1 Transition Workshop Initiative Jess Stewart
2 Transition Workshop Initiative Objective: –Improve program execution at key program points through a transition workshop process Proposed outcome today: –Agreement in principle on an OSD/ Service/ Industry partnership to incorporate transition workshops for ACAT I programs in FY 2011
3 Workshop Benefits Program “jumpstart” on common processes –Risk, IMP/IMS,EVM planning and metrics Increased transparency of activities –Requirements flowdown, supplier setup, & data exchange Shared govt./contractor perspectives on program goals, business processes and intended outcomes before the real work begins Positive environment of trust, collaboration, teamwork and openness –Clear communications and common contract goals Consistency of program execution
4 Notional Planning Timeline/Events Vision & Processes RFP Conduct Workshop Set PM Agenda DAB Team Tasking Gov. Workshop Pre-brief Executive Teams Workshop Top Level Planning Team AlignedWorkshop Events Govt. only Govt./Contractor SSCA
5 Schedule slide EventBrieferEventBrieferEventBriefer (Draft) Recap PMs/DAU Recap PMs/DAU User Viewpoint/Reporting Reqts Users IPT Working Sessions IPT Leads IBR Preparation DAU Cont./Gov Working Lunch Break IPT Status –Charter Update –Responsibility –Accountability –Problem Resolution –Risk Register –IBR Planning –IMP/IMS Issues –Comms Plan –Near Term Deliveries –GFE Review IPT Leads (Co-Brief) Facilitator (Moderator) Contract Baseline, Incentives, & Change Mgmt DAU Cont./Gov Working Lunch CDR Preparation DAU Contractor Government Risk & Opportunity Mgmt / IMP/IMS DAU Cont./Gov Workshop Overview DAU Comm/Metrics/Reviews DAU Cont./Gov Introductions Govt./Cont. Executives Break IPT Working Sessions (Team Alignment) IPT Leads PM Review –Path to IBR/CDR –Action Items –Team Challenges PMs Facilitator (Moderator) Program Strengths/ Barriers to Success DAU PM Values & Vision PMs Dinner & Social Typical 2.5 day workshop 5
6 Way Forward Objective: Incorporate transition workshops for all ACAT I programs in FY 11 Sponsor: A&T Director, PSA: –Directive type memo for ACAT I programs Establish Roles and Responsibilities –Common processes & templates –Determine best way to facilitate workshops with DAU and Components Determine Resource Requirements Detailed plan to be presented to AMFG
7 Discussion?
8 Background Pilot Programs for ICPM in 2008/2009 –JTRS AMF/C-5/GSE/JLTV/JCREW –Upcoming: SDB II & VIPS(BTA) (Virtual Interacting Processing System) Workshop Objectives –Align Contract Execution Processes –Align Government and Contractor Teams –Tailored for task; e.g., contract award/Nunn McCurdy breach Builds on Industry startup processes
9 Existing Programs Program Execution Problems Program Execution Problems Program Execution Problems Program Execution Problems Program Execution Problems Program Execution Problems Program Execution/ Tracking Program Execution Problems Program Execution Problems Program Start-up Assist Formation Program Execution Problems Goal: Establish Process and Provide Hands-On Support for New Programs Program Initiation Process Assist Team New-StartPrograms “ Elements of Success” Program Reviews Root-Cause Identification Program Restructuring & Re-Baselining Lockheed Template
10 Workshop Feedback “Our evolved agenda, which allowed the User and Resource Sponsor to express their viewpoints, was CRITICAL for contractor awareness and understanding of the warfighter “big picture.” “We did deliver products: face-to-face meetings to establish “running rules”, the way ahead, program issues, and formulation of joint team charters.” “The key accomplishment was to have Government and Contractor team lead counterparts sit down with one another in a relaxed forum to discuss broad-based and team-focused challenges.” “Some people questioned why DAU was involved, thought Contractor/Government could have done it on their own. I disagree, DAU was the forcing function, we would not have done this on our own.” “Contractors told me that their startup had contributed to their CDR successes” --PEO Soldier “Every program office should have one” --PM, BAMS
11 C5 Reliability Enhancement and Re-engining Program Workshop 8 Sep 2008
12 Bottom-Line Up Front PSW was worth the work—forum for joint discussion of relevant and time-sensitive issues –Lessons learned applied: conducted extensive pre-work –Aggressive agenda, but all topics addressed –Key focus on LRIP IBR planning and tracking to plan –DAU and LM Corporate facilitation team kept the team on track 54 Action Items assigned –No show-stoppers, but some substantial topics –Part of normal business flow Will be worked by IPTs Will be statused in RERP team meetings
13 Purpose of C 5 RERP PSW Lay groundwork for successful LRIP IBR Focus on LRIP/Production and associated cultural changes with a fixed price environment Engage all stakeholders to: –Reinforce effective communications –Ensure clarity of expectations –Identify specific actions for a clear way ahead
14 Joint Tactical Radio Airborne, Maritime, Fixed (JTRS AMF) Key Benefits 1.Unlike Contract “Kick-Off” Meeting, Teams had Objective Tasks Assigned Prior that Focused on IBR and Beyond Success –Lesson Learned from Program’s with Successful IBR, but Subsequent Struggles 2.Getting the Team Together Early with Focused Tasks Resulted in –Opening / Re-Opening Lines of Communications –Exposing Blind-Spots Early –Closure Oriented Actions 3.Realigned the Government and LM Team from a Restrictive Pre- Milestone B Dual Competition Environment to a Collaborative IPT Operating Model –Joint Development of IPT Charter to be Applied to all IPTs 4.Established the Need for Future Meetings to Continue Success to CDR and Beyond –Partnership and Collaboration is not a One-Time Event
15 Additional JTRS (AMF) Observations Perfect Timing –Strong Team Building and Perspective Exchange –Both Sides Noted Excellent Setting of Tone –No Negative Energy Successful Blending of DAU and LM Corporate Wisdom –Leveraged Lessons from Past/Present Programs –Positioned for Continuity for Follow-Up Engagement(s) Excellent Information Sharing on New/Updated Customer Organization –Lexicon & Roles/Responsibility Exchange Supports Integration Bottom Line - Successful –Lowered Risk to IBR –Key Sync Points Made (e.g. LM PM added to Government CCB) –No Major Issues Identified Confidence Builder through Sharing of Existing Processes/Procedures and Plans Adjustments and Forward Actions will make us S tronger –Joint Program Processes – Requirements (DOORS), Risk/Opportunity, Metrics “ One Program Team” Better Enabled to Execute IBR & Beyond
16 Typical Workshop Resources Team –Lead/Lead assistant/2-3 Subject Matter Experts (may vary)/Report Writer and Corporate participation –Expect between man hours per workshop (including preparation activities) plus travel for facilitator team Typical activities –Pre RFP inbrief –Post RFP management agenda determined –Government Team workshop for process definition –Prebrief workshop –Conduct Transition workshop