NuMI DOE Review May 25, 2004 Commissioning Page 1 NuMI Commissioning Overview CD-4 Goals Planning Pre-commissioning activities Commissioning Summary
NuMI DOE Review May 25, 2004 Commissioning Page 2 Overview Commissioning = bringing the NuMI facility into a state of operation «NuMI project activities «Off-project activities such as Main Injector preparations This definition is slightly modified for the Technical Components «Commissioning = bringing the facility into operation using beam «Checkout = commissioning sub-systems prior to beam The MINOS detectors can be commissioned almost fully using cosmic rays
NuMI DOE Review May 25, 2004 Commissioning Page 3 Overview The NuMI project has retained the responsibility for conducting and documenting all checkout and commissioning activities Coordinators will schedule these activities to maximize efficiency and minimize impact to accelerator operations «NuMI Commissioning Coordinator – Bruce Baller «MINOS Near Detector Commissioning Coordinator – Peter Shanahan Commissioning workshop held in April to define checkout and commissioning steps «Attended by ~35 participants from NuMI, MINOS, Operations, ES&H, AD management
NuMI DOE Review May 25, 2004 Commissioning Page 4 CD-4 Goals The NuMI Project Management Plan describes the Technical Commissioning Goals required to meet CD-4 Goal ParameterMeasurementCommissioning Goal 1 Proton intensity in target hallToroid (or equivalent) beam intensity at entrance to the Target Hall Greater than 1E GeV protons/spill 2 Beam alignmentTransverse distributions of the proton beam and secondary beams Proton direction established to within 1 mr of the known direction to the Far Detector in the Soudan mine. 3 Neutrino beam energyNear detector event energyLow energy, 2-4 GeV 4 Cosmic ray muons detected in the MINOS near detector Near detector data read out through DAQ system Majority of 153 near detector planes sensitive to muons 5 Near detector neutrino fluxCharged current event rate in 1.5 ton fiducial region Observer neutrinos in the near detector produced by the NuMI beam 6 Cosmic ray muons and atmospheric neutrinos detected in each of the two MINOS far detector super- modules Far detector data read out through DAQ system Majority of the 484 planes of the far detector sensitive to muons and atmospheric neutrinos
NuMI DOE Review May 25, 2004 Commissioning Page 5 CD-4 Goals We plan to follow the Main Injector model for documentation & acceptance of goal achievement - Greg Bock memos to Steve Webster with supporting documentation «Goal 1: ACNET parameter page showing proton intensity in NuMI beamline «Goal 2: ACNET parameter page showing beam position in pre- target & display showing beam position in the hadron monitor «Goal 3,5: Detector measurements of pulse height and event length consistent with neutrino energies of 2 – 4 GeV «Goal 4,6: MINOS displays of cosmic ray events in the near and far detectors
NuMI DOE Review May 25, 2004 Commissioning Page 6 Planning NuMI checkout & commissioning activities are tracked using MS Project «Each task is assigned to a responsible person, approx start & approx duration, notes, device status Pre-commissioning activities «Main Injector Preparations (~65 tasks) «NuMI checkout (~200 tasks) «Administrative Approvals (~15 tasks) «Operations Preparations (~20 tasks) Commissioning «NuMI commissioning (~60 tasks) «Main Injector High Intensity (2 tasks – need experience) «Turnover to Operations (2 tasks)
NuMI DOE Review May 25, 2004 Commissioning Page 7 Planning The commissioning plan includes several flavors of tasks «Canonical off-project tasks that can be readily estimated, e.g. Design/build Main Injector Batch-by-Batch integrator «Main Injector studies that are difficult to estimate (e.g. high intensity beam studies) but have a well defined result «NuMI systems checkout tasks costed in the Master Schedule «Administrative tasks, e.g. AD & DOE approve MI safety envelope «Checkout steps, e.g Put profile monitors into the beam The primary purpose of the plan is to ensure that all required tasks are identified and completed in the proper sequence
