Recruiting For Cultural Fit Presented by: Heather Kinzie, SPHR,
Session Agenda Recruitment Challenges Culture Fill vs. Fit Six Elements of Cultural Fit Making It Work
Culture Goes With Everything Sourcing/ Networking Candidate Screening Hiring/ Staffing On-boarding Job Advertising
Misalignment…the Journey Good intentions Misalignment Job Dissatisfaction Low Productivity Low Morale Turnover Increased Recruitment Effort
Which would you prefer?
Corporate Culture “Norms” shared by employees in an organization that control the way they interact with each other, with stakeholders and with customers.
Elements of Corporate Culture 1.Vision and mission 2.Organizational values 3.Work environment 4.Leadership style 5.Organizational structure 6.Personal qualities of workforce
Vision and Mission Vision: where you “see” yourself in the future Mission: how you’re going to get there
Spotting the Right Candidate Candidates may: Ask about organization’s purpose Be interested in how job is aligned with LTOs Look for signs the organization is moving towards vision Look for relevance in policies and practices Validate their own work in terms of results/purpose Ask about team’s and/or talk about their own results
Values Characteristics that guide an organization and help it maintain its identity or (Kinzie-ism)…Things that an organization will not compromise as it strives to realize its vision
Spotting the Right Candidate Candidates may: Look for signs organization behaves according to values Ask about how customers, stakeholders or partners are treated, and perhaps tell their own story Ask about leadership behavior or tell story about their own experiences Ask about “unwritten” rules and practices
Work Environment Communication Style Department Silos Team Structure Success Paths Seniority Treatment Dress Code Telecommute Centralized Control Pets at W ork Flex Time Free Soda Family Focused
Spotting the Right Candidate Candidates may: Ask about “typical day” to include specifics about meetings, dress code, chain of command, etc. Ask about flexibility, telecommuting, alternate schedules, etc. You may want to: Offer a tour and/or ability to talk with other employees Ask specific questions about what he/she liked about previous work environments
Leadership Loyal Truthful Integrity Trustworthy Nurturing Honesty Predictable Consistent Professional Fair Hard Working Expert Connected Sharing Autocratic Democratic Laissez Faire
Spotting the Right Candidate Candidates may: Ask about leadership behavior or tell story about their own experiences Ask about why the previous candidate left Tell stories about “losing faith” or “trusting” previous bosses You may want to: Ask about previous thoughts on leadership – what were the benefits of that style/concerns with that style Discuss current leadership style
Organizational Structure Divisional Functional Matrix Centralized De-centralized Flat Narrow Span of Control Chain of Command
Spotting the Right Candidate Candidates may: Ask about autonomy and empowerment Tell stories about how stifled…or empowered they were in previous jobs Ask about various rules, policies and practices You may want to: Discuss chain of command and autonomy issues Ask about his/her comfort in “following” rules/guidelines and/or not having any at all!
Team Qualities What are the high performers like? How welcoming is the team? How helpful is the team? How forgiving is the team?
Spotting the Right Candidate Candidates may: Ask about team members (how long they’ve been there, if they promoted into their positions, etc.) Ask about roles, how work is assigned, etc. You may want to: Discuss OJT and who is delegated this task Ask about his/her previous experience working on teams, leading teams, etc. Ask questions to gauge confidence, humbleness, etc.
Ensuring Success Start with the Hiring Manager Don’t settle for a recruitment silo... get involved Include characteristics of “culture” in all recruitment communications Identify where “matched” candidates may be working and GET THEM! Create a selection process to discover “mis- match”
Heather Kinzie, SPHR, GPHR Strategic Management Workforce Planning Employee and Labor Relations Human Resources Development Process Improvement (LEAN) Facilitation, Mediation and Team Building Public Speaking ww LinkedIn or ww