Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG) Program Rachel Sova Washington Military Department Emergency Management Division
The Basics Purpose: Sustaining and enhancing the effectiveness of emergency management programs Funding provided by Department of Homeland Security Funds provided to all 50 states on an annual basis Each state determines how the funds will be distributed
General Requirements Requires a 50/50 match in non-federal resources Compliance with the National Incident Management System (NIMS) –EMD NIMS Coordinator: Jim Kadrmas (253) or Compliance with Buy American Act
Specific Required Activities Must develop & update Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan (CEMP) –Dave Hall, Planning Coordinator (253) , Must conduct communications planning and testing –Don Miller, Telecommunications Manager (253) ,
Specific Required Activities (cont.) Must have a public education program –LuAn Johnson, Public Education Manager (253) , Must conduct one exercise per year –Jerry Jenson, Exercise Program Manager (253) ,
Allowable Activity Categories 1. Planning: Developing & enhancing a variety of emergency management plans 2. Organization: Support of day-to-day EM staffing, operations & activities 3. Equipment: Must be on authorized equipment list
Allowable Activity Categories 4. Training: Develop, deliver, evaluate and attend EM training 5. Exercises: Design, develop, conduct, and evaluate HSEEP compliant EM exercises 6. Management & Administration: Up to 3% of award can be used to manage the contract funds
Eligible Applicants Local & Tribal Emergency Management Organizations (RCW 38.52) Established by resolution or ordinance passed by the legislative body Resolution should include (WAC ) : –How costs of org will be provided –That the org will have a Director –Director’s responsibilities
Required Application Submissions 1. Copy of ordinance/resolution establishing agency 2. Separate budget for the emergency management program with local/tribal funding break-down 3. Job Descriptions for all EM personnel 4. Organizational Chart for EM Agency 5. Scope of work detailing activities to be conducted during contract period 6. Indirect Rate Agreement, if applicable
Process for Distributing EMPG WAC provides for the distribution of EMPG funds Awards based on how much local/tribal funding committed to EM Each applicant receives the same matching percentage Award amounts change each year depending on amount available and number of applicants
Award Calculation To determine the % match… Federal funding available ÷ Total local/tribal funds budgeted for all applicants = % match example: $2,000,000 ÷ $10,000,000 = 20% Local/Tribal EM budget x % match = $ EMPG Award $ example: $35,000 x 20% = $7,000 Prior Year’s Match Percentage: 2005: 19.8% 2006: 18.4% 2007: 21.4%
Funding History Federal Award Year Total EMPG Award Amount Passed Through 2005$3,459,280$2,160, $3,535,440$2,191, $3,860,704$2,393, Supp $995,027$618,450
Funding Schedule October 1, 2007 – Federal Fiscal Year Begins November/December 2007– EMPG Guidance Released by DHS December 2007– State EMPG Application Submitted to DHS by WA EMD January 2008– Local/Tribal EMPG Application Developed by EMD February/March 2008– Local/Tribal Application Period April 2008 –EMPG Contracts distributed with back-date to October 1 December 31, 2008 – Local/Tribal EMPG Contracts End
Electronic Grant Management System (e-GMS) /gms/gms/portal.asp /gms/gms/portal.asp Website requires a user name and password Application is completed online Attachments are uploaded or mailed/faxed separately
Allowable Expenses: Examples Salaries/Benefits for EM staff O/T & Backfill for planning, training, exercises, or M&A Full or part-time contractors Recruitment costs for open positions Communications costs (phones, faxes, postage, etc.) Materials & Supplies (copies, publications, etc.) Facility Costs (utilities, rental costs, etc.) Travel costs (lodging, per diem, transportation) Volunteer Costs (CERT, Vista) Warranties and Maintenance w/in contract period Installation of allowable equipment
Unallowable Expenses: Examples Supplanting of local/tribal funding Funding traditional public safety duties Unallowable equipment Costs of general use vehicles O/T or backfill for activation costs Entertainment or social activities Fines or penalty fees Tuition for higher education Self-insurance reserve funds Stockpiles of supplies for preparedness kits
How to Apply? 1. Provide Contact Information 2. Meet Eligibility Requirements 3. Submit Necessary Application Information If all of the above are complete then Funding is Awarded!
Resources EMD EMPG Grant Webpage: EMPG Program Guidance: pdf pdf DHS Financial Management Guide: de.pdf de.pdf
Resources (continued) OMB Circular A-87 WAC 118 Emergency Management apps.leg.wa.gov/wac RCW Emergency Management apps.leg.wa.gov/rcw
Questions Contact Information: Rachel Sova, EMPG Program Manager Emergency Management Division (253)