Part 1: Fruits and Vegetables
Topic: Fruits and Vegetables Objectives: SWBAT Apply the concept of disease prevention to their own life What is the fruit and vegetable rule Identify fruits and vegetables by playing a guessing game Do Now: What does prevention mean? HW: Fruit or vegetable research
The Healthy Meal Equation 1. Whole Fruits and Vegetables + 2. Whole Carbohydrates + 3. Healthy Fats + 4. Lean Proteins = A healthy meal that will fill you up!
Quick Look at the News... Type 2 Diabetes in Young People What is the studying saying about type 2 diabetes and young people? Prevent it before you get it!
Whole Fruits and Vegetables! The colors of health! Think of the rainbow! Try this rule... Eat a fruit or vegetable at every meal.
Whole Fruits and Vegetables! The colors of health! Think of the rainbow! - What are your favorite fruits and vegetables?
Topic: Fruits and Vegetables: Phytochemicals Objectives: SWBAT Define: Phytochemical, Carcinogen Identify where phytochemicals are found and how they help the body. Do Now: - List a fruit or vegetable you would eat as part of your breakfast, lunch, and dinner. (On worksheet)
Whole Fruits and Vegetables! The colors of health! Think of the rainbow! - List a fruit or vegetable you would eat as part of your breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
Dr. Ann on the Benefits of Fruits and Vegetables. What were the 6 benefits of eating fruits and vegetables that Dr. Ann spoke about? 1)Decrease your risk of heart disease 2)Lower your blood pressure 3)Help protect your vision 4)Protect you from type 2 diabetes 5)Protect you from many cancers 6)Helps you maintain a healthy body weight
Why Eat Fruits and Vegetables? 1)Fruits and vegetables are great sources of many vitamins, minerals and other natural substances such as phytochemicals that help protect you from chronic diseases.
What are Phytochemicals? Phytochemicals are compounds produced by plants such as fruits, vegetables, beans, grains, and other plants. There are maybe up to 4,000 phytochemicals! Not all of them have been studied closely.
Other names for phytochemicals Antioxidants, flavonoids, flavones, isoflavones, catechins, anthocyanidins, isothiocyanates, carotenoids, allyl sulfides, polyphenols
Why do we need phytochemicals? A)To help treat chronic diseases like diabetes, heart disease and cancer. B)To help prevent chronic diseases like diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. C) Both A and B
Why do we need phytochemicals? 1) Phytochemicals help in the prevention and treatment of many health conditions, including cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure.
Why do we need phytochemicals? 1.There is some evidence that certain phytochemicals may help prevent: a)the formation of potential carcinogens (substances that cause cancer) b)block the action of carcinogens on their target organs or tissue
Why do we need phytochemicals? 3) Many experts suggest that people can reduce their risk of cancer significantly by eating more fruits, vegetables, and other foods from plants that contain phytochemicals.
How can you get phytochemicals? A)By eating lots of colorful fruits, vegetables, and other whole foods. A)Taking supplements B)No need to worry, they are added to all the food out on the market today.
How can you get phytochemicals? A)By eating lots of colorful fruits, vegetables, and other whole foods. A)Taking supplements B)No need to worry, they are added to all the food out on the market today.
How can you get phytochemicals? Phytochemicals are present in virtually all of the fruits, vegetables, legumes (beans and peas), and grains we eat, so it is quite easy for most people to include them in their diet. For instance, a carrot contains more than a hundred phytochemicals!
How can I get phytochemicals? 1)Eat many forms and colors of fruits and veggies (to get a variety of phytochemicals) 2) Enjoy fruits and veggies during your meal. 3) Fill half of your plate with colorful fruits and veggies!
Supplements? Beware of supplements! Most available evidence suggests that these single supplements are not as beneficial as the foods from which they are derived.
What have you learned so far? 1.What is the fruit and vegetable rule? 1.What are your favorite fruits and vegetables? 2.What are phytochemicals, where are they found, and how do they help the body.
What phytochemical is present in grapes?
What are the health benefits of this Resveratrol?
What phytochemical is present in a red pepper?
What are the health benefits of Lycopene?
What phytochemical is present in broccoli?
What are the health benefits of beta-carotene ?