NuMI DOE Review May 25, 2004 Commissioning Page 8 Pre-Commissioning Activities Description of pre-commissioning activities «Main Injector Preparations «NuMI Checkout «Administrative Approvals «Operations Preparations
NuMI DOE Review May 25, 2004 Commissioning Page 9 Main Injector Preparations After commissioning, NuMI will operate in a mixed-mode with antiproton stacking at 120 GeV A sec MI cycle will accommodate 6 batches of 3.3x10 13 protons/cycle «The Antiproton Source requires 1 batch of 0.8x10 13 protons to be achieved by slip-stacking «NuMI will receive 5 batches for a total intensity of 2.5x10 13 protons «Antiproton beam requirements are tighter than NuMI Commissioning will be done on a special NuMI-only cycle
NuMI DOE Review May 25, 2004 Commissioning Page 10 Main Injector Preparations High intensity studies (Damper system) Synchronizing Booster/MI injection (Booster Cogging) MI/NuMI event timing Multi-batch intensity measurement MI beam quality inputs to the NuMI Beam Permit System (BPS) Orbit and extraction issues Planned for normal operation Not necessary to meet CD-4
NuMI DOE Review May 25, 2004 Commissioning Page 11 High Intensity Studies The bunch-by-bunch digital damper system (Run II) is needed for high intensity Instrumentation, RF cavities and kicker exist Longitudinal dampers operational now Transverse damper board in debugging Start multi-batch mode studies after board is fully tested (late June) Demonstrate high intensity multi-batch capability before the August shutdown
NuMI DOE Review May 25, 2004 Commissioning Page 12 NuMI batches pbar batch Beam on the pbar target Multi-Batch Pbar Extraction No dampers No cogging
NuMI DOE Review May 25, 2004 Commissioning Page 13 Booster Cogging Booster notch needs to be sync’d to the kicker and timed to MI batches Booster cogging turned on No losses with < 3 Booster turns ~20% loss with 4 turns N4 N5 Pbar N1 N2 Time (ns) Revolution
NuMI DOE Review May 25, 2004 Commissioning Page 14 Pre-Commissioning Activities Description of pre-commissioning activities «Main Injector Preparations «NuMI Checkout «Administrative Approvals «Operations Preparations
NuMI DOE Review May 25, 2004 Commissioning Page 15 NuMI Checkout Sub-system checkout tasks are included in the master schedule at a summary level to capture costs, resources «The purpose of the Commissioning Plan is to ensure that every sub-system is fully checked out before commissioning begins Checkout is a multi-step process that culminates in the documentation of readiness by the L3 manager in the NuMI Beamline electronic logbook The Commissioning Plan identifies a final checkout step (~200) that requires documented completion «Notes field defines the required checkout action for each sub- system (e.g. magnets: Polarity check and power testing completed)
NuMI DOE Review May 25, 2004 Commissioning Page 16 NuMI Devices Primary beam: 49 magnets, 24 BPM’s, 10 Profile Monitors, 2 calibration targets, 50 loss monitors, 4 total loss monitors, 2 toroids, 3 beam vacuum systems Magnetic shielding check on HV101 string Target hall: 6 thermocouples, Budal monitor, target helium flow, target/horn drive/position, RAW system status (for each module), chase cooling system flow/pressure Decay pipe: vacuum status/pressure, RAW system status Absorber: 8 thermocouples, RAW system status, leak rate study Hadron/Muon Monitors: HV/LV status Beam Permit System: 9 input summary checks Safety System: 2 administrative checks
NuMI DOE Review May 25, 2004 Commissioning Page 17 Pre-Commissioning Activities Description of pre-commissioning activities «Main Injector Preparations «NuMI Checkout «Administrative Approvals «Operations Preparations
