How to Advertise on Bing and Yahoo Direct Linking
Why Bing and Yahoo? Higher quality of Traffic and Higher Volume Market on multiple popular search engines and their affiliates: o o o PPC Network (pay per click) More affordable than Google AdWords! o $0.05 – $0.10 (Bing) vs. $ $1.50 (Google)
Features You get rewarded with lower CPC when you write effective ad copy! Encourages advertisers to write effective ads Target keywords o Phrase o Exact o Content Demographics o Location o Device Bing is strict with affiliate marketing o WHY?
Where do you begin? Go to Education Center Lesson: o Microsoft Adcenter o Covers basics on account and campaign setup Coupons available! o Search for Bing, Yahoo and Microsoft advertising coupons using a search engine us/affiliateprogram?s_cid=us_smb_cj_ us/affiliateprogram?s_cid=us_smb_cj_
How to direct link on Bing using Meta Refresh Building an landing page is ideal but you may want to test an offer first, to see how it will do! Meta refresh allows you to get direct linking offers approved faster It opens up more opportunity to market on Bing What do you need: 1.Affiliate Offer (Clickbank, Peerfly) 2.Landing page platform (ad2action, iweb, weebly) 3.Domain Name (.info works great, cheaper) 4.Meta Refresh code - example.txt example.txt
Let’s Build a Campaign Create your Bing account Apply for a coupon/Redeem your coupon Select an offer – CPS, Download, Lead, Game Keyword research Go to landing page platform Paste Meta refresh code Insert Affiliate Link Attach Domain Build campaign in your Bing account
Tips For Success Focus on Long-tailed keyword phrases o No single word phrases o Good Example – make money on Facebook o Bad example – Facebook Focus on these match types: o Phrase o Exact o Content $0.05 Bids!!!!!! Management for success o Watch the campaign everyday! o Speak with an advisor to increase productivity! Use Google Trends for Offer confidence