Preventing Nonpoint Source Pollution In Jefferson County Municipalities
What is Nonpoint Source Pollution? Water pollution that comes from a variety of sources (i.e. fertilizers, soil erosion, oil, abandoned mine drainage) It occurs when rain or snow melt travels across the land or through the ground and picks up pollutants, eventually depositing them in streams, rivers, lakes, and wetlands.
Diagram taken from:
Examples of NPS Pollution in Jefferson County Streams Excess soil from construction and agriculture Oil, antifreeze, gas Fertilizers and pesticides Bacteria and nutrients Acid rain Abandoned mine drainage Disposing of waste in storm drains
How can township employees reduce NPS pollution? Warsaw Township Dirt and Gravel Road Project: Brocious Road Before: Stream flowed onto road surface. After: Water collected and piped under road, ditch lined with rock.
Watch for Proper Erosion & Sedimentation Controls At logging sites. At construction sites greater than one acre. If you notice that proper controls are not in place at these sites, contact the Jefferson Conservation District for assistance in correcting the problem.
Participate in Dirt & Gravel Road Program All townships with dirt roads are eligible to participate. In order to be eligible for grant assistance, at least one township employee has to take the 2-day ESM training, once every 5 years. Registration for training is free to municipalities. Applications for grant money are in the ESM manual provided at the training.
Encourage residents to prevent NPS pollution on their property by: Using fertilizers and pesticides sparingly and following directions. Not dumping anything near or directly down storm drains. Plant trees, shrubs, and groundcovers to prevent soil erosion. Dispose of used motor oil, antifreeze, paints and other household chemicals properly, not in storm sewers or drains. Contact the JCSWA for information: 849-1521.
If you would like more information regarding NPS pollution prevention, please contact the Jefferson County Conservation District 814-849-7463 or visit our website at
This presentation has been funded by the League of Women Voters of Pennsylvania Citizen Education Fund through a Section 319 Federal Clean Water Act grant from the US Environmental Protection Agency administered by Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection.