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Presentation transcript:

Citizens comments are included on each regular monthly meeting agenda. No prior appointment is necessary to speak during the citizen comments times. To speak on a particular agenda item, advise the attendant at the door. To place an item on the Board's agenda, please notify the County Administrator's Office at least ten days prior to the Board meeting. Any citizen concern can be communicated to the County Administrator by calling from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. weekdays. All citizen complaints are recorded and responded to as soon as possible. WHEN SPEAKING BEFORE THE BOARD, PLEASE COME TO THE PODIUM AND GIVE YOUR NAME.

6:00 p.m. 1.Closed Session Certification A

BOARD AGENDA Regular Meeting PULASKI COUNTY August 24, 2009 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 7:00 p.m. APPROXIMATE PRESENTED BY TIME & ITEM 7:00 p.m. 2.InvocationDr. C. R. Conner, Family Worship Center

7:05 p.m. 3.Recognitions: a.Resolution – Robert Bruce Family - Mr. Bruce’s son, and possibly other family members, plan to attend the Board meeting to accept the resolution previously adopted by the Board.

b.Resolution - Georgette Yakman Ms. Yakman plans to be at the Board meeting for presentation of the previously adopted resolution honoring her teaching accomplishments. c.Featured Employees - The featured employee to be recognized at the August Board meeting and featured for the month of September Kevin Cressell of REMSI.

7:15 p.m. 4.Additions to Agenda

7:15 p.m. 5.Public Hearings: a.Petition to revise a Special Use Permit (SUP) by New River Resource Authority to operate a sanitary landfill on property identified as tax map nos , , , ( total acres), zoned Agricultural (A1), with the Landfill Overlay District (LD1), located at 7100 Cloyd’s Mountain Rd., (Rt. 731), Cloyd District. - A public hearing has been scheduled to consider this request. The Planning Commission recommends approval. I have requested information from the NRRA describing the impact of accepting refuse from Wythe County on the capacity of the landfill as well as on the current and ongoing tipping fees charged to the PSA.

b.Petition by the County of Pulaski to amend the following section(s) of the Pulaski County Zoning Ordinance: Article 2, Agricultural (A1), Section 2-3; Article 5F, Rural Residential (RR), Section 5F-2; allowing a Waste Water and Water Treatment Plant Residue Disposal through Land Application; Article 19, Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA), Section 19-1, Powers and Organization, Subsection ; delete “approaching confiscation” from the language of the ordinance. A public hearing has been scheduled to consider this request. The Planning Commission recommends approval.

c.An Ordinance pursuant to 29 USC Section 2831, and following and Section , and following of the Code of Virginia, as amended, providing for membership and representation of Pulaski county on the New River/Mount Rogers Workforce Investment Consortium and adoption of its Membership Agreement. - A public hearing has been scheduled to consider adoption of an ordinance. The Board had previously approved participation in the Workforce Investment Consortium but the approval was by resolution rather than by ordinance as required by the code. At the same time,

the Consortium is being converted to a non-profit organization able to receive funding directly from the state which would eliminate Pulaski County or another locality from having to serve as the grant recipient. The adoption of the ordinance and the change to non-profit status are both recommended as a way of reducing the County’s liability.

d.An Ordinance pursuant to Section for the Board of Supervisors of Pulaski County, Virginia, to enter into the New River Valley Benefits Consortium Joint Powers Agreement with other political subdivisions of the Commonwealth of Virginia and the Virginia Municipal League as a means of providing group life insurance, accident and health insurance and other employee benefits programs for Pulaski County officers and employees. - A public hearing has been scheduled to consider adoption of an ordinance.

e.An Ordinance for the assessment of a $2.00 fee to be taxed as costs in each criminal or traffic case in a District or Circuit Court in Pulaski County, Virginia, and also taxed as part of the costs incident to each civil action filed in the District or Circuit Courts of Pulaski County, Virginia - A public hearing has been scheduled to consider adoption of an ordinance. This ordinance will allow full collection of maintenance and security support payments to the County from those using the court system.

8:15 p.m. 6.Citizen Comments a.Fine Arts Center Presentation – The Fine Arts Center recently learned about and is seeking funding from the Appalachian Regional Commission for up to $400,000. To reach that grant amount and to have a competitive application, the Fine Arts Center is requesting a cash commitment of $25,000 from both the Town and County. It is recommended to consider this as the county’s total cash contribution to the project, in case the grant is not awarded. The grant is due by the end of September.


c.Christiansburg Institute – Board members have been provided information regarding the Christiansburg Institute. Elaine Carter, Executive Director of the Institute, has requested time on the agenda for a presentation.

8:30 p.m. 7.Highway Matters: a.Follow-up from Previous Board meeting: 1.Review of Highway Matters Section of Key Activity Timetable (KAT) - Mr. Clarke plans to provide a verbal update.

2.VDOT Financial Outlook – Board members have been provided information provided by David Ekern, VDOT Commissioner, describing the financial situation facing VDOT. The end result is that the only new construction likely to take place in the next several years is for projects qualifying for federal matching funds. While there is little the Board of Supervisors can do about this situation, the matter is being placed on the agenda to help the public understand the situation.

3.Chip and Seal of Steeply Sloped Dirt Roads – While at the VACo meeting, VDOT officials indicated there may be a slight chance of allowing resident engineers limited flexibility in using chip and seal treatment to stabilize steeply sloped gravel roads. Any chance for approval of this approach would be more likely if documentation can be provided showing this approach to be less expensive than repeated grading and the placement of additional stone under existing maintenance practices. An official request for this comparison by the Board of Supervisors may be helpful.

b.Citizen Concerns

c.Board of Supervisors Concerns

8:40 p.m. 8.Treasurer’s Report The Honorable Melinda Worrell, Treasurer

8:20 p.m. 9.Reports from the County Administrator and Staff: a.Appointments – The following appointments were reviewed in Closed Session: 1.Nomination to New River/Mount Rogers Workforce Investment Board 2.Wireless Authority 3.NRV Development Corporation 4.PEP Steering Committee

b.Update on “The Building” Real Estate Taxes – We received an inquiry from Kathy Denny requesting consideration by the Board for exemption from personal property taxes. Board members have been provided excerpts from the state code related to exemption by classification which would not apply to the current use of the Building as a place of worship. The other option would be for exemption by the Board of Supervisors based on her IRS designation as a non-profit organization. Should the Board wish to grant some level of exemption, my recommendation would be to provide the organization with an annual appropriation in an amount at least equal to the amount of taxes owed conditional

on participation in and collaboration with the Commission on Families and Children. This would allow resources provided by taxpayers of the County to be focused on reducing the significant cost of counseling, detention and incarceration already being incurred by the County. The property is currently recorded in the name of William E. Denny and has an assessed value of $23,600 for the land and $120,700 for the building for a total of $144,300. Thus, the annual tax on this property is $

c.Key Activity Timetable - Review of the Key Activity Timetable is requested.

d.Unsafe Structures – Board members have been provided information from Shawn Utt describing two additional unsafe structures to which staff plans to begin applying the unsafe structures ordinance. Mr. Utt plans to provide pictures of both properties at the Board meeting.

8:30 p.m. 10. Items of Consent: a.Approval of Minutes of July 27, 2009 b.Accounts Payable c.Interoffice Transfers & Appropriations d.Ratification and/or Approval of Contracts, Change Orders & Agreements, Etc. 1.EMS Personal Protection Equipment and Special Initiative Grant Application 2.SPARC Application e.Personnel Changes f.Other Post Employment Benefits

g.Resolution Consenting to an Agreement by the New River Resource Authority for Acceptance of Solid Waste from Joint Public Service Authority of Wythe and Bland Counties h.Proclamation Supporting September as National Preparedness Month i.I-81 Corridor Coalition j.Opposition to VSMP Amendments

9:15 p.m. 11.Citizen Comments

9:20 p.m. 12.Other Matters from Supervisors

13. Adjournment

a.Approval of Minutes of July 27, 2009– Approval of the minutes is recommended.

b.Accounts Payable – Approval of the listing of accounts payable is requested.

c.Interoffice Transfers & Appropriations – Approval of the interoffice transfers and appropriations is requested.

d.Ratification and/or Approval of Contracts, Change Orders & Agreements, Etc. – Approval of Contracts, Change Orders & Agreements, Etc. - 1.EMS Personal Protection Equipment and Special Initiative Grant Application - Ratification of the EMS Personal Protection Equipment and Special Initiative Grant Application is recommended. 2.SPARC Application - Ratification of the application is recommended

e.Personnel Changes – Board members have been provided an update from Ms. Spence of recent personnel changes.

f. Other Post Employment Benefits – Board members have been provided a division of estimated other post-employment benefits (OPEB) liability calculations related to various political subdivisions under the County umbrella. Based on a 4% interest rate, the County would have set aside $96,700 on June 30, 2009 for liabilities accumulated to this point in time with the anticipation that an additional $16,100 would need to be set aside annually in future years. Staff recommends setting aside the amount from current reserves rather than taking these funds from current operations.

g.Resolution Consenting to an Agreement by the New River Resource Authority for Acceptance of Solid Waste from Joint Public Service Authority of Wythe and Bland Counties – Adoption of a resolution is recommended based on the relative financial benefit to the citizens of the County through reduced disposal costs and a subsequent delay in the implementation of refuse disposal increases in comparison with the decrease in the life of the landfill.

h.Proclamation Supporting September as National Preparedness Month – Adoption of the a proclamation is recommended with residents encouraged to sign-up for the Pulaski County Citizens’ Alert notification system. h.

i.I-81 Corridor Coalition - Approval is requested in providing $1,000 in financial support for the newly formed Interstate 81 Corridor Coalition efforts.

j.Opposition to VSMP Amendments - Opposition to Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation’s proposed amendments to the Virginia Stormwater Management Program (VSMP) regulations. Board members have been provided a draft resolution for consideration by the Board of Supervisors.