Follow us on Web: North West Employers’ core objective is: “providing a network of support, advice and consultancy services on all people matters” I am here today as a representative associate of North West Employers. North West Employers provide and broker events for authorities' very specific and diverse needs. Our aim is to help improve current skills and grow new ones by designing bespoke courses for councillors, officers, administrators and front line staff; to offering an extensive regional programme of events to meet individual and organisational needs. For more information on how we can help you ring Pat Wilson: , visit our website or follow us via Twitter below. We very much hope you find today’s event of value and look forward to any feedback you may have.
Follow us on Web: Visioning Workshop 3 rd October 2011
Follow us on Web: Bev Dodd NW Employers Workforce planning coordinator
Follow us on Web: To look at how visioning can be used to develop effective workforce planning AIM
Follow us on Web: By the end of the session you will have: discussed a range of tools available to vision the future identified those which could be used in workforce planning in your Authority shared ideas with other participants developed an action plan for how the learning from the day can be used to support workforce planning processes in your Authority Objectives
Follow us on Web: The context – the workforce planning process Tools and techniques available,what they are, how they can be used How to develop programmes/events for use back in your Authority Issues/barriers to introducing the concepts/tools into your Authority Action planning Content
Follow us on Web: Workforce Planning
Follow us on Web: Definitions Workforce Planning – What is it ? “Workforce Planning is the process of ensuring that a business has the right number of employees; with the right knowledge, skills and behaviours in the right place at the right time” (IRS Employment Review 790). “Workforce Planning is about trying to predict the future demand for different types of staff and seeking to match this with supply” (Developing the NHS Workforce). “A process in which an organisation attempts to estimate the demand for labour and evaluate the size, nature and sources of supply which will be required to meet that demand” (Reilly 1996).
Follow us on Web: Workforce Planning – What is it? Current workforce situation + Identification of future demand + Future skill, knowledge and job requirements
Follow us on Web: The process Starting the journey Identification of future needs Assessment of current situation Planning for action Implementation Review and evaluation
Follow us on Web: PESTLE Political Economic Social Technological Legal Environmental
Follow us on Web: Exercise List down under the relevant headings - any changes you can see happening in the next 5 years which might impact on the service you provide
Follow us on Web: Workforce Planning Why do it? Political and policy change Labour Market change Demographic and social change Technological change
Follow us on Web: Examples: Economic drivers “Right to provide” Choice for service users (personalisation agenda) Political and policy change
Follow us on Web: Labour Market – The Local Government Workforce Local Government workforce is generally older than that of the whole economy Average sickness absence rate in Local Government is just over 10 days per employee per year which compares to a whole economy figure of 6.6 days per annum (2010) Shift towards more P/T working Transfer of staff to other organisations (TUPE)
Follow us on Web: Demographic and Social Change Rapidly changing global economy Ageing and increasingly diverse population Growing expectations of responsiveness Environmental pressures
Follow us on Web: Technological Change The content of the wwweb doubles every 90 days Number of years to reach 50 million users Radio 38 years Television 18 years Cable 12 years The web 5 years Mobile Phone 2 years
Follow us on Web: Visioning - the underpinning theories
Follow us on Web: THE THEORIES PESTLE Appreciative inquiry Future mapping Scenario planning NORTH WESTERN LOCAL AUTHORITIES’ EMPLOYERS’ ORGANISATION
Follow us on Web: THE APPROACH - AI Not about problems – about solutions Not about the “worst of what is” – about “best of what is” Not about what has gone wrong in the past – about looking to the future and bringing the best from the past NORTH WESTERN LOCAL AUTHORITIES’ EMPLOYERS’ ORGANISATION
Follow us on Web: THE APPROACH - AI NORTH WESTERN LOCAL AUTHORITIES’ EMPLOYERS’ ORGANISATION DREAM – envisioning what might be DESIGN – constructing the ideal DESTINY – empowering, learning and implementing DISCOVERY – appreciating what is
Follow us on Web: Appreciative Inquiry Exercise *Appreciative Inquiry in Organisational Life by David L Cooperrider and Suresh Srivastva in Research in Organisational Change and Development, 1987,
Follow us on Web: Appreciative Inquiry Remember a time at work when you did a really good job…….you felt proud……..fulfilled…effective It may have been one of your best pieces of work…….. Recall what was happening, relive the moment, recall what was said, who was there, what was being done…how it felt…
Follow us on Web: Appreciative Inquiry Share your thoughts with a partner…. Then…….. Write a list of the skills, knowledge,attitudes, values and beliefs that you contributed to the success of that event
Follow us on Web: Appreciative Inquiry Now individually write in the present tense and third person a short description of yourself at that time……as if you were like it all the time…. Begin with your name e.g. Philip is a person who is………. Use the list of words you identified earlier
Follow us on Web: Appreciative Inquiry Recall the challenging task of workforce planning……how would you like it to turn out? Rejoin your partner and share your stories – discuss what the person you just described in your descriptive statement would do next….. Together list the ideas that come….. Philip would immediately begin by………..
