Title I - Part A In a nutshell….a primer
What is Title I? Supplemental Federal funding for improving student achievement, especially in high-poverty schools A program which provides extra academic support and learning opportunities for children farthest from meeting challenging State standards
Show me the money !! $ 8.4 billion was distributed to the 50 states, DC, Puerto Rico, BIA, and the outlying territories in FY $ 135 billion has been distributed since 1965.
Money travels to the classroom U.S.Census States School District Highest Poverty Individual Buildings Individual students
How does money flow to districts? Two kinds of grants--basic & concentration Both based primarily on census poverty data Basic Grant eligibility--No. of formula children in district equals at least 10 and number greater than 2% of school age population Concentration Grant eligibility--No. of formula children greater than 6,500 and number greater than 15% of school age population
More about the money and where it goes... Districts determine which schools are eligible based on their poverty rates and allocate funds in rank order of poverty. Title I can serve schools above the district-wide poverty average or those above 35% poverty. Schools with 75% or greater poverty must be served. The highest poverty schools must receive equal or greater funding than schools with lower rates of poverty. The amount of per pupil allocation changes if schools with less than 35% poverty are served.
How can Title I funding help low- performing schools? By SUPPLEMENTING and improving the regular education program to help them meet the State standards
TYPES OF TITLE I SCHOOLS Targeted Assisted Schools Serve identified children who are at risk of not meeting the State’s high standards. Schoolwide Schools Upgrade the entire educational program within a school to meet the needs of the lowest achieving children.
In both types of Title I schools Children farthest away from meeting the State standards must be considered first.
Services are to be based on academic needs of individual children, not on the poverty of a child or his or her family.
Migrant Children English Language Learners Children Who Are Homeless Children With Disabilities Any Child Who is served?
Parental Involvement is an important component of Title I Planning Policy Participation Partnering Program evaluation
Title I serves approximately: 13,000 school 47,000 school districts buildings 12.5 million children
The types of services are limited only by the imagination and by solid research. Flexibility with Accountability
For example, Title I can provide.... Pre-school Programs Extra Classroom Teachers Extended Day/Extended Year Programs Learning Laboratories for Science, Mathematics, Computers Professional Development for Teachers and Parents And more ways to ensure student success...
Whatever the service, these questions must be answered-- How will what you chose improve student achievement to meet the challenging State standards? How will you know it’s working?
Accountability Title I requires States to develop standards and assessments that will challenge students served by Title I to perform to higher levels. Research suggests that high standards, when coupled with valid and reliable assessment and aligned support, can exert a powerful influence over what children are taught and how much they learn.
Accountability The inclusion of all children in appropriate assessments is intended to hold school systems accountable for all children, including those who are English language learners or have disabilities.
Accountability State Educational Agencies are required to identify schools in need of improvement and take corrective actions for continuously low performing schools and districts whose students fail to make adequate progress toward meeting challenging State standards.
Accountability What progress are States making to develop assessment systems aligned with their standards?
West Virginia Illinois Washington Oregon California Nevada Idaho Montana Wyoming Utah Arizona Texas New Mexico Colorado Kansas Nebraska South Dakota North Dakota Minnesota Wisconsin Iowa Missouri Oklahoma Arkansas Louisiana Mississippi Alabama Georgia Florida South Carolina North Carolina Kentucky Virginia Indiana Ohio Pennsylvania New York Vermont Maine New Hampshire Massachusetts Maryland Delaware Connecticut New Jersey Rhode Island Alaska Puerto Rico District of Columbia (not pictured) Hawaii Tennessee Full Approval Timeline Waiver Compliance Agreement Recommended Michigan Assessment Systems Map
Resources Department of Education Home Site Office of Compensatory Education Programs/Title I This Presentation
More Resources Office of Elementary and Secondary Education Home Site Standards, Assessment and Accountability Publications and Products
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