Preparing for Your First Day on the Job Section 8.1 Preparing for Your First Day on the Job
How to manage the anxieties and challenges of the first day of work WHAT YOU’LL LEARN How to manage the anxieties and challenges of the first day of work How to dress appropriately for work continued
Basic company policies WHAT YOU’LL LEARN Basic company policies
WHY IT’S IMPORTANT Preparing for a new job can help reduce the stress and anxiety you may feel.
KEY TERMS company culture orientation mentors
Having a Good First Day Figure out when you’ll have to get up in order to get ready and get to work. Then get up even earlier. Running late will cause you stress.
Having a Good First Day You will meet many coworkers on your first day, and you’ll probably forget their names. Don’t worry. Just ask again.
Having a Good First Day Repeat a person’s name out loud when you’re introduced, and use the name again while talking to the person. This will help you remember it.
Company Culture Company culture is the behavior, attitudes, values, and habits of the employees and owners that are unique to a particular company.
Company Culture Take your time learning the company culture. Concentrate on listening and observing. The skills of listening, knowing how to learn, and sociability will help you.
Dressing for the Job Although the majority of companies are now moving toward casual dress, there is no “norm.” Jeans and a golf shirt might be fine at one place, but too casual at another.
Dressing for the Job When you go to your interview, observe what other people are wearing. Make a point to ask about the dress code.
Dressing for the Job Consider these pointers: Err on the side of conservative dress. Avoid bright or garish colors. Keep jewelry simple. Wear clean clothes. If you’re meeting the public, wear more traditional clothes.
Orientation Orientation is a program that introduces you to the company’s policies, procedures, values, and benefits. You may get a tour of the company and the building you will be working in.
Orientation A small company orientation may be informal. A large company orientation may be more elaborate.
Orientation Orientations may last a few hours, all day, or much longer. Employers may introduce team-building activities.
Orientation Mentors are informal teachers or guides who help new employees adjust to their new workplace. Mentors help new employees learn the company culture and company policies.
Orientation Mentors can provide valuable guidance and advice to help you advance in your career.
Orientation After three months, new employees often meet with their supervisors to talk about their new job, the company, and their future.
Orientation Use orientation to answer these questions: What is the company’s mission? How does your department fit into the company’s mission? What are your exact job responsibilities? continued
Orientation What should you do first? Next? How will your performance be evaluated? When? What benefits will you receive and when will you receive them?
Company Policies You will probably be given a company manual or other written statement of official policies.
Company Policies By learning the company’s policies right away, you protect yourself and ensure that you fully live up to your employer’s expectations.
Company Policies Company policies address questions such as: When will you be paid? What happens if you’re late for work? How many sick days will you be paid for each year? continued
Company Policies How much vacation time will you get, and when can you take it? What paid holidays does the company grant? When will you receive a raise? What will be the basis for it?
CAREER CHECKLIST When Starting a New Job… Research the organization’s corporate culture or rules. Ask for a copy of a company handbook or material on the company’s policies Carefully review any material that you receive from your new employer. continued
CAREER CHECKLIST When Starting a New Job… Be sure that you understand the company’s expectations of employees. Show courtesy when participating in training programs, even if you are already familiar with the material presented. continued
CAREER CHECKLIST When Starting a New Job… Take initiative in asking for tasks or responsibilities as you become familiar with your duties. Remember that you are embarking on a new adventure and that things at your new company may be different from your last job.
What to Expect at Orientation Graphic Organizer 8.1 What to Expect at Orientation Company Policies Company’s Mission Department’s Goals Your Responsibilities Company’s Expectations Facilities Tour Coworker Introductions Team-Building Activities Chapter 8 • Beginning a New Job Succeeding in the World of Work
ETHICS in Action Changing Places You and your friend recently started working at a large corporation. The human resources department conducts random drug testing, and your friend was picked but you were not. Your friend tells you that she has been taking pain pills for her bad back and asks you to take the test for her. continued
ETHICS in Action Changing Places THINK ABOUT IT She says that because the company is so big, no one will ever know the difference. THINK ABOUT IT Will you take the drug test for your friend? Why or why not?
Key Concept Checkpoint SECTION 8.1 REVIEW Key Concept Checkpoint Comprehension What worries you about starting a new job? How can you prepare for your first day at work? continued
Key Concept Checkpoint SECTION 8.1 REVIEW Key Concept Checkpoint Comprehension How will knowing about your new employer’s dress code help make your first day on the job successful? continued
Key Concept Checkpoint SECTION 8.1 REVIEW Key Concept Checkpoint Comprehension Why should you learn about company policies as soon as possible? continued
Key Concept Checkpoint SECTION 8.1 REVIEW Key Concept Checkpoint Critical Thinking How will understanding company policy protect your rights as an employee?
Preparing for Your First Day on the Job End of Section 8.1 Preparing for Your First Day on the Job