Graded-Innovations from the past, in the present and for the future. Luiz Augusto Zicarelli de Oliveira ICT Network and Infrastructure Mgr. January 2013
Mission Statement Graded is an American school that serves an international community of learners by inspiring individual excellence in a collaborative setting, fostering intercultural competence and empowering students to become engaged, ethical citizens in a dynamic world.
Graded’s IT History Early ’70 to mid ‘90 : AV department was responsible for the equipment used by students and in the offices. Early ’80: First computers were accquired. Late ’90 : Technology Department formally created. 2003 : Libraries were merged into the Tech Dept. 2008 : Evolved to ICT Department.
A/V Dept.: First Generation of Resources Slide and overhead projectors were widely used in classrooms. Tape recorders (K7 and VHS)
A/V Dept.: First Generation of Resources First computer lab ( )
A/V Dept.: Need for innovation First computer lab assembled in 1983 ( one of the first in Brazillian schools). First secondary school of South America with Internet “class C” node, in 1992 Students and staff able to Dial-in and connect to school’s system. 2000 – Launch of Teacher and Staff Laptop Program, with over 100 teachers receiving their first laptop. 2001 – First attempt to wireless-network on campus
From A/V to IT then ICT Late 90’ the first classes using iMac Labs and other proper resources. New Media Center built in 1998, with US Library and A/V Dept. In the same building. Number of computers increased 500% in 5 years. Pressure for Mobility.
From A/V to IT then ICT Past-2000 Basic Language Computers PC Desktops 2 Mac labs 2 PC labs 10/100mbps connection Low Internet demand PC Desktops spread through school 3 iMac Labs Laptop Carts Laptop Checkout Wireless network Gigabit ethernet Connection Increasing internet demand IP Thelephony 2011-future BYOD Deactivated Labs Smaller TCO Smartphones and tablets Collaboratories cloud-based systems Unified Communications
From A/V to IT then ICT 1999 : first wireless access points ( Cisco aironet 340) 2000/01 : Laptop Program 1st year 2001/02 : 1st. wireless laptop carts (Dell and Mac) 2002/03 : 1st. Gen. Wireless infrastructure deployed (Enterasys) : full structured cabling installation and Equipment upgrade. 2007: Enterprise-level Wireless (Aruba) 2008/09: Google apps adoption 2009/2010: Migration (Gmail) 2010: Platform Migration (Novell to Microsoft) 2012: Ipad Pilot Mobility Evolution
From A/V to IT then ICT Evolution of devices
From A/V to IT then ICT Available equipment on Campus from 2000 to For staff, faculty and students.
From AV to IT then ICT IP PBX, using SIP Phones, with 300 internal extensions, but only150 Direct-dial (Siemens) 15 Fax/Backup Direct lines 90 Cell phone lines 50 3G modems 100Mbps Internet Conection (3 different providers bundled and ballanced) 14 Servers, with 4 of them holding 14 virtualized machines 10 TB of storage 31 border switch units (enterasys B3G/B5G) 124 Wireless Access Points 77 Digital Cameras 60 Video Cameras 162 docking stations 38 document cameras 90 eBeams 75 Networked Printers 129 Projectors 82 Networked Digital Clocks 21 scanners 905 Computers 25 iPads (pilot) Current Environment
From A/V to IT then ICT Network design 2001
From A/V to IT then ICT Network design 2012
From AV to IT then ICT Antivirus – from Trend Micro to DNS – recursive DNS from DynDNS, which also provides Internet content filter, the Internet Guide. Monitoring – OpMon, from OpServices, provides customized infrastructure monitoring, based on Nagios. Google Apps – Documents, Calendar, , Blogs, Sites, and many other online resources. Web site – Developed and hosted by Finalsite Student Information System – Veracross, hosted by Breuer Co. Systems as Services
From AV to IT then ICT OpMon - Wireless Dashboard - Internet Load Balancing - Netsight - System Center 2010 Hyper-V and Cluster manager Monitoring and Controlling
ERP system implemented in 2000, called Microsiga Protheus 6, using SQL database. In 12 years, the system has evolved and spread to all areas, to version 11, to be implemented next Jan 25th. New Version will have also a new infrastructure, with two new servers, fully redundant. From AV to IT then ICT ERP
From AV to IT then ICT First system was implemented in From 2001 until 2009 Graded used the Novell’s Groupwise. It was locally stored on a simplex mode. In 2005 Web-based Anti-spam service was added to the system. In 2009 accounts were migrated to Gmail (Google Apps). Old service was permanetly deactivated in
From AV to IT then ICT Until 2004 control was made by hand or spreadsheets. First digital system implemented in Installed and mantained on campus. (Track-it) In 2008 service was migrated to SaaS system, online and off- campus. (Helpdesk) bin/WebObjects/HostedHelpdesk.woa/wa?id=153 Helpdesk
From AV to IT then ICT ERP Until 2008 Databases were not consistent, and each area worked on a different database, on different formats, MDB, DBF, DBX. 2009 New Saas Student information system was implemented Veracross. Databases
ICT Management Strategic Planning Measuring and controlling ITIL/Cobit/PMI Frameworks Continuous improvement
ICT Management Processes Mapping Reports Control and mitigation of issues and problems Knowledge base Integration with contractors Inventory
ICT Management 16 Local Service Providers, 10 including on-site support 7 International Service Providers Inventory - More than 100 software available for teachers and students usage Liability - More than 1300 users every day. Security - More than 1000 wireless devices logged in every day. Current priorities / challenges
21st. Century School’s ICT Mobility – 3 to 1 ratio – Consummerization Anytime and Anywhere access Social Networks - online communication Virtualization Cloud solutions Digital Content In the horizon
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