John R. Kasich, GovernorJerry Wray, Director Ohio Department of Transportation Shale Impacts to ODOT’s Infrastructure Anna M. Kuzmich, P.E. ODOT Shale Coordinator
2 What’s Been Happening? Ohio Planning Conference - July 15-16, shale wells drilled in Ohio in wells completed by the end of 2012 – 52 in production 323 wells completed by the end of 2013 – 257 in production To date in 2014 (7/5/2014 ODNR data) StatewideD-11D-10D-5D-4 Producing Drilled (no prod) Drilling Permitted Totals
3 Lots of Drilling! Ohio Planning Conference - July 15-16, 2014 Southeast Carroll County
4 Lots of Processing! Ohio Planning Conference - July 15-16, 2014
5 Lots of Pipelines Ohio Planning Conference - July 15-16, 2014
6 Lots of Very Large Loads Ohio Planning Conference - July 15-16, 2014
7 Through Tight corners Ohio Planning Conference - July 15-16, 2014
8 In narrow spaces Ohio Planning Conference - July 15-16, 2014
9 In Busy Places Ohio Planning Conference - July 15-16, 2014
10 Some tight squeezes Ohio Planning Conference - July 15-16, 2014
11 Even on gravel roads Ohio Planning Conference - July 15-16, 2014
12 Final Destination Ohio Planning Conference - July 15-16, 2014 Hopedale Facility
13 Traffic Impacts (State Routes) Ohio Planning Conference - July 15-16, 2014 Carrollton Square
14 Maintenance Impacts Ohio Planning Conference - July 15-16, 2014 SR 524 and Bay Rd.Along Bay Rd.
15 Maintenance Impacts Ohio Planning Conference - July 15-16, 2014 COL-644 Kensington Plant HAS-151 Scio Plant
16 Maintenance Impacts Ohio Planning Conference - July 15-16, 2014 HAS US 250/SR 646 Intersection - Successful Turn
17 Maintenance Impacts Ohio Planning Conference - July 15-16, 2014 Same Location - Unsuccessful Turn
18 Pavement Impacts Ohio Planning Conference - July 15-16, 2014 SR 164/9 in Kilgore Noble SR 285
19 Bridge Impacts Ohio Planning Conference - July 15-16, 2014 NOB-78 Bridge
20 Bridge Impacts Ohio Planning Conference - July 15-16, 2014 Swayzee Rd. in Monroe Co
21 Resource Impacts Ohio Planning Conference - July 15-16, 2014
22 Ohio Planning Conference - July 15-16, 2014
23 Rodent Impacts Ohio Planning Conference - July 15-16, 2014
24 ODOT’s Response Road User Meetings Industry and Transportation Officials Outreach meetings/Training Attend monthly safety meetings Offer individualized training for the Industry Communication through social media Weekly maintenance work schedules Annual construction programs Ohio Planning Conference - July 15-16, 2014
John R. Kasich, GovernorJerry Wray, Director Ohio Department of Transportation Questions?