Kyiv, Ukraine
Salvador Dali Institute of art for decorative modelling and design – Institution of higher education Level IV accreditation. The graduates of the educational establishment receive a state diploma and an international diploma (in English). Foreign citizens enter the Institute after the interview out of a competition. There is a possibility to enter the senior courses.
The Preparatory Department for Foreign Students Form of education – full-time. Number of students under license –150 persons. Tuition fee – 1000 $. Duration of studies – 10 months. The Preparatory department carries out the pre-university training of the foreign students for further study at higher educational establishments of Ukraine.
Students learn deeply Russian/Ukrainian, acquire skills of speaking with the help of qualified teachers, read and write well in Russian/Ukrainian by the end of training at the Preparatory Department of our Institute. Students learn special terminology and get base knowledge in Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Computer technologies, Literature, Geography. The Preparatory Department realizes training foreigners in Medical, Humanitarian, Engineering and Economic directions. When foreign students graduate from the Preparatory Department, they get a Certificate of the established standard in Ukraine. The magisterial staff of the Department have many years of experience as teachers in Ukraine and abroad. They combine the best traditional methods with more recent approaches to help learners acquire way. The students are accommodated in the hostel with modern conveniences. Residence is not free. The main document for students is a Contract.
List of Documents Required for Admission: a special invitation given by the Institute authorities personally; original of the Secondary School Certificate; notary attested copy in Ukrainian or Russian; a passport; notary attested translation in Ukrainian or Russian; the latest Health Certificate; 12 photos 3,5х4,5 (matt on a white background).
If you had made up your mind to study at the Preparatory Department inform us about that: Then you will receive your invitation to submit an application for a visa to the Ukrainian Embassy in your country. Our contacts: Kiev, Ukraine 04074, Kiev-074, Berezhanskaja St., 5 Telephone (+38044) Fax (+38044) е-mail:
Training of foreign students on the accredited specialties
The diagram of the art complex of the graded education system
The Institute trains specialists in: 1.Design:Bachelor’s Degree architectural environment; fashion clothing and accessories’ modeling; computer graphic and advertising; fashion style and hairstyling. Qualification level – Bachelor’s Degree. Form of education – full-time. Number of students under license – 90 persons. Tuition fee – 2100 $. Duration of studies – 4 years.
2. Design: Master's Degree architectural environment; fashion clothing and accessories’ modeling; computer graphic and advertising; fashion style and hairstyling. Qualification level – Master's Degree. Form of education – full-time. Number of students under license – 50 persons. Tuition fee – 2900 $. Duration of studies – 1 year.
3. Design: Master`s Degree architectural environment; fashion clothing and accessories’ modeling; computer graphic and advertising; fashion style and hairstyling. Qualification level – Master's Degree. Form of education – full-time. Number of students under license – 10 persons. Tuition fee – 2900 $. Duration of studies – 2 years.
4. Fine art: art critic. Qualification level – Bachelor’s Degree. Form of education – full-time. Number of students under license – 150 persons. Tuition fee – 2100 $. Duration of studies – 4 years.
The magisterial staff of the Department have many years of experience as teachers in Ukraine and abroad. They combine the best traditional methods with more recent approaches to help learners acquire way. The students study according to the individual curriculum, have practical training and traineeships at the leading enterprises throughout Ukraine, have the opportunity to deepen their knowledge of English at our Institute. The students are accommodated in the hostel with modern conveniences. Residence is not free. The main document for students is a Contract.
List of documents required for admission: - a special invitation given by the Institute authorities personally; - original of the Secondary School Certificate; notary attested copy in Ukrainian or Russian; - a passport; notary attested translation in Ukrainian or Russian; - the latest Health Certificate; - 12 photos 3,5х4,5 (matt on a white background). If you had made up your mind to study at our Institute inform us about that: Then you will receive your invitation to submit an application for a visa to the Ukrainian Embassy in your country.
Our contacts: Kiev, Ukraine 04074, Kiev-074, Berezhanskaja St., 5 Telephone (+38044) Fax (+38044) е-mail: