Dream Team Training “Success is nothing more than a few simple disciplines, practiced every day.” – Jim Rohn
Dream Team Training Content: Phase 1 – Quick Start Getting Started Phase 2 – Training Compensation Plan Goal Setting Enrolling Duplication New Market Plan Resources
Dream Team Training Phase 1 – Quick Start
Dream Team Training Getting Started Utilize Upline Make A List PHYSICALLY write out a list of 100+ people who would be interested in either healthy products or a business opportunity DO NOT PREJUDGE – never know who someone might lead you to
Dream Team Training Getting Started Invite Properly Most important concept when first starting – only one chance to make a first impression Make it personal (don’t mass text or spam) Fill a need (if someone complains about their job present this as an opportunity to do something else)
Dream Team Training Getting Started Invite Properly In college market lead with opportunity (don’t mention Vemma/Verve) Clear Schedule, Excited, Product, Leverage 3 rd Party Success EX. “Hey, what are you doing tonight at ___? I’m really excited, I just got involved with this opportunity. We are working with a healthy energy drink, it’s the official energy drink of the Phoenix Suns. My friend Josh got it started at ASU back in August and is making $3,000 a month residually. We are trying to get it going here. You should come hear what this guy has to say, this is going to be HUGE!”
Dream Team Training Phase 2 – Training
Dream Team Training Compensation Plan Overview binary structure (two teams) One team is built by you and your upline Other team is built by yourself 13 rank periods that are 4 weeks long (work week is Friday – Thursday) Must be on auto-delivery of 120QV (2 cases) to be in the business
Dream Team Training Compensation Plan Overview Your rank in the company is based on how many times you cycle (explained later) in a 4 week period 9 different bonuses (5 that are essential to understand at first Fast Start (Immediate) Cycle Bonus (Long-Term) Momentum Bonus (Long-Term) Frenzy Bonus (Immediate) Platinum Club (Long-Term)
Dream Team Training Compensation Plan Fast Start Bonus One-time bonus when you personally enroll someone through your own website, called a PEQ (personally enrolled qualifier) Paid based on amount of product ordered their first month $10 per Case $100 for a Silver Builder Pack $200 for a Gold Builder Pack
Dream Team Training Compensation Plan Cycle Bonus Based on team sales volume (anyone below you in the system) on your left and right teams 1 Case = 60 QV (Qualifying Volume) Sales volume accumulates and any unused sales volume carries over to the next month
Dream Team Training Compensation Plan Cycle Bonus A cycle is when you accumulate 180QV (3 Cases) on one team and 360QV (6 Cases) on the other, and it pays $20-$25
Dream Team Training Compensation Plan Momentum Bonus Based on PERSONAL ENROLLER TREE volume accumulated over a rank period Personal enroller tree is anyone you have enrolled, who they’ve enrolled and so on Goal is to reach this bonus as soon as possible to have no more investment
Dream Team Training Compensation Plan Momentum Bonus When you have accumulated 500QV (9 Cases) on each team through your personal enroller tree it pays $100
Dream Team Training Compensation Plan Frenzy Bonus Based on 2-pack personal enrollment in a week (Fri-Thurs) Must have previously purchased a silver builder pack Pays… 3 People in a Week = $200 6 People in a Week = $400
Dream Team Training Compensation Plan Platinum Club Qualifications Platinum Rank Platinum Momentum Purchase Silver Builder in first 60 days Vemma pays… $400 a month towards lease/payment on a BMW or Mercedes
Dream Team Training Goal Setting Need to know where you are going to achieve your desired level of success Immediate 2 PEQs first week in company 8 PEQs will cover initial investment Long-Term Month 1- Bronze Month 2- Silver with Momentum Bonus Month 3- Gold or Diamond
Dream Team Training Goal Setting BRONZE RANK AT LEAST 1 CYCLE PEQ ON EACH SIDE BREAKDOWN 360 QV (6 CASES) ON ONE TEAM 180 QV (3 CASES) ON OTHER PAYOUT = $ *cycle bonus income only
Dream Team Training Goal Setting Silver RANK AT LEAST 5 CYCLES PEQ ON EACH SIDE BREAKDOWN 1800 QV (30 CASES) ON ONE TEAM 900 QV (15 CASES) ON OTHER PAYOUT = $ *cycle bonus income only
Dream Team Training Goal Setting GOLD RANK AT LEAST 10 CYCLES PEQ ON EACH SIDE BREAKDOWN 3600 QV (60 CASES) ON ONE TEAM 1800 QV (30 CASES) ON OTHER PAYOUT = $ *cycle bonus income only
Dream Team Training Goal Setting Diamond RANK AT LEAST 20 CYCLES PEQ ON EACH SIDE BREAKDOWN 7200 QV (120 CASES) ON ONE TEAM 3600 QV (60 CASES) ON OTHER PAYOUT = $ *cycle bonus income only
Dream Team Training Goal Setting SMART Goals Specific Who, What, When, Where, Why Measurable How much/many? How will I know its accomplished? Attainable How can the goal be accomplished? Relevant Is it worthwhile? Does it match efforts/needs? Timely When will it be accomplished (exact date)
Dream Team Training Enrolling Placement Building 2 teams – Plan of Action People on same team will benefit from each other (place people who will work with each other on same team) How to Enroll Enroll through YOUR website username.vemma.com Set placement strategy before people enroll to specific team Located in backoffice when you click on MyAccount Set to left leg or right leg, click submit
Dream Team Training Duplication Teach to Teach In order to grow you need people to do what you do When you personally enroll someone it is your responsibility to teach them Phase 1 (make a list and how to invite) It is important that you have your PEQs start quickly and enroll 2 people their first week in the company
Dream Team Training New Market Plan The Right Way Pre-Launch Build a small core group of 5-15 people and get them trained and develop leaders One chance to approach market correctly Launch Begin running home events so brand partners can bring people to come hear about the opportunity
Dream Team Training Resources Addressing Pyramid Schemes The most common question in regards to skepticism with Vemma is: Is this a pyramid scheme? Our answer: What is a pyramid scheme? Pyramid Schemes are illegal in the United States They don’t involve a tangible product or commodity The NBA would not endorse an illegal company Dr. Oz wouldn’t risk his credibility on an illegal company Vemma has an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau Vemma is an equal opportunity company, meaning you can out earn the people above you
Dream Team Training Resources Links Videos Business Tools/Tips Motivation Contact Info: -VEMMA Corporate Alex Morton Josh Noble