NuMI DOE Review May 25, 2004 Commissioning Page 18 Administrative Approvals Main Injector «The MI Shielding Assessment has been revised to allow operation at 3.3x10 13 protons/cycle *In review now «MI Safety Envelope will be reviewed and approved concurrent with NuMI Safety Envelope NuMI «The NuMI Shielding Assessment and Safety Envelope will be discussed in Nancy Grossman’s talk «Commissioning plan includes Accelerator Readiness Review, final walkthrough by ES&H committee, Running Conditions development and approval
NuMI DOE Review May 25, 2004 Commissioning Page 19 Pre-Commissioning Activities Description of pre-commissioning activities «Main Injector Preparations «NuMI Checkout «Administrative Approvals «Operations Preparations
NuMI DOE Review May 25, 2004 Commissioning Page 20 Operations Preparations Controls needs «Add NuMI devices to the ACNET database «Develop parameter pages «Set up BPS and alarms & limits pages, sequencers «Define device list for data-logging «Set up data logger «Set up Beam Loss Budget Monitor and Beam Budget Monitor Administration & Training «Develop Search & Secure procedures & training «Develop emergency response procedures & training «Define access requirements, threshold criteria for NuMI operation «Develop and conduct operator training «Define list of qualified experts
NuMI DOE Review May 25, 2004 Commissioning Page 21 Commissioning Commissioning team composed of experts from NuMI, External Beams Dept & CERN Use the existing NuMI Beamline electronic logbook for documentation Commissioning is divided into 11 phases The first 8 will be conducted on a special NuMI “study cycle” with a cycle time of ~ 2 minutes «Allows time for evaluation between shots The Beam Permit System (BPS) is administratively controlled by the Coordinator by the use of a “golden file”
NuMI DOE Review May 25, 2004 Commissioning Page 22 Commissioning MI & NuMI setup (~4 days) «Establish stable 1 batch MI beam (3x10 11 ppp) on NuMI cycle «Start NuMI ramps, ensure devices are reading back, data logging, BPS active, AutoTune working, NuMI kicker is OFF First Beam to NuMI (~3 days) «Enable kickers «Tune beam to hadron absorber (AutoTune semi-automatic) «Check function of loss monitors with profile monitors in/out «Calibrate BPM’s Aperture scans (~4 days) «Scan Lambertson & 2 NuMI magnet apertures «Declare BPS golden file «Start tuning with correctors Meet CD-4 Goal 2
NuMI DOE Review May 25, 2004 Commissioning Page 23 Commissioning Horn Alignment (~2 days) «Scan horn 1 and horn 2 using neck and cross-hair alignment system «BPM and hadron monitor response checked concurrently Target/Baffle Alignment (~2 days) «Target/baffle are scanned while in Low Energy (LE), Medium Energy (ME) and High Energy (HE) positions «Hadron monitor response checked concurrently Raise Intensity & Check Calibration (~1 day) «Increase intensity to 1x10 12 protons/cycle «Check instrumentation calibration Meet CD-4 Goal 1
NuMI DOE Review May 25, 2004 Commissioning Page 24 Commissioning First Neutrinos (~2 days) «Start horn pulsing & log neutrinos in the near detector «Beam-on and beam-off radiation surveys Multi-batch tuning (~7 days) «Increase number of batches «Check ramp, instrumentation timing & losses Reduce cycle time - Mixed-mode (~1 day) «Start NuMI/pbar mixed mode at 2 sec cycle time Main Injector – High Intensity (~30 days) «Check ramp, instrumentation timing & losses Turnover to Operations «Document tunes & operator training Meet CD-4 Goal 3,5 CD-4 Met
NuMI DOE Review May 25, 2004 Commissioning Page 25 Summary The April commissioning workshop was valuable «Recommendations on philosophy, tips «NuMI, Operations and AD management agree on all points The commissioning plan codifies all major and many minor tasks «Plan will be updated regularly, posted on the web and tracked in weekly commissioning meetings We expect to achieve CD-4 after several weeks of commissioning