EOH: Next Week 3/13 & 3/14 Friday: 9am- 4pm Saturday: 9am-3 pm Setup: 8:30 am both days Most of our exhibits in Talbot 103/4 1 hour time slots for each exhibit
Exhibit Overview
Exhibits Space Shuttle Tile Liquid Orbital Simulatot Tech Projects Hybrid Rocket Engine
Space Shuttle Tile Actual heat resistant tile from a Space Shuttle Black Coating: Ceramic White Foam: Silicon, 90% air Temperature on re-entry: 3000°F Wiki Page: Space Shuttle thermal protection system
Space Shuttle Tile Safety glasses and thermal gloves (provided) must be worn by exhibitor handling tile, know where fire extinguisher is at all times Two people-one holds tile, one fires blow torch, stop when tile is glowing brighter in very center Audience participation: have kid in first or second row use infrared thermometer to measure temp of tile front and back before and after heating
Liquid Nitrogen Temperature: -330°F Space applications: Compress liquid fuels Wiki page: LN2 Demos: 1Balloon - demonstrates cold compression 2Smash flower and penny - cold makes solids brittle, freezes water in flower 3Marshmallows - just fun
Liquid Nitrogen Any exhibitor placing or removing stuff from the liq N2 must wear gloves and safety glasses First few rows of guests must be seated while any smashing is happening No one but the exhibitors are allowed to put/remove stuff from liq N2 Exhibitor will take out marshmallow and drop it into guests hands with tongs provided
Orbital Simulator Demonstrate physics of orbits (F~1/r^2) Marble goes too slow-falls in Marble goes too fast- escape velocity Discuss General Relativity (if age appropriate)
Orbital Simulator General Relativity: Space-time warping by gravity Gravitational lensing (red shift) Black holes, space- time singularity Wiki Page: Introduction to general relativity
Wrap Up
I will be around all day both days , text or call me with any questions/problems T-shirts will be picked up next Thursday and available from me all Friday and Saturday $5 cash please If you have not already, please complete the online safety training! Sign ups live right now If you
Thank You!!