Presented by DOI Create: TERN as a use-case Siddeswara Guru
Minting DOIs: Procedure ANDS Cite My Service Request to ANDS Cite My Data Service for testing – DOI Account Name: Name of the organisation – IP Address: register for minting DOIs – Contact name: – Contact Address: – Top Level domain URL
Minting DOIs From ANDS – appID Production Level – Sign Cite My Data Participant Agreement form – The appID will be upgraded to production – Testing can be done by prefixing “TEST” to appID. Identifying test vs production DOIs – is a test DOI prefix – , , are production DOI prefix
TERN National Infrastructure for collecting, storing and sharing data sets and knowledge for Australian ecosystems.
Challenge TERN DOI Service (UQ) Eco- informatics (UA) LTERN (Nectar NSP) ACEF (Nectar) ASN (Nectar NSP) ACEAS (UQ) Ausplots (UA) ATN (UA) Mint DOIs for datasets residing in multiple institutes and infrastructures
TERN DOI Service - Governance DOI should be assigned to the datasets which are fit for public consumption Only Data Manager is authorised to mint DOIs DOI always resolved to the point-of-truth metadata URL of the dataset. – “all DOIs minted through ANDS must resolve to a public landing page that contains information about the associated dataset and a direct link to the dataset itself” Care should be taken not to mint duplicate DOIs for datasets.
TERN DOI service Administration – GateKeeper approach
Metadata for Minting DOI
Optional metadata for minting DOI
Manage DOIs
Other methods to mint DOIs APIs to access TERN DOI service is also available. – Need to register with the system to use API. Enable DOI minting integrated into data management system.
Facility Web service client Interface Internet Browser Mint Update Activate Deactivate ANDS cite my data service Postgres Database Web User Interface TERN DOI Service API Web Service AAF Service Provider AAF Identity Provider AAF Mint Update Activate Deactivate DataCite TERN DOI minting service architecture
Check list to mint DOI Need to have a landing page for the datasets Provide mandatory metadata adhering to Datacite schema Commitment to make DOI is always resolvable to publically accessible landing page. Access to data from the landing page Suitable for all kinds of data
Challenges: data publisher perspective When is dataset ready for DOI – Dataset is ready for public consumption and can be re-usable – Identify the data creators Granularity of data to mint DOIs – At record level or collection level – Depending on how the data will be used DOI for constantly evolving data (real-time data) – DOI is generally minted for archival data – RDA –data citation Interest Group looking at the same problem ( focus more form the data from the source approach) Can mint a DOI based on user query
Challenges: Data publisher perspective Part of dataset published in other repositories e.g., Dryad, – Use “related identifier” element of the schema to provide relationship. – Use optional metadata where necessary.
References: ANDS website DataCite DOI Handbook Digital Curation Centre papers/introduction-curation/data-citation-and-linkinghttp:// papers/introduction-curation/data-citation-and-linking ESIP Research Data Alliance citation/wiki/working-group-data-citation-case-statement-proposal.html citation/wiki/working-group-data-citation-case-statement-proposal.html Natasha Simons “Implementing DOIs for Research Data”, Datacite statistics OAI harvestor
Thank you DOI Create: TERN as a use-case by S. M. Guru is licensed under a Creative Commons BY Attribution 3.0 Australia License