitation Polokwane-Mooketsi-Duiwelskloof. Rehabilitating 101km at R202m. Lebowakgomo-Mokopane. Rehabilitating 70km at R63m. Tzaneen-Letsitele-Eiland. Rehabilitating 64km at R58m. Agric Roads 1 921km at R7.684b.
TARRING PROGRAMME Drawn a ten-year tarring programme. Total priority network is 3 300km at R13,2 billion. Developed a four-year plan. Pledge to do 1 320km in 4 years. Need to tar 330km pa at R1 320m. Average annual budget of R500m. Can only tar 125km pa. Will take about 11 years to tar 1 320km. Will take 26 years to tar 3 300km. Backlog growing annually.
CONCLUSION Funding not enough. Increase funding to reduce backlog. ………….End………………………..