SEED COLLABORATIVE WATER PROJECT Mexico: Escuela Secundaria Técnica 11 Russia: “Experiment” Research Center United Kindom: Dartford Grammar School
INFO ABOUT PARTICIPANTS PLACE Villahermosa, Tabasco, Mexico Dartford, Kent, United Kindom Nefteyugansk, West Siberia, Russia SCHOOL Secundaria Técnica 11 Dartford Grammar School “Experiment” Research Center PEOPLE 15 children 8 boys 9 girls WATER BODY Laguna de las Ilusiones River Darent Yuganskaya Ob River
WATER TESTING RESULTS MEXICOUKRUSSIA TURBIDITY 40 JTU 10 – 30 JTU 20 – 40 JTU TEMPERATURE 26 – 28 °C 10 – 17 °C 8 – 10 °C pH8 6.5 – – 8 Dissolved Oxygen 7 – 8 ppm 3 – 5 ppm 0 – 8 ppm Nitrate 4 – 5 ppm 10 – 25 ppm 0 – 5 ppm Coliform Bacteria positivepositivepositive
CONCLUSION The three countries are very different The three countries are very different Russia and UK have a colder weather than Mexico, so they have colder water Russia and UK have a colder weather than Mexico, so they have colder water Russia and UK water bodies have less Dissolved Oxygen than Mexico, even though in Mexico the water is warmer Russia and UK water bodies have less Dissolved Oxygen than Mexico, even though in Mexico the water is warmer The three water bodies have a regular pH The three water bodies have a regular pH The three water bodies have coliform bacteria present in the water The three water bodies have coliform bacteria present in the water