Global Marketing 2009 India Tech Center, TECMA, CIMT & EMO Jeff Traver AMT Vice President – Business Development Peter Eelman AMT Vice President – Exhibitions
2009 World Market: Overview of key markets Where to target your efforts Shows and events AMT resources 2 AMT 2009 Regional Meetings
2009 Asia Market Overview: India Trends: Economy still growing, GDP expected to be 4.0% in 2009 Government Stimulus Infrastructure investments to continue, $50 billion Central bank has reduced interest rates Reduced excise tax on non-petroleum products 3 AMT 2009 Regional Meetings
2009 Asia Market Overview: India Targets: Power and energy Several new nuclear projects approved Investment in renewable energy BHEL to spend $2 billion in new capacity Infrastructure $56 billion railway investment projected over four years Defense $36 billion to be invested over next five years 4 AMT 2009 Regional Meetings
2009 Asia Market Overview: AMT India Resources: Knox Johnstone, AMT McLean, Va. Arun Mahajan, Chennai Regional Office 5 AMT 2009 Regional Meetings
2009 Asia Market Overview: China Trends: Will remain largest machine tool market in the world with projected GDP of 5.6% in 2009 and 9.6% in 2010 Chinese government commitment to continued economic growth – $586 billion Stimulus Package “Social Stability” $88 billion for railways $30 billion for construction equipment Infrastructure – reconstruction in disaster areas Health and environmental 6 AMT 2009 Regional Meetings
2009 Asia Market Overview: China Targets: Aerospace Construction and off road equipment Power generation Domestic auto and truck 7 AMT 2009 Regional Meetings
2009 Asia Market Overview: AMT China Resources: Knox Johnstone, AMT in McLean, Va. Shanghai Tech Center Regional Offices Xingbin Li in Beijing Sean Jiang in Shanghai Bill Chan in Guangzhou 8 AMT 2009 Regional Meetings
AMT Pavilion – Hall 1W 45 Exhibitors in AMT/USA Pavilion 9 AMT 2009 Regional Meetings
CIMT ’09 Key Points New Exhibition Hall Location/Logistics Challenges Future Directions 10 AMT 2009 Regional Meetings
2009 European Market Overview: Russia Trends: 2009 GDP could be negative, and industrial production was off 11% in last quarter 2008 Falling oil prices have hurt liquidity; combined with banking problems, imports will decline The ruble will continue to devalue The government will try to protect the metallurgical sector and the domestic auto industry 11 AMT 2009 Regional Meetings
2009 European Market Overview: Russia Targets: Aerospace: the Russian retooling initiative will slow, but continue Power generation, mining, and metallurgy sectors will continue to be supported by the government Domestic automotive: AvtoVAZ, GAZ, KamAZ, UAZ, and their suppliers 12 AMT 2009 Regional Meetings
2009 European Market Overview: Euro Zone Trends and Targets: 2009 GDP 0.1% The EU will be slow throughout 2009 Czech Republic and Poland will continue to be active in non-automotive; while Slovakia should continue modestly in automotive Germany will continue investment in Wind Energy 13 AMT 2009 Regional Meetings
2009 European Market Overview: AMT Europe Resources: Malcolm Mason, AMT, McLean, Va. Hubert Sawicki, Warsaw, Poland 14 AMT 2009 Regional Meetings
October 5-10, 2009 Milan, Italy 15 AMT 2009 Regional Meetings
EMO Milano Key Points New Exhibition Grounds AMT Information/Assistance Stand MTConnect Student Competition Awards 16 AMT 2009 Regional Meetings
2009 Americas Market Overview: Mexico Trends: 2009 GDP projected to be 1.5% Automotive will slow but Mexico will still be an investment target for U.S., European, and Japanese auto, truck, heavy equipment, and durable goods manufacturing Risk is modified by U.S. NAFTA policy Aerospace will continue to grow Job shops will continue to invest in manufacturing technology Mexico will remain one of the top three largest export market for U.S. manufacturing technology 17 AMT 2009 Regional Meetings
2009 Americas Market Overview: Mexico Targets: Aerospace Construction and off-road equipment Automotive U.S. Policy – NAFTA? 18 AMT 2009 Regional Meetings
March 10-13, 2009 Mexico City, Mexico 19 AMT 2009 Regional Meetings
TECMA 2009 Key Points AMT/USA Pavilion 11 Exhibiting Companies Santa Fe Expo Bancomer 20 AMT 2009 Regional Meetings
2009 Americas Market Overview: Brazil Trends and Targets: The largest consumer of manufacturing technology in South America GDP is projected to be 1.0% The Brazilian auto industry is still growing An established trend exists of technology driving productivity 21 AMT 2009 Regional Meetings
2009 Americas Market Overview: Brazil Targets: Automotive Aerospace Durable goods 22 AMT 2009 Regional Meetings
2009 Americas Market Overview: New Domestics - Transplants: Why Now! Transplants will exploit the weakness of the “Big Three” The Japanese transplants will likely recover production volume the fastest The downturn will drive productivity focus Take the opportunity to build relationships in difficult times 23 AMT 2009 Regional Meetings
2009 Americas Market Overview: Americas Resources: Mario Winterstein, AMT, McLean, Va. Monterrey Tech Center Transplant Committee 24 AMT 2009 Regional Meetings
2009 AMT Marketing Events: Regional Meetings Webinars Customer Service & Support Conference May 7-8, 2009 – Nashville, Tenn. Forecasting & Global Marketing October 21-22, 2009 – Orlando, Fla. AMT Annual Meeting October 22-24, AMT 2009 Regional Meetings
2009 Trade Shows in USA Houstex February 24-26, 2009 – Houston, Texas Westec March 30 – April 2, 2009 – Los Angeles, Calif. Eastec May 19-21, 2009 – W. Springfield, Mass. South-Tec October 6-8, 2009 – Charlotte, N.C. FABTECH November 15-18, 2009 – Chicago, Ill. 26 AMT 2009 Regional Meetings
A Look Back 27 AMT 2009 Regional Meetings
IMTS ‘08 Reviews Successes & Good First Steps: Branding Operations 6-day Emerging Technology CenterSocial Networking Conference RevitalizationWest Building More Analysis & Must Improve: Traffic FlowMarshalling Local MarketingFocusOne Registration/Lead ManagementFood Service U.S. VisasRules 28 AMT 2009 Regional Meetings
29 AMT 2009 Regional Meetings
30 AMT 2009 Regional Meetings
31 AMT 2009 Regional Meetings
32 AMT 2009 Regional Meetings
IMTS ‘08 Final Statistics SalesRegistration 1,291 Exhibitors92,450 Total (0.5 percent increase from 2006) 1,233,878 Sq. Ft.1,377 Conference (over five times 2006) 33 AMT 2009 Regional Meetings
September 13-18, AMT 2009 Regional Meetings
IMTS 2010 Report Space Reservations 812 Companies 1,090,460 Sq. Ft. Requested 35 AMT 2009 Regional Meetings
36 AMT 2009 Regional Meetings