Design for Change Feel. Imagine. Do. Share.
MEXICOMEXICO insecurity poverty corruption violence pollution Is living decisive times for its future as a nation...
A transformation seemsimpossible seemsimpossible
But there is a group of Mexicans who dared to imagine a better future for all of us But there is a group of Mexicans who dared to imagine a better future for all of us Araceli, Angeles, Adriana, Rafael y Alexis And dreamed they could pave the streets of their School in Chalco, Estado de Mexico And dreamed they could pave the streets of their School in Chalco, Estado de Mexico
¿imposible? ¿imposible? They overcame All the Obstacles along the way Unite the whole community And they did it! it! It was possible! It was possible!
6 For children everything is possible And they can change The World For children everything is possible And they can change The World Education. Health. Family Values. Ecology. Urban renewal. Culture and Art. Social assistance. And many other successful projects. Through this contest we learned…
And, how they did it? It’s It’s a contest in which more than 30 countries participate, following just 4 steps to Change the World: feelimaginedoshare
222,350schools 1,156,506teachers16,603,606 Students at Basic Education Level 120,000 High School Students 8,500,000 Families involved 21weeks 5 Awards Events
From 3rd grade of Elementary School to 3rdFrom 3rd grade of Elementary School to 3rd Grade of Junior High School. Teams of 5 children and a teacher as a Guide.Teams of 5 children and a teacher as a Guide. 1 Elementary school = 1 project.1 Elementary school = 1 project. 1 Junior High School = 1 project.1 Junior High School = 1 project. Integrates with school curricula subjects.Integrates with school curricula subjects. Students, teachers, parents andStudents, teachers, parents and Community MAKING THE CHANGE. 9
Do you want to help children to change the World ? It only costs $0.16 dollars to help 5 children to develop a project for change.
11 And, how the SPONSOR is benefited? And, how the SPONSOR is benefited? schools Presence of the institutional logo in the instructions manual and poster, which will be sent to ALL SCHOOLS.
12 And, how the SPONSOR is benefited? And, how the SPONSOR is benefited? UVM’s 36 Campus More than 120 thousand students of High School and College.
13 And, how the SPONSOR is benefited? And, how the SPONSOR is benefited? EventsEvents Press Conference presence, 5 Awards events, 6 events by streaming and Closing vent. At this events, the sponsor can include its products, characters and other promotional items. Press Conference presence, 5 Awards events, 6 events by streaming and Closing vent. At this events, the sponsor can include its products, characters and other promotional items.
14 And, how the SPONSOR is benefited? And, how the SPONSOR is benefited? mediamedia Presence at 11 interviews with Imagen Group. TV, radio and printed press presence.
15 awardsawards Printed logo in all awards (500 backpacks, diplomas, trophies, recognition plaques, among others). And, how the SPONSOR is benefited? And, how the SPONSOR is benefited?
16 And, how the SPONSOR is benefited? And, how the SPONSOR is benefited? Presence on site, teachers manual, Design for Change documentary, trailers, 4 animated videos and social networks. DigitalDigital
17 And, how the SPONSOR is benefited? And, how the SPONSOR is benefited? Use of the logo on sponsor's products to associate the brand with the project’s value. productproduct
‣ Logo presence at 4 animated videos. ‣ Thankful mention in Design for Change documentary. ‣ National Press Conference Invitations. ‣ Logo presence in brand wall at Press Conference. ‣ Invitations to 5 awards events. ‣ Invitations to exhibition fairs of Design for Change. ‣ Printed logo on recognitions. ‣ Logo on website. ‣ Presence of e-newsletters ‣ Comments at Design for Change webpage. ‣ Comments on Impact report of Design for Change. ‣ Logo presence at 4 animated videos. ‣ Thankful mention in Design for Change documentary. ‣ National Press Conference Invitations. ‣ Logo presence in brand wall at Press Conference. ‣ Invitations to 5 awards events. ‣ Invitations to exhibition fairs of Design for Change. ‣ Printed logo on recognitions. ‣ Logo on website. ‣ Presence of e-newsletters ‣ Comments at Design for Change webpage. ‣ Comments on Impact report of Design for Change. 1A Sponsors Benefits Design for Change Sponsors 2010
‣ Printed log on Impact Report of Design for Change (1000 impressions). ‣ Social network presence. (Facebook, Twitter, youtube). ‣ Invitations to special closing event (3 invitations). ‣ Exclusive interviews on Design for Change webpage. ‣ Design for Change School’s ambassadors. ‣ Brand wall presence in massive events. ‣ Invitation to be final jury at the 5 evaluation sessions. ‣ Optional: Design for Change Ambassadors. ‣ Presence of institutional advertising in mass events. (Motley, exhibition of products, etc). 19 Investment: $ 104, dollars 1A Sponsors Benefits
‣ Thankful mention in Design for Change documentary.. ‣ National Press Conference Invitations. ‣ 5 Invitations to Awards Events. ‣ 5 invitations to exhibition fairs of Design for Change. ‣ Printed logo in recognition papers. ‣ Logo presence on webpage. ‣ Presence on mass e-newsletters. ‣ Comments on Design for Change webpage. ‣ Thankful mention at Design for Change webpage. ‣ Design for Change impact report mention. ‣ Social networks presence. ‣ Invitations to special closing event. ‣ Invitation to be final jury at the 5 evaluation sessions. ‣ Optional: Design for Change school’s ambassadors. 20 2B Sponsors Benefits Investment: $20, a $250, dollars.
‣ 100 winner schools nationwide. ‣ 20 computers and a recognition plaque for every winner school. ‣ Scholarships. ‣ Roundtrip for Awards Events. ‣ Backpacks, school supplies and recognitions. ‣ Links between schools and organizations. ‣ 100 winner schools nationwide. ‣ 20 computers and a recognition plaque for every winner school. ‣ Scholarships. ‣ Roundtrip for Awards Events. ‣ Backpacks, school supplies and recognitions. ‣ Links between schools and organizations. Awards and Recognitions
22 Mission To implement an educational model of high impact on Iberoamerica. To Promote social and educational development through empowerment and transform nations by inspiring people to give their best.To implement an educational model of high impact on Iberoamerica. To Promote social and educational development through empowerment and transform nations by inspiring people to give their best. Vision Vision Contribute to a better quality of life through high-impact social projects implementation. Be the social project that transforms nations through driving social changes for the common good. Be key players in the solutions the world needs to progress and live in harmony. Contribute to a better quality of life through high-impact social projects implementation. Be the social project that transforms nations through driving social changes for the common good. Be key players in the solutions the world needs to progress and live in harmony. Since 2005, EducarUno Foundation has implemented social projects that help improving academic achievement and educational quality. We want our programs to be of high social impact, measurable and sustainable.Since 2005, EducarUno Foundation has implemented social projects that help improving academic achievement and educational quality. We want our programs to be of high social impact, measurable and sustainable.
Thank you for changing the world!