運輸組織與管理報告 Organizational Innovation and Change 組織創新與變革 指導教授 : 任維廉 教授 報告學生 : 蔡承恩 2011/12/15 1.


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Presentation transcript:

運輸組織與管理報告 Organizational Innovation and Change 組織創新與變革 指導教授 : 任維廉 教授 報告學生 : 蔡承恩 2011/12/15 1

自我介紹  蔡承恩  台北人  交大運管所  ( 黃寬丞老師 LAB)  興趣:籃球、國外旅行  ( 享受異國風情與文化 ) 2

