Health Care Facilities
Hospitals Provide Diagnosis, Treatment, Education, Research, Cure
Hospitals Private (central Baptist) Religious (St. Mary’s and Elizabeth's) For profit (Lifepoint) Nonprofit (Norton) Government (VA) General – treat many different ages and diseases ( UofL) Specialty – treat a specific age group or disease (Kosairs)
Long Term Care Facilities LTC, Nursing Homes, Retirement Homes, Assisted Living Serve the elderly or disabled population They are called Residents instead of Patients
Medical Offices One MD or several Doctors together offer diagnosis, treatment, exams, labs, minor surgeries Many different specialties now, we will study in the next chapter, how many can you name now?
Dental Offices One dentist or several dentists practicing in an office Orthodontics, Peridontics, Prostodontics, Oral surgery
Clinics Group of doctors or special care healthcare workers Urgent treatment centers Minor surgery centers Physical therapy clinics Oncology clinics
Health Departments Provide health care to the community and low income families Treat and Track STD’s and communicable diseases Provide Immunizations for children
Optical Centers Provide exams and treatment for the eyes
Emergency Care Services Ambulance, rescue squad, fire department, helicopter ambulance, police
Laboratories Medical labs perform tests such as blood tests Dental labs make false teeth and crowns
Home Health Care Provide nursing care, personal care, therapies such as PT, OT, ST, and homemaking in the patients home
Hosparus Hosparus can be home health care or facility care Hosparus is care for the terminally ill (usually 6 months or less to live) Focus is on pain management/comfort and dying with dignity Assist families with grieving process
Mental Health Facilities They treat chemical (drug) abuse They treat physical abuse They treat mental disorders
Genetic Counseling Centers Treat and provide education for those having trouble conceiving a baby Also treat those who have had a baby with a birth defect caused by genetics
HMO (Health maintenance Organization) HMO’s are directed toward preventive health care Focus on Education and keeping persons well before illness occurs Example: Ephraim McDowell has some wellness centers
Industrial Health Care Centers Large companies may have health care centers to care for their employees. Focus on teaching and basic care (flu shots, first aid, etc.)
School Health Services Provide emergency care, speech and vision tests, education, maintain student health records, promote health related activities for students
Government Health Agencies NIH – WHO - CDC – FDA - OSHA
Government in Healthcare NIH – National Institute of Health performs research WHO- World Health Organization – concerned with world health issues CDC- Center for disease control & prevention FDA- Food and Drug Administration OSHA- Occupational Safety & Health Administration (standards that protect workers from job related illness or injury)
Health Insurance Plans
What do they pay? Deductible – the amount paid by the patient before policy pays Co-Insurance – Insurance pays certain percentage of bill and patient pays certain percentage (80/20) Co-Payment – A specific amount paid by the patient for a particular service Premium – The amount paid to your insurance company for the cost of having insurance
Kinds of Insurance HMO’s – usually have a monthly fee or membership fee, emphasis is on preventive care PPO’s – preferred provider organization, large companies often offer this form of insurance to their employees, the insurance company contracts with certain health care agencies and the patient must use those to get full benefit of the insurance
Kinds of Insurance Medicare – provided by the federal government for people over 65 or disabled and having received SSI for 2 years Medicare Type A pays for Hospital care, Type B is pays for medical care Medicaid – governed by individual states, insurance for low income, children who qualify for public assistance, physically disabled or blind
Kinds of Insurance KCHIP – provides insurance to uninsured children of working families who earn too little to afford private insurance but make too much to qualify for Medicaid Worker’s Comp – pays if you are injured on the job Tricare – Insurance for military personnel and their families
Managed Care Managed Care came about due to rising costs of healthcare They are a secondary company hired by insurance companies to negotiate costs with healthcare facilities, they review charges, needs, etc.
Organizational Chart for Health Care
Hospital Organizational Chart
Cost Containment Trying to Control the Rising Cost of Health Care!
Things that drive up the cost of Health care High tech equipment People living longer require more services Increase in lawsuits Increase in settlements from malpractice Malpractice insurance driven up
Cost Containment Strategies DRG’s – Diagnostic Related Groups Certain diagnosis are grouped together in one payment (used by Medicare and Medicaid) For example: Medicare may offer $3000 for a pneumonia stay, if the cost of care rises above that the hospital loses money
More CC Combination of services – “one stop shopping” Outpatient services – no admission to hospital is cheaper, sent home with home health (mom’s use to stay 1 week in hosp. After birth, now hours) Mass or Bulk purchasing – cheaper price Energy conservation – bills cost less Early intervention and preventive services (HMO’s)