Nature management challenges (from non-intervention in wilderness to systematic management in human induced ecosystems) Management of protected areas in.


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Presentation transcript:

Nature management challenges (from non-intervention in wilderness to systematic management in human induced ecosystems) Management of protected areas in European framework Ladislav Miko European Commission, DG ENV

Biodiversity threats and our ambitions Biodiversity: –Decline times faster than natural, extinctions –Simplification of communities, homogenisation –Decrease of specialised, endemic, local species –Increased amount of generalists, « weedy » species, –Loss of identity –Loss of functions – limited resilience TREND level of ambition EU world dream ???

Biodiversity and ecosystem services Ecosystems – functional units of biosphere Ecosystem services –Objective (supporting all life on the Earth) –Anthropocentric (services for humankind, see MEA) Relationship biodiversity – ecosystem function very complex : –Importance of key (umbrella) species –Redundancy of species (how many bricks may be taken from the wall before it collapses?) –Relationships between complexity and stability (resistance, resilience) of ecosystems Decline of biodiversity and decline of ecosystem services positively interrelated (mostly not linear though – eg. issue of thrersholds)

Where is nature ?

European nature: specifics European nature identity changed: original pristine biomes almost fully replaced by cultural land, even if with different level of human interventions Nature conservation approaches reflect this situation: different level of active management of natural sites applied, very variable within different European countries Unlike in other continents, „wilderness area“ as a nature conservation category is almost absent (? some „zapovedniks“ in Russia)

Virgin/Wild areas: Should we care? Original European nature Evolution Natural succession Base-line for science We may be not able to know everything regarding proper management New challenges (climate change): different responses should be checked We require the same from others in other parts of the world Emotional and ethical reasons

Management: how to approach? Basic question in nature conservation: succession or succession stage ? Usually highly decisive for level of human intervention If support to particular habitat or species – in majority of cases interventions (active management) necessary If natural processes are the objective: no intervention or low intervention to be implemented or as a goal

TRENDS trendlikelihood of change Answer Hunting, fishing Medium Sustainability, regulation Sealing Medium Minimization Urbanisation Low Green infrastructure Linear infrastructure (transport, energy) Medium Minimisation of net increase Interaction elements Intensification (simplification, unification) Low Interaction elements (green infrastructure), no-go areas Invasive species Medium Regulation, active eradication Pollution/toxic substances Medium Replacement, minimisation Water extremes, regime Low Regime restoration, green infrastructure, multifunction Climate change Low Minimization, adaptation Speed of changes Very low Space-low speed areas (???)

Green infrastructure (1) What? –Interconnected patches within the matrix: bio-centers (core areas) and bio-corridors –Patches - « Space for nature »: NATURA 2000: cornerstone: all sorts of management regimes (non-intervention/soft intervention/ intensive management) Multi-functional landscape (outside of protected areas) –Interaction elements: Natural: corridors, stepping stones, small patches.. Man-made: restoration,‘new nature’,‘eco-ducts’

Green infrastructure (2) How? –Knowledgede base: information, data, indicators –Impact assesment (individual projects etc.) quality, relevance; expert level –Ecosystem accounting (general) –Ecosystem assesments (general – EU level) –Policy development: integration/other policies –Implementation: Guidance - Advice - Compliance check - Enforcement –International co-operation (EU, PEBLDS, E-Econet)

What we have? Legislation (directly linked): –NATURA 2000: Birds, Habitats Directives –Water Framework, Marine Directives –Soil Framework Directive (on the way) –EIA, SEA, Environmental liability Action frameworks (some): –Biodiversity Communication/Action Plan –Forest Action Program (weak) Tools: –Life + –Rural Development Funds –Cohesion Fund, Structural Funds

What is in pipeline / still needed? Alien species: ongoing preparatory work Climate change adaptation (green paper) Management approaches (full range needed – from ‘gardening’ to wilderness) Connectivity: article 10 (Hab.Dir) as entry point –EC developed guidelines (IEEP contract) –New contract launched- to develop stronger concepts and technical support Solving conflicts of interests and functions – land- use (ecological) planning concept – to be discussed NEW EXTENDED VISION - BEYOND 2010

Some elements of my vision… (1) skeleton: existing high value areas with highest priority for natural processes (concept of wild areas missing) (2) space for nature: defining of minimum area necessary for keeping the nature working – Natura 2000 then contributing even if climate change occurs – need for proper management and (flexible) conservation objectives (3) defragmentation, increased connectivity: land use, ecological planning, landscape protection (broader policy for landscape protection missing) (4) restoration of deteriorated habitats with a potential to contribute overall ecological stability (5) ‘creation of new nature’ where previous impossible (6) special protection (iconic species, endemites, rare species, beauty etc.)

Thank you for attention! Photographs: © Zdenek Patzelt Ladislav Miko