IZZE Beverage Company
Product ● The IZZE Beverage Company has been around since ● The products we make are truly All Natural — they do not contain any refined sugar, high fructose corn syrup, caffeine and preservatives. ● Sparkling juices (the original line), low calorie sparkling juices (IZZE Esque) and sparkling juices fortified with vitamins (canned product).
Problem ● Positioned as being contemporary, youthful and as an alternative ● Want to occupy a clearer positioning in the minds of our consumer. ● Want to expand their target to consumers in their late 20’s / early 30s.
Brand Positioning Statement To a young health minded consumer, IZZE is the all natural option that is a healthy alternative to a soda.
Consumer ● People ages ● Predominantly female market ● People concerned with health and wellness (all natural/low calorie line) ● Just moved away from home to start a life of their own
Company ● IZZE Sparkling Juices ○ alternative to soda ○ all natural ○ calories ○ “70% fruit juice” ○ “no added sugar, preservatives, caffeine, etc.” ○ relatively expensive ● IZZE Esque ○ low calorie version of sparkling juices (50 calories) ● Vitamin Fortified
Category ● The Soft Drink Industry ○ Soda brands (Coca-Cola, Pepsi) ○ Tea and Juice Drinks (Snapple, SoBe, Arizona, etc.) ○ Bottled Water ○ Fruit Juice (Orange juice, Apple juice) ○ Health drinks
Competition ● Direct ○ Snapple, SoBe, Arizona, Pom Wonderful, Sparkling Ice, Glacéau Fruit Water ○ Coca-Cola and Pepsi product lines ● Indirect ○ Any alternate type of drink
Research Methods used to identify Target Audience ● Survey administered ● Comparison of beverage preferences of different respondents based off of age and gender ● Analysis of IZZE's current website and social networks ● Location of products in restaurants and retailers to ● Taste testing of product
IZZE Creative Brief What are we trying to accomplish? Give people a reason to go try IZZE. Expand the current demographic and create more interest behind the product. Whom are we talking to? Unique individuals, who are educated, open to change, artistic and have a creative mind. Mostly single females who are health conscious and buy fresh and organic foods. This person is not afraid to be different by expressing their true self through their fashionable style, fuel efficient and stylish car and open and free personality. This person travels, enjoys reading and browsing social media. They frequently visit local coffee shops. They have a two bedroom condo in the heart of the city. This person enjoys expressing themselves and is pursuing career that allows them to do so.
What do they currently think? “I have heard of IZZE but have never really had a reason to try it.” What would we like them to think? “IZZE is my drink. It compliments my individuality and represents me, through its color, taste, and health options.” What is the single most persuasive idea we can convey? IZZE is a drink that represents individuality. Why should they believe it? IZZE is a colorful sophisticated soft drink with the taste of a soda, but the nutrition of a fruit.
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Media Plan ● Magazines o Fashion Magazines use product placement rather than traditional advertisement. ● Public Transportation o Bus Stops ● Social Media Marketing o #BeDifferent Campaign
Cosmopolitan Magazine Demographics: ● 50.7% y.o. ● 65.8% college education ● 39.9% single ● Avg. Income: $56,995
Women’s Health Magazine Psychographics: ● Fashion-Forward ● Adventure seekers ● Health focused Health and Fitness account for 34% of advertising.
Revised Brand Positioning Statement To consumers who are not afraid to express themselves, IZZE is the all natural beverage that complements their self image.
Works Cited "Media Kit." Womenshealthmag.com. Women's Health Magazine, Web. 5 Dec "Cosmopolitan Media Kit." Cosmopolitan. Hearst Corporation, Web. 5 Dec