U NIFIED R ESPONSE S TRATEGY Sphere India “A small step is a giant leap”
W HAT IS URS? It is an action-based project, of Sphere India, launched with the rationale to build common understanding among different stakeholders, for an organized and coordinated response.
O BJECTIVES OF URS: To initiate and strengthen inter-agency collaboration in new states and to ensure the trickle down of the process to the district level. To strengthen the existing IAGs at the State and district levels. To institutionalize common assessments, common response planning, and common monitoring & evaluation in the inter-agency process. To enhance greater preparedness and quality response by the humanitarian agencies. To realize the development of an Emergency Management Centre.
T HE NEED FOR URS? Avoid duplication Past experiences and lessons Equitable distribution of relief and avoid social exclusion Complement Govt. relief efforts Improve overall humanitarian standards (time and quality of response) and promote 360 degree accountability
S TRENGTHENING INTER - AGENCY PROCESS Facilitating new IAGs Strengthening existing coalitions/networks to be more inclusive Training and capacity building of inter-agency groups. Experience sharing on collaborative action (Lessons Learnt Workshops) Learning: Increased interest for coalition in new states. Continued engagement through training
A CTIVATION OF URS A.P & Karnataka Floods (Sphere Coordinators Deployment) Bihar and West Bengal Cyclone/Floods (IAG initiating URS process) Emergency Meetings Learning: Increased interest for coalition in new states Continued engagement through training
I NTER A GENCY A SSESSMENTS IA Multi-sectoral assessments in West Bengal, Bihar Floods. Assessment for identification of advocacy issues. Use of common assessment formats Learning: IAGs owning the process and initiating the assessments.
P REPAREDNESS Information on pre- positioning of agencies’ stocks – identifying collective capacity. Pre-monsoons preparedness meetings (state & district levels) Humanitarian database Learning: Investing in district level coordination is being considered as a key component.
Q UALITY & A CCOUNTABILITY A CTIONS Sphere Audit in Andhra Pradesh Floods (Kurnool & Mahbubnagar Districts) Immersion Exercise in Kosi Basin, Bihar Post Cyclone Aila Assessment in West Bengal Learning: Common monitoring is important to gauge the progress and identify key issues of advocacy in the disaster hit areas.
I NTER A GENCY G ROUPS StateStatus AssamCharter adopted by member agencies in July 2010, Convenor and Interim Coordinator in place. Plans for GBM in August to formalise relationship with SDMA and Annual Work Plan. BiharConvenor in place, no Charter yet, plans for re-organisation under discussion. OrissaCharter,Convenor and full time Coordinator with funded Annual Work Plan West BengalCharter, Convenor and full time Coordinator with funded Annual Work Plan Tamil NaduCharter to be adopted in July end. IAG Facilitator in place. A.P.Initiated in August Informal structure to facilitate close collaboration with AP State GO-NGO Coordination Committee.
StateStatus KarnatakaInterim group formed in January KeralaInterm group formed in February GujaratIAG initiated following Bhuj earthquake recovery work. Needs reorganisation after exit of INGOs J & KIAG formed in July Convenor and membership criteria agreed. UPConvenor and Coordinator with funded Annual Plan RajasthanInterim Group formed in May Charter and structure to be finalized by August 2010 UttarakhandInterim Group formed in April Charter and structure under discussion and will be finalized shortly.
Jan Mar May July SepNov DecOct AugJunAprFeb 2009 J & K IAG Formation Quality & Accountability Workshops IAG Tamil Nadu Formation District Coordination in Bihar & UP Pre-monsoon meetings in Bihar & UP Cyclone Aila, West Bengal District Coordination in Bihar & UP Emergency Coordination in Karnataka Drought Bulletin National Strategic Preparedness Workshop on Swine Flu District Coordination in Bihar & UP Emergency Coordination in Karnataka District Coordination in Bihar & UP Kosi Recovery Consultations in Bihar URS Lessons Learnt Workshop Emergency Coordination in A.P & Karnataka IAG A.P Formation District Coordination in Bihar & UP Placement of Sphere Coordinators in Bihar, UP and Delhi Piloting district coordination IAG Orissa Cyclone Assessment IEC Material on Humanitarian Ethics 6 th Sphere India Day District Coordination in Bihar & UP Bihar IAG Multi- Sectoral Assessment IEC material on H1N1 District Coordination in Bihar & UP Pre-monsoon meetings in Bihar Emergency coordination in Cyclone Aila, West Bengal Cyclone Aila West Bengal South India Floods South India & U.P Floods A.P, Bihar & U.P Floods India Drought Cyclone Bijili Orissa Assam, Bihar & Orissa Floods H1N1 Pandemic India Drought Orissa Tornado Cyclone Phyan Cyclone Nisha Assam Earthquake
W AY A HEAD Strengthening existing and facilitating new inter-agency groups. Facilitating and strengthening district coordination mechanism. Capacity building of agencies. Facilitate simulations with IAGs to strengthen preparedness. Strengthen Go-NGO-IAG Interface