1)Finish your classwork sheet and pass into Mrs. Moore 2)HW: Answer question #7 on your fruit/vegetable research using the chart on your handout. -Find what phytochemical your fruit or vegetable is high. -If your fruit/vegetable is not listed, you will need to look it up on line.
What have you learned so far? 1.What is the fruit and vegetable rule? 1.What are your favorite fruits and vegetables? 2.What are three reasons why you should eat fruits and vegetables at every meal? 3.What are two benefits to eating fiber?
Why don’t YOU eat your fruits and Veggies? What's your excuse? We all know that fruits and vegetables can improve our health in a powerful way. But we seem to keep coming up with reasons why we can't eat more of them.
Why Don’t YOU eat your fruits and Veggies? Several recent studies have shown that we just aren’t eating enough produce. For example, researchers from Johns Hopkins University looked at data from two national surveys, which included almost 24,000 people. During a 24-hour period, only 11% reported eating the recommended two or more servings of fruit and three or more servings of vegetables.
Why Don’t YOU eat your fruits and Veggies? In 2005, less than a third of American adults reported eating at least two daily servings of fruit a day, and 27% said they ate three or more servings of vegetables, according to a report from the CDC.
Why Eat Fruits and Vegetables? Fruits and vegetables are great sources of many vitamins, minerals and other natural substances such as phytochemicals and antioxidants that help protect you from chronic diseases. Fruits and vegetables come in many different colors and flavors that add variety to your meals. Fruits and vegetables are full of fiber! Fiber keeps you full and lowers your risk of chronic disease.
Why Don’t YOU eat your fruits and Veggies? Excuse No. 1: It's not convenient to eat fruits and vegetables. "Out of sight, out of mind" is the key here. If fruits and vegetables aren’t in front of us when we are eating or choosing what to eat, we are less likely to eat them.
Why Don’t YOU eat your fruits and Veggies? Excuse No. 2: I don't like fruits and vegetables. Some people say they don't eat enough fruits and vegetables because they simply aren’t interested. It’s more fun to eat french fries or nachos.
Why Don’t YOU eat your fruits and Veggies? Excuse No. 3: I'm out of the habit of eating fruits and vegetables. So much of what we eat and drink, day in and day out, is a function of habit. If you're in the habit of adding fruit every time you sit down to a bowl of oatmeal or cereal for breakfast, or starting dinner with a side salad, you'll be a lot more likely to get the recommended amount of fruits and vegetables each day.
Why Don’t YOU eat your fruits and Veggies? Excuse No. 4 : I'm not motivated to eat fruits and vegetables. If everyone knew how much fruits and vegetables can help reduce the risk of major chronic diseases, maybe more of us would make it a priority to eat at least five servings a day. The truth is that fruits and vegetables may be the most important things you can add to your daily diet to reduce the risk of cancer.
Why Don’t YOU eat your fruits and Veggies? Excuse No. 5: I eat out a lot. Another barrier to eating more fruits and vegetables that came up in the Produce for Better Health Foundation survey of moms was not knowing how to make healthy selections when eating out.
Why Don’t YOU eat your fruits and Veggies? Excuse No. 6: Other snacks are more convenient A lot of people think it’s easier to buy a bag of chips or to go to the vending machine and grab a candy bar. But with a little forethought, fruits and vegetables can be just as convenient.
Why Don’t YOU eat your fruits and Veggies? Excuse No. 7: Fruits and vegetables cost too much A lot of people think it’s easier to buy a bag of chips or to go to the vending machine and grab a candy bar. But with a little forethought, fruits and vegetables can be just as convenient.
What’s your excuse? Assignment: 1.Using your article, circle one or more excuses you have used or, heard people you know use, as their reason(s) why they don’t eat a fruit or vegetable at every meal. 2.Read the ways you can overcome that excuse.
Reflection #6: Overcome your fruit and vegetable excuse! Pretend that you have to help yourself or a person you know to eat more fruits and vegetables because he or she may be at risk of developing a chronic disease. Using the article’s suggestions for overcoming excuses and what we talked about in class, write a reflection discussing how you or that person could overcome their excuse to include more fruits and vegetables in their diet every day. – Your Reflection should include two paragraphs: What excuse do you or the person you know use and why? How could you help yourself or the person you know to overcome their excuse to include more fruits and vegetables each day in the meals they eat?