Conducting An Energy Analysis
Professional Energy Analysis – Summary
Energy Analysis Preliminaries
EA – Preliminaries
MS Word Files can be downloaded to the HP49+ with Transfer Algorithms EA –Preliminaries nipuna (Sanskrit): skilled, capable of, kind or friendly towards
greengurus “Nipuna” en:p:ÙN: Program with Energy equations as MS Word Files nipuna (Sanskrit): skilled, capable of, kind or friendly towards EA –Preliminaries Download To HP49+
MS Word FilesHP49+ Files EA –Preliminaries nipuna (Sanskrit): skilled, capable of, kind or friendly towards
EA –Preliminaries ni nipuna (Sanskrit): skilled, capable of, kind or friendly towards
HP 49+ Solves Series of multiple equations with a few keystrokes EA –Preliminaries nipuna (Sanskrit): skilled, capable of, kind or friendly towards
EA –Preliminaries nipuna (Sanskrit): skilled, capable of, kind or friendly towards
Identify Layout of facility Operating Schedule Compile an Equipment List. Establish Geographic Location/ Degree Days/Weather Data. EA –Preliminaries Gathering the data for analysis
Analysis of Bills: Know the rate structure in effect for the facility. Separate energy bills into their components. E.g. demand charge and energy charges for the electric bill. EA –Preliminaries Gathering the data for analysis
EA –Preliminaries Gathering the data for analysis
EA –Preliminaries Gathering the data for analysis
Get Equipment List before conducting the audit EA –Preliminaries Gathering the data for analysis
EA –Preliminaries Gathering the data for analysis
EA –Preliminaries Gathering the data for analysis
Initial Walk-through Tour Introductory Meeting Audit leader should meet with the - facility manager and the - maintenance supervisor. EA – Preliminaries
Audit Interviews - facility manager - finance officer - floor supervisors and equipment operators - maintenance supervisor and staff Initial Walk-through Tour EA – Preliminaries
Initial Walk-through Tour EA –Preliminaries Get the tools together
Infrared Thermometer (must know emissivity) EA – Audit Preliminaries Initial Walk-through Tour
Light Meter Parts of facility might be over- or under-lighted EA – Audit Preliminaries Initial Walk-through Tour
Digital Snap- Around Volt-Ohm- Ammeter EA – Audit Preliminaries Initial Walk-through Tour
HVAC Combo Kit EA – Audit Preliminaries Initial Walk-through Tour
Power Factor Meter EA – Audit Preliminaries Initial Walk-through Tour
Ultrasonic Leak Detector Valuable for testing steam traps EA – Audit Preliminaries Initial Walk-through Tour
Air Velocity Measurement Anemometers Rotating Vane Pitot Tube Hot Wire EA – Audit Preliminaries Initial Walk-through Tour
Blower Door To determine the air leakage rate EA – Audit Preliminaries Initial Walk-through Tour
Combustion Analyzer EA – Audit Preliminaries Initial Walk-through Tour
Manometers EA – Audit Preliminaries Initial Walk-through Tour
EA – Audit Preliminaries Initial Walk-through Tour
Lighting Inventory: - light fixtures - lamp types, sizes and numbers - levels of illumination - uses of task lighting Initial Walk-through Tour
Lighting Inventory Initial Walk-through Tour
Lighting Inventory Initial Walk-through Tour
Lighting Inventory Initial Walk-through Tour
Building Envelope Initial Walk-through Tour
Building Envelope Initial Walk-through Tour EA – Audit Preliminaries
Building Envelope Initial Walk-through Tour
Boiler and Steam Distribution Age? Combustion Efficiency Btu/h Rating AFUE Pressures Temperatures Boiler Tune- up? Initial Walk-through Tour
Boiler and Steam Distribution Look for leaks! Steam Traps!
HVAC System Inspect: Evaporator Condenser Filters. kW/Ton Rating EER, SEER Initial Walk-through Tour
Fans and Blowers HVAC System Initial Walk-through Tour
Motors Measure: Voltage Current Power Factor Note: Horse Power, Load Factor Fan and Blower Electric Motor — 1/2 HP Reversible Electric Motor — 5 HP, 1740 RPM Initial Walk-through Tour
Motors Variable Speed Drives Initial Walk-through Tour
Hot Water Distribution System Initial Walk-through Tour
Energy Audit Special Topics
Codes and Standards
Codes and Standards FERC
Codes and Standards Natural Gas ?
Codes and Standards ASHRAE Standard 90.1 – 2001
Codes and Standards
Indoor Air Quality
Codes and Standards *1000 Btu/ft2/year
Rate Structures and Energy Bills
Electric Power Flow
Rate Structures and Energy Bills FERC orders 888 and 889 Electric Deregulation
Rate Structures and Energy Bills Electric Energy vs. Demand
Rate Structures and Energy Bills Electric: Energy vs. Demand Large Quantities of Electricity cannot be stored
Rate Structures and Energy Bills Electric Components of Bill
Rate Structures and Energy Bills Electric Sample Rate Structue
Rate Structures and Energy Bills Electric Sample Rate Structue
Rate Structures and Energy Bills Electric Power Factor
greengurus “Nipuna” Program with Electrical equations as MS Word File Rate Structures and Energy Bills Electric Power Factor
Rate Structures and Energy Bills Electric Special Rates
Rate Structures and Energy Bills Electric Special Rates
Natural Gas Interruptible Rates Highest Priority Customers pay more but will not be interrupted at times of high demand Rate Structures and Energy Bills
Monthly Bill Analysis
Profile for a metal products company in Florida Look for red flags Monthly Bill Analysis
Energy Balance Monthly Bill Analysis
Demand Balance Monthly Bill Analysis
Look for red flags Monthly Bill Analysis
Look for particularities Monthly Bill Analysis
Life Cycle Costing
Example: Choice between two Compressors Typical Life Cycle Example
Life Cycle Costing Typical Life Cycle Example
greengurus “Nipuna” Program with Eco- nomics equations as MS Word File Life Cycle Costing