Demonstrating Cargill’s Commitment to Responsible Corporate Citizenship “ By the Time You Need a Friend, It’s Too Late to Make One.” -Mark Twain
l Investing Cargill’s human and financial resources to address community needs l $17 million in contributions annually l Partnerships with charitable organizations worldwide l Volunteer activities in more than 250 locations
Fulfill Cargill’s vision and mission Help Cargill businesses achieve key objectives Improve quality of life for our people and communities Foster employee pride and teamwork Provide positive publicity to enhance reputation What can community relations accomplish?
Adding value to Cargill business l Building and enhancing relationships with customers l Building relationships in community l Improving employee relations
Building and enhancing relationships with customers l Promoting our reputation l Differentiating Cargill l Increasing loyalty l Learning more about Cargill’s culture, organization and employees.
Building relationships in the community l Enhancing Cargill’s image among key stakeholders l Working with civic leaders on projects that benefit the community l Gaining support for plant improvements and entry to new markets
Improving employee relations l Providing opportunities for skill-building and community service l Attracting quality employees l Building teamwork l Increasing interaction
Cargill Community Relations Three general categories of activities: Grantmaking Volunteerism Partnerships
Grantmaking in Twin Cities l More than $4 million annually in the Twin Cities l Focus on disadvantage youth l $1.2 million Schools First Initiative to help foster school reform in Minneapolis schools l $300,000 Minneapolis Broadway YMCA
United States Grantmaking l Partnership Fund - Matches contributions from local facility or Business Unit l Scholarships l Location/Business Units grants l Employee matching grants to higher education
International Grantmaking l International Partnership Fund - $225,000 Habitat for Humanity - 6 countries/ 12 projects
Responding to Natural Disasters l Established a Natural Disaster Relief Program –More than $700,000 committed in FY99-00 –Earthquakes in Turkey –Floods in Venezuela –Tornadoes in Granite Falls, MN and Fort Worth, TX
Volunteerism Participation of employees, retirees, and their families in company-sponsored projects. Cargill has a release time policy and recognition program to support employee volunteerism. – Business/school partnerships – Food drives – Habitat builds – Cargill Cares Volunteer Awards
Partnerships l Multi-year programs with regional or national nonprofit organizations. l Require investments of financial and human resources from corporate and field locations; active collaboration between the nonprofit, Cargill and the community.
Farm Safety 4 Just Kids l Nationwide initiative to educate children and families about farm safety l Chapters in 60 Cargill locations Opportunities: –form chapter –sponsor safety camp or demonstration –distribute farm safety information
United Way Nationally - $4.3 million total 102 local campaigns Minneapolis $1 million in employee contributions Opportunities: –Employee Campaign –Matching BU/Location contributions
Habitat for Humanity l House-building projects with low-income families l More than 70 homes in 6 countries Opportunities –team-building –many volunteers involved –high visibility
Water Matters l International effort to engage employees and community in local water protection efforts l $1.5 million contributed and 175 Cargill projects since 1995 Opportunities: –tours of Cargill wastewater operations –children’s water festivals and projects –Water Matters mini-grants