Carbohydrates Sugar, Starch and Fiber
Carbohydrates in Foods Carbohydrates are the #1 source of energy for the body. They are the first source of energy for the brain. Carbohydrates are organic (contain carbon), along with oxygen & hydrogen (CHO) All carbohydrates are made of sugars, just different types and in different forms or configurations. All carbohydrates can be broken down by the body to produce glucose (sugar).
Two Types of Carbohydrates Carbohydrates in our foods can be broken down into two groups: simple carbohydrates and complex carbohydrates. Many foods are a combination of both types. Your body can break down complex carbohydrates and turn them into simple carbohydrates.
Simple Carbohydrates Simple carbohydrates are also called sugar. Simple carbohydrates are easy for the body to absorb and use as energy. Simple carbohydrates taste sweet. Foods that taste sweet contain simple carbohydrates (except dairy). They are easily converted to glucose by the body. Sugars not used for energy turn to fat in the body. Examples of simple carbohydrates include: candy, soda, cookies, fruit, juice, cake, etc.
Types of Simple Carbohydrates Monosaccharides: Single sugar molecules. Glucose: Simplest form of sugar. What the body can absorb and use for energy. Fructose: Sugar found naturally in fruits and honey. Galactose: Basic sugar found in milk Names for sugars often found in processed foods: corn syrup, high fructose corn syrup, dextrose.
Types of Simple Carbohydrates Disaccharides: two single sugars bonded together. Lactose: Milk sugar, not very sweet. Comprised of glucose + galactose. **Milk is the only significant non-plant source of carbohydrates. Maltose: Sugars that appear when starch is broken down. Comprised of glucose + glucose. Sucrose: Table sugar. Comprised of glucose + fructose.
Complex Carbohydrates Complex carbohydrates are polysaccharides made of more than two monosaccharides. These more complex sugar structures take longer to digest or breakdown into simple sugars by the body. Complex carbohydrates come in two forms (1) starch and (2) fiber. The closer a carbohydrate food is to its natural state the healthier the food is.
Starch Starches are easily broken down into glucose by the body, they are found in grains, peas, starchy vegetables and beans. Examples include wheat, green peas, potatoes, corn and kidney beans. Starches provide the body with energy and calories. Starches provide your body with important energy sources so that protein can be used for growth and maintenance instead of energy.
Fiber Fiber is a type of complex carbohydrate. Fiber is indigestible plant structures including leaves, stems, and seeds. Fiber is important because it makes you feel full, is usually accompanied by healthy foods, keeps the digestive track working smoothly, and lowers the body’s cholesterol. Examples: whole grain products (oatmeal), fresh and dried fruit (apples, raisins), beans (kidney beans), nuts (almonds), seeds (sunflower seeds) and vegetables (celery, broccoli).
Examples of Complex Carbohydrates Whole grains: bulgur wheat, oatmeal, corn, rice, barley, and popcorn. Processed foods: pasta, breads, bagel, crackers, and cookies. Vegetables: broccoli, tomatoes, potatoes, sweet potatoes, carrots, lima beans. Fruits: bananas, apples, prunes, grapes, apricots.
How does the body absorb/digest carbohydrates? Click here for a video explanation of carbohydrate digestion.