Chapter 15 Using Digital Interactive Media William F. Arens Michael F. Weigold Christian Arens McGraw-Hill/IrwinCopyright © 2013 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
15-2 Chapter Overview Explore factors advertisers weigh when considering digital interactive media
15-3 Chapter Objectives Discuss opportunities and challenges of digital interactive media Explain the evolution of interactive media Explain how Internet advertising is bought and sold Discuss the Net’s audience and the challenges involved in measuring it Debate the pros and cons of the Internet as an advertising medium Define the various kinds of Internet advertising
15-4 Media Evolution Door-to-door sales Radio Television Remote control Cable TV TiVO Internet HDTV iPods DVDs PCs Mobile phones IPTV VOIP
15-5 Online Ad Spending
15-6 The Internet as a Medium Internet – a global network of computers that communicate with one another through protocols
15-7 How the Internet Differs from Traditional Media Distributed network offers continuous communication Internet space-vast and inexpensive Content delivery at multiple places at simultaneous and various times Blurs the line between content providers and consumers
15-8 The World Wide Web Content Provider Web browser Web Page HTML Web Page HTML Content User
15-9 The Internet Audience World wide audiences open the door for global marketers on the Web
15-10 Who Uses the Internet
15-11 Accessing the Internet Narrowband Cable Modem Broadband Mobile Devices Satellite
15-12 How the Internet is Used
15-13 Media Planning Deliver audited measurement of potential reach to help media planners chose the right vehicles ComScore Nielsen-Online
15-14 Enhanced Tracking & Delivery Cookies Visit frequency Ad calls Time of day Browser used Clicks Central source Ad rotation Ad distribution ISP identity Tracking Behavior targeting Ad servers Time of last visit
15-15 Measurement Standardization Ad impressionsClick rate
15-16 Buying Internet Time & Space Banner ad Website selective space Keyword Click-throughs Affiliate marketing program Pricing Methods
15-17 Stretching Targeting Dollars Focused ad campaigns are cost intensive Ad networks and tagged users can help
15-18 Types of Internet Advertising
15-19 Corporate or Commerce Web pages, images, videos, data Web sites Singular-focus supplement Micro-sites Gateway to deeper areas of the Web site Landing pages
15-20 Search Engine Marketing Search Engine Page rank Search results page Sponsored links
15-21 Google Search Results Page Page rank search results Sponsored links
15-22 Search Engine Marketing Google AdWords Google AdSense Pay to have links and/or ads placed on relevant Web pages and in search results Earn money by allowing relevant ads to be displayed on your Web site
15-23 Types of Internet Advertising CraigslistAdded value Spam CRM Viral Interstitial Superstitial Rich mail Preroll Banners and Buttons Classified Sponsor ships
15-24 Pros of Internet Ads Interactive Huge audience Immediate response Selective targeting Proximity to purchase Affluent market Rapidly growing Reaches B2B users Advertorials Virtual storefront In-depth information
15-25 Cons of Internet Ads Medium is not standardized Targeting costs Slow downloads Security and privacy Global marketing limitations
15-26 Problems with Internet Advertising Lacks mass media efficiency Complex Cumbersome Crowded Accountability Security Too democratic??
15-27 Using the Internet in IMC Interactivity Promote purposeful dialogue Feedback and promotion channel the same Integrated market communications Requires daily staffing Requires daily updating Costly
15-28 Global Impact Of the Internet World wide growth Internet ad budgets Local overseas businesses Non-English speaking markets
15-29 Other Interactive Media SMS QR codes Interactive TV Mobile Devices Mobile coupons