Certificate in Information Technology (CIT) EnhanceEdu, IIIT-Hyderabad CIT IIIT-H 1
Goals…??? Higher Studies Job Job in MNC Long Term : Good Career
What’s the right job? Area of Interest Choice of the career A passionate job You are doing a job because you want to, not because you have to.
Skills required to get a job Aptitude Technical knowledge Analytical skills Attitude Intelligence Quotient + Emotional Quotient
Skills Are these necessary to get a job? Are these sufficient to excel in the job?
Dinosaurs Strong Ruled the earth Why did they perish?? Adaptability
In the corporate Project Team Task Clients Stake holders What are the skills required??
Lets identify Go to office on time Plan your day’s tasks Work on your tasks Meet with the team Deal with the clients, stake holders Time Management Knowledge, learning new things Team dynamics Communication skills
Time Management Time is money. Deliver by the dead line. Productivity Stress Management
Task that you work on.. Master a language to start programming?? New concepts – Eager to learn. Problem solving. Knowledge sharing.
Team dynamics Team building and rapport. Collaborative work. Diverse ideas and cultures. Conflict resolving. Working with difficult people.
Communication skills Public speaking. Presentation skills. Listening skills. Writing skills – etiquette. Body language. Etiquette.
What could be the best way to learn all these skills???
CIT Welcome you all… Our Vision To enhance the quality of IT education in engineering colleges Our Mission To setup a training program which will train 12,000 students per year in engineering colleges to be industry-ready 14 CIT IIIT-H
The Reality India produces 3,50,000 engineers each year “... only 25 per cent of Indian engineers are employable…” [Craig Mundie, CTO, Microsoft] “… only 20 per cent of engineering graduates are employable …” [A joint survey of NASSCOM and McKenzie, 2009] 15 CIT IIIT-H
What needs to be improved Problem solving skills Ability to map real life problems to programs Communication Skills CIT IIIT-H 16
How to Bridge the Gap? Improve your skills Learn by yourself Start early- Don’t look for companies to train you on skills. 17 CIT IIIT-H
An Observation 18 CIT IIIT-H Hearing Seeing
Some more observations… Studies show: Only 10% of material presented in class is retained by the end of class Only 3% retained by the final exam Only 1% retained one year later Jobs require skills How do you gain skills??? … by doing things … CIT IIIT-H 19
I hear, I forget I see, I remember I do, I understand [Chinese proverb, anonymous] CIT IIIT-H 20
Learning by Doing A great way to learn something is to do it How do you learn to be good at something? By doing it…... and doing it again as needed Students participate in scenarios close to what they will be doing in the industry CIT IIIT-H 21
CIT IIIT-H 22 Lecturing mode
CIT IIIT-H 23 E-learning mode
CIT IIIT-H 24 Mentoring mode
Mentor = Project lead
Mentor A mentor is one who has been there, done that, learned from the experience and is willing to share who helps his/her trainees reach their full potential one who encourages his/her trainees to do things for themselves by empowering them CIT IIIT-H 26
Role of mentor Guide his/her trainees Each mentor has 10 trainees assigned Provide hints not solutions Recognize the potential in all trainees To allow trainees to look beyond their present condition and envision a promising future Catalyst – faster learning CIT IIIT-H 27
A Typical Day at CIT Tasks/Deliverables Step by step guide Resources and readings Digital lectures Tutorials Support from a “Mentor” CIT IIIT-H 28
IT Certificate Course Content Computational Thinking Linux Object Oriented Programming Data Structures Develop a mini search engine in Java IT Workshop and Soft Skills 29 CIT IIIT-H
What will the students gain…? Learning to learn Scope for exploration Team dynamics Smooth transition to different technologies Hands on programming experience Project oriented approach Corporate style of working
Post IT Certificate Problem solving skills Ability to map real life problems to programs Communication Skills Importantly, a student will… … gain the confidence to adapt to any situation… … this is what the industry needs !!! CIT IIIT-H 31
This is just the tip of the Iceberg CIT IIIT-H 32