WHAT TO EXPECT AT BUSINESS EXPO… Pop-up community theme Continuous traffic from noon – 5:00 p.m., so be ready to go by 11:30 a.m.! Social media buzz – join the conversation by using #bizexpo Lots of variety with booths, signage, themes, etc.
WHEN YOU’RE PLANNING YOUR BOOTH, JUST REMEMBER…. Trade shows are not stand-alone marketing ventures. Think BIG. Make your booth part of your overall strategic marketing approach. Have a plan – before, during and after the event. Don’t let your booth be a “one-off” of your marketing dollars and efforts.
WHY ARE YOU HERE? Increase market share with existing users Introduce a new product or service Make new prospects and contacts Bottom line: Don’t try to be all things to all people!
GET NOTICED! Define your message. Consider creating a theme. Infuse color and life into your space. Don’t hide behind huge displays or tables. Add interactive activities or demos. Offer “useful” giveaways or drawings. Need some inspiration for giveaways? The Chamber’s membership directory gives you lists of all of our member printers and service providers to find the perfect item for your booth.
COME IN. STAY AWHILE. Think of new ways to communicate your message. Don’t block and tackle. Have an open and friendly space. Use large graphics and images. Engage all the senses. Ask visitors to your booth what they do and see how your business can work for them. Your booth should be an offshoot of your business: people should feel comfortable and welcome.
BE UNIQUE. Keep your message simple. Incite curiosity. Keep it memorable. Create an experience, not just a display. Create dialogue and personalize the visitor’s experience.
IT’S ALL ABOUT THEM. Ask questions and engage your visitors. Have visitors interact with your products and staff. Offer premiums they will find useful and reuse. Make it easy for your new prospects to reach you after the show.
PEOPLE ARE POWER. Plan enough staff to man your booth and explore. Educate and prepare them. Organize your materials. Walk them through your collateral. Define tasks. Project enthusiastic professionalism.
THE ALL-IMPORTANT FOLLOW UP Capture contact information. Send “thank you” notes. Make multiple contacts. Track prospect activity.
ANYTHING BUT THAT! Eating in your booth Talking on the phone Sleeping Having your back to guests Removing your shoes Accumulating trash or clutter Sitting down Crowding your booth with too much “stuff” Blocking entrance or traffic Looking or acting bored/disengaged
TRADE SHOW SURVIVAL KIT Tape (duct and Scotch) Scissors Paper Pens Stapler Hand sanitizer Business cards Comfortable shoes Clothing with pockets Paper towels and cleaner Facial tissues Breath mints Did you order power?
WISDOM FROM LONGTIME EXHIBITORS Get a nice breakfast the day of the show to keep up your strength. There’s no such thing as “I ran out of business cards.” Take advantage of setting up the day before. It will make your show day run a lot smoother. Anything you don’t want to leave your table should be left at home. Now’s not the time to debut a new Mont Blanc pen. Promote your participation ahead of time through s and informal meetings – give away tickets, let them know your “address,” etc. Make contact with other exhibitors and get to know their business. Always smile. Come out from behind your table and greet each person. Make sure you capture follow-up information. That’s why you’re there!
GOOD HOUSEKEEPING… Be a good neighbor. Unless you are a F&B vendor, please do not bring in non-prepackaged, unsealed food and drink items. Any booth coverings must be flame retardant. Please bring the certification with you. Direct selling is prohibited on the show floor. If you have any awkward or oversized items, please give us a heads-up so we can prepare for it. If you still need to order electricity, order in advance from Edlun, our contracted partner for the show. Still need your booth assignment? See a member of our Events team after the workshop. Don’t break down your booth until 5:00 p.m.
GET IN THE BAG SPONSORSHIPS We have ONE space left for Get in the Bag Sponsorships Great way to get your premium item into every attendee bag Exclusive opportunity to Business Expo exhibitors Cost: $250 Premium items due by May 23 See Jackie Fisher for your form
THANK YOU! #bizexpo