COGAIN Kick-Off Tampere, Finland WP 7: Community Outreach Inger Kirk Jordansen
Objectives To strengthen the economic validity of the research done within COGAIN To ensure that the knowledge acquired by academic partners will be available for both general public industrial companies user organisations working in the field of eye traching and AAC
Tasks 1/2 T7.1 Market study and demographics of user population The study will include both the business prospects and user needs. T7.2 Liaising and co-operation with industrial developers and retailers BIA will act as technical advisors and consultants in COGAIN Special workshops will be organised to share knowledge on both technical development and scientific research done in the field T7.3 Providing advise to policy makers To ensure the best allocation of funding, research, and public services
Tasks 2/2 T7.4 Information dissemination through the popular press, expos, trade shows and conferences To create awareness about the COGAIN network and To inform about the possibilities and new developments To demonstrate new developments To raise awareness about gaze-mediated communication in general To impart the AT-experts (speech and language therapists, OT.etc) the necessary knowledge and competences to choose eye-gaze systems
Deliverables D7.1 Detailed dissemination plan (Month 6 – February 2005) D7.2 Report on a market study and demographics of user population (Month 12 – August 2005)
Milestones M7.1 Report on market study (Month 12 – August 2005) M7.2 Public demonstrations and press release Month 6 – February 2005 Month 12 – August 2005 Month 18 – February 2006
Measurable Indicators IndicatorYear 1Year 2Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Number of interviews or other referrals in the news 10 Number of external visits to COGAIN portal Number of end-users trying some of the new developmens ?????
Estimated Involvement (first 18 months) Partner Months UTA (1)4 DC (4)3 DTU (6)1 HP (10)0,5 POLITO (11)0,5 Tobii (14)0.5 ACE (15)0,4
Current Status We already have a nice LOGO which it is important to use in all dissemination activities We also have a Web, which ”only” need to be filled in with relevant and usable information directed the user community
To Do 1/3 Develope a COGAIN brochure to serve as an information tool about the existence of the project. What is it all about? What will be the result of the project? Who will benefit from its results? To get To get the LOGO known
To Do 2/3 Develope a COGAIN poster to be used all places were information about ICT for people with disabilities is relevant and important to be used by the partners for presentations on the COGAIN project To get To get the LOGO known
To Do (3/3) 1.Identify public and private organisations in Europe providing AT for end- users and evaluating needs (for instants AT Centres) 2.Identify key conferences, exhibitions and other events in Europe I. directed professionals with responsibilities for matching people and technology II. directed relevant user-organisation 3.Identify key magazines I. directed professionals with responsibilities for matching people and technology II. directed relevant user-organisations 4.Identify key newspapers and journalist 5.Identify relevant industrial companies (developers and retailers)
Discussion Comments, ideas? In which ways do you want to be involved in this WP? Contact person for WP 7: Inger Kirk Jordansen,