1 Shohei BENIYA Associate Professor, Kobe University Research Fellow, DRI Three things foreign residents in Kobe should know against disasters
1 . What is your major risk ? Risks are depend on your situation 2
What are your major risks ? - Number of death per a year
E: About 5,000 D: About 2,000 B: About 300 F: About 30,000 C: About 600 A: About 200 Traffic accidents Fire Sea or river bathing Suicide Murder Accidents in mountain
How about natural disaster ? - Number of death per a year Thunder 4 per a year Flood, sediment disaster About 70 per a year Snow disaster About 40 per a year Earthquake About 6,500 per over 100 years ? Tsunami About 20,000 per years ? 5
Why did people die by a natural disaster ? At the Kanto Earthquake in 1923, 90% of death were by burn death At the East Japan Earthquake in 2011, 90% of death were by drowning death At the Nigata Chuetsu Earthquake in 2004, 75% of death were “Indirect death” 6 At the Hanshin Awaji Earthquake in 1995, 80% of death were by crash of houses
Where do you live or work ? If you live/work in Kobe or Hanshin area, Small tsunami risk Big risk of flood, high tide, and sediment disaster If you live/work in strong houses and fixed the furniture, Decrease earthquake damage risk Lack of food and water, bad environment risk If you live/work far from big river, Small flood risk But 80% of flood death occurred out of houses 7
When and Where will you meet the disaster ? If you will be elder, Two third of death are elderly people. If you walk the street, Stone wall or outer wall are dangerous. 8 For Example;
9 Who rescues you from crashed houses ? In the case of the Hanshin Awaji Earthquake 35 % were rescued by themselves 32 % were rescued by their families 28 % were by friends or neighbors 1% were by others 3% were by the people passed by chance 2% were by rescue team like police, fire fighter etc
2 . What should we prepare ? Stockpile and Communication tools 10
Stockpiles of foods and daily goods After a great earthquake, foods and daily goods will be wiped out from stores over 1 week. We should have over 1 week’s stockpiles in case of a Great Nankai Earthquake. List example of stockpiles –Water, foods, snack, portable water filter –Can, retort pouch food, vegetable juice or fruit juice –A portable toilet kit, tissue, plastic bag, sandal –Drug, medical kit, Spare eye glasses –Radio with flashlight, portable gas burner –List of contact information, telephone number 11
12 Effective communication tools 1)Disaster emergency message dial (171) with public phone 2) Disaster message board with mobile phone 3) , SNS, other web service with mobile phone or smart phone
Outside 24housr Outside daytime Inside 24hours Inside daytime Place of public phone can be searched by NTT webpage. You may need coin to use a green public phone. 13
Disaster emergency message dial Disaster Prevention Handbook : Protect Yourself from Earthquakes by Tokushima prefectural international exchange association 14
Disaster message board Disaster Prevention Handbook : Protect Yourself from Earthquakes by Tokushima prefectural international exchange association 15
16 Collection of Information 1) service from local government: Area mail and Earthquake Early Warning with mobile phone or smart phone 2)Sings 3)One-segment broadcasting TV with mobile phone or smart phone 4) Radio 5) , SNS, other web service with mobile phone or smart phone 6)Word-of-mouth communication and rumor has many misunderstanding !
17 Area mail and Earthquake Early Warning Area mail ( and Earthquake Early Warning) is a warning system using system of mobile phone or smart phone. –Flood : Evacuation recommendation –Earthquake : Earthquake Early Warning One way communication tool like broadcast. Very useful system but Japanese language only !
Signs Disaster Prevention Handbook : Protect Yourself from Earthquakes by Tokushima prefectural international exchange association 18
3 . How do we get more information ? 19
20 Useful links for foreign residents Disaster Prevention Handbook : Protect Yourself from Earthquakes by Tokushima prefectural international exchange association – handbook.pdfhttp:// handbook.pdf Disaster Prevention Guide for Children and Parents: 10 points to protect your family ! –by Hyogo International Association – Disaster Prevention Handbook Disaster Prevention Card –both are by Kobe International Center for Cooperation and Communication –
21 List for stockpiles by DRI Newest version is only in Japanese language at webpage. (Former version is available in English at DRI) – The Disaster Prevention Handbook for Foreigners –By Fukuoka Prefecture – _misc.pdfhttp:// _misc.pdf Earthquake Survival Manual –By Tokyo Metropolitan Government – almanual.pdfhttp:// almanual.pdf
Thanks for your attention ! 22