Mark Tate Mechanical Engineer 3/12/2013 My Locator Robot! T.E.S.L.A (Terrifying Exoskeletal (that) Shocks Large Animals (humans) )
T.E.S.L.A. General Same ideas, different (more sinister) purpose. Old Ideas Hexapod Searches for objects while avoiding others New ones Objects searching for => humans Delivers a shock to said human when found
Sonar Motion Infrared thermometer
Sonar Parallax Ping Range: 3cm to 3m Sends back echo time with varying pulse width
Motion Parallax PIR Sensor Good up to 15 ft Gives general direction of target Communication: Single bit high/low output
Special Sensor Infrared thermometer (MLX90614 Series 3.6 V 11 mA Single and Dual Zone Infra Red Thermometer) Temp range = -40 to 126 C (well within body temp) PWM output