An Equal Opportunity University Academic Readiness Program: Goals & Efforts So Far Randolph Hollingsworth, Ph.D. Assistant Provost, Office of Undergraduate Education
An Equal Opportunity University Challenge Before Us Provost’s War on Attrition (e.g., one goal is to raise graduation rates to 64% in 3 years) KY Admin Regs (13 KAR 2:020) requires UK to remediate students with ACT sub-scores below 20 in reading 19 in math 18 in English UK 1st- to 2nd-year retention rate ~75% for F’06 entering cohort; record high ~81% F’07
An Equal Opportunity University Academic Readiness Program Goals Incoming at-risk students will: 1.Establish networks for success with faculty, librarians, advisors and support staff 2.Successfully complete intro courses/workshops 3.Create lasting peer relationships that support best models for student learning at UK
An Equal Opportunity University Stages in AR Program I.After students are admitted/confirmed Social networking, COMPASS placement, tutoring Early Summer Advising Conference Online tutoring (can continue through first year if needed) II.First year experience Math: dual enrollment with BCTC for MA108R Reading: supplemental instruction in ANT160, HIS108, SOC101 and GEN100 Writing: writing workshop in A&S100
An Equal Opportunity University Target Population at UK 24.9% % students in UK’s last 5 entering cohorts fall below KY standard for readiness from March-September ‘09 over 970 letters sent to incoming students about ARP standing By Aug 26 out of first-year students: –733 qualifications place them in ARP –173 passed COMPASS (560 requiring intervention)
An Equal Opportunity University Key Points of Action Academic Readiness liaisons work with advisors to decide ARP students’ learning plans after COMPASS scores received Social networking content/leadership from colleges to address expectations in chosen majors Advisor handbook (wiki) expansion Institutional research, consistent communication to assure meaningful interventions
An Equal Opportunity University Role of Office of Undergraduate Education Retention & Student Success support of colleges before/during summer conferences and academic year –Hobsons Retain tracking student progress/performance students: regular s/surveys and follow-up phone calls advisors: regular reports on students admitted/confirmed –COMPASS placement tests per academic area –Facilitate online tutoring (PLATO) & reading clinics Big Blue Network (Ning, Twitter, FB, LinkedIn, SL)
An Equal Opportunity University Academic Alert Type of Alert Reported by Faculty (can check all) Missed classes (at least 2-3 in the first weeks) Habitually late (more than 10 minutes on a regular basis) Homework assignments not completed or of inconsistent quality Poor performance on tests or quizzes Disruptive Behavior in class Disruptive Behavior in residence hall Other NEW Illness Alert (noticing absenteeism trends in whole class)
An Equal Opportunity University Midterm Grades Submitted by all faculty teaching undergraduate courses for students to see in MyUK portal Academic advisors use reported grades to help students make decisions about –withdrawing during extended window post-midterm –crafting best class schedule for Priority Registration
An Equal Opportunity University New Addition! The Suder Foundation Model Center for First Generation College- going Students at UK Matthew Deffendall, TSF Planning Coordinator, Office of Undergraduate Education
An Equal Opportunity University Suder Scholar Program Scholarships for students Programming to raise awareness on campus –student focus groups –faculty learning community –Twitter account and BBN presence