W EST V IRGINIA C HILDREN ’ S H EALTH I NSURANCE P ROGRAM Sharon L. Carte, Executive Director Presentation to the “KidStrong” School Health Conference June 9, 2011
WVCHIP IN 2011 Expanding to 300% FPL starting in August Annual Family Income Limits for WVCHIP CHIP Premium is $35 per month per one child or $71 per month per two or more children Full dental and vision now included in CHIP Premium group Family SizeCHIPCHIP Premium 2$29,420$44,130 3$37,060$55,590 4$44,700$67,050 5$52,340$78,510
H EALTH C ARE R EFORM AND THE F UTURE – W HAT H APPENS TO CHIP? Exchange and Exchange Board Developed in State Code Streamlining of Medicaid and CHIP Eligibility Partnering to: Develop provider outreach for Exchange Oversee building and operation of Exchange as a member of Exchange Board
H EALTH C ARE R EFORM AND THE F UTURE – W HAT H APPENS TO CHIP? - CONTINUED - Medicaid Expands Coverage to 133% FPL! About half CHIP’s enrollees now qualify for Medicaid, and so do their parents! Parents of CHIP’s other half of enrollees may seek coverage through the Exchange Assess how children generally are accessing health coverage through the Exchange Specifically, how well are CHIP children and their parents accessing health coverage? Congress will re-evaluate the role of CHIP when it must re- appropriate additional funding
CHIP AND BMS P ARTNERING IN THE CMS P EDIATRIC Q UALITY D EMONSTRATION G RANT CMS awarded 10 grants nationally to study child health quality issues in 2010 The states of Oregon, Alaska, and West Virginia were awarded one of these grants for a five year period In 2011, WVCHIP and BMS are beginning to report on a statewide set of quality measures drawn from the national set of 24 measures
CHIP AND BMS P ARTNERING IN THE CMS P EDIATRIC Q UALITY D EMONSTRATION G RANT - CONTINUED - In West Virginia, eight pediatric practices have been recruited to examine and assess: The impact of Person Centered Medical Home (PCMH) on child health quality EHR/PHR usefulness to child health quality Full-time care coordination provided in these practices Examine the usefulness of the 24 measures of child health data set at a practice level