Follow us on Web: THE APPROACH - AI NORTH WESTERN LOCAL AUTHORITIES’ EMPLOYERS’ ORGANISATION DREAM – envisioning what might be DESIGN – constructing the ideal DESTINY – empowering, learning and implementing DISCOVERY – appreciating what is
Follow us on Web: Future mapping What is it? It is a process for creating a vision, deciding how to achieve it and creating a motivation to act. based on the work by IDeA NORTH WESTERN LOCAL AUTHORITIES’ EMPLOYERS’ ORGANISATION
Follow us on Web: Future mapping It builds on the process of planning ahead but looks at this as if success has already been achieved It can overcome blockages in thinking that can occur when trying to think ahead It can be a very creative, but fairly structured process NORTH WESTERN LOCAL AUTHORITIES’ EMPLOYERS’ ORGANISATION
Follow us on Web: Future mapping Stage 1 – base your self in the future fix a time and date describe your success describe how you feel Stage 2 – look back and describe how you got there what were the major milestones what were the detailed steps between the milestones? Stage 3- return to real time what are you already doing that contributes to achieving this vision what action will you now need to take to achieve this NORTH WESTERN LOCAL AUTHORITIES’ EMPLOYERS’ ORGANISATION
Follow us on Web: Dreams “Martin Luther King did not say “I have a strategic plan”. Instead, he shouted “I have a DREAM!”, and created a crusade” Source unknown
Follow us on Web: Some rules Talk as if it is that date in the future – use the present tense State your aims as if they have been achieved and successful Stay positive and enthusiastic Do not be constrained by current problems
Follow us on Web: Welcome to the future! It is 3 rd October 2015
Follow us on Web: What does your Authority look like? What are you successful at? Identify some key headings Describe your success in these areas How does this feel? NORTH WESTERN LOCAL AUTHORITIES’ EMPLOYERS’ ORGANISATION
Follow us on Web: Looking backwards what were the key steps that got you to where you are now? Identify the milestones that led to your success Fill in the detail of the steps in between the major milestones Look back and see how you got there
Follow us on Web: Return to real time What is needed now to make this happen? What are we doing now that contributes to achieving the vision? What do you need to do now to make this happen? – action planning
Follow us on Web: Remember! Whatever you vividly imagine, ardently desire, sincerely believe and enthusiastically act upon must inevitably come to pass. Paul Meyer
Follow us on Web: Scenario planning “ scenario planning is a process in which managers invent then consider in depth, several varied scenarios of equally plausible futures with an objective to bring forward surprises and unexpected leaps of understanding” Jurgen H Daum 2001
Follow us on Web: The approach- Scenario Planning Scenario planning is not about predicting the future accurately Typically involves developing two or three scenarios. Scenarios the preferred technique for companies who invest heavily in future planning e.g. Shell Oil A number of frameworks exist with various stages NORTH WESTERN LOCAL AUTHORITIES’ EMPLOYERS’ ORGANISATION
Follow us on Web: An approach- scenario planning Decide what scenarios should be about/ what is the situation you are facing and a time frame Identify driving forces, analyse these and agree the key drivers Identify the scenarios (give each a title) Draft scenarios/story Look at how each scenario might impact on the organisation NORTH WESTERN LOCAL AUTHORITIES’ EMPLOYERS’ ORGANISATION
Follow us on Web: exercise In your group- imagine how the world of work could look in 2020:- Identify the driving forces that you would have to take into account – agree the key drivers Identify 3 possible scenarios and give them a title
Follow us on Web: exercise In your group- Select 1 scenario Draft the scenario Agree what impact this scenario could have on the HR function
Follow us on Web: Intelligence Issues “ Sharing knowledge in public services is undertaken voluntarily in order to contribute to improving services; to try to develop and maintain standards across the nation; to achieve more integrated or “joined up” services and to provide value for money by adapting existing practice rather than ploughing investment into reinventing the wheel” Hartley and Rashman, Warwick Institute of Governance and Public Management 2006
Follow us on Web: Intelligence Issues How can knowledge to generate and support change and increase organisational performance be created and transferred within your organisation and across partners?
Follow us on Web: Intelligence Issues Identifying and promoting good practice Publicising effective approaches Building open, collaborative networks Celebrating what works Action Learning Sets Mentoring Schemes Engaging with an academic partner Secondments
Follow us on Web: Exercise Issues and barriers to introducing visioning
Follow us on Web: Exercise What will you do now as a result of this workshop?
Follow us on Web: Contact Details: Pat Wilson North West Employers 6th Floor, Delphian House Riverside New Bailey Street Manchester M3 5AP Tel: Fax: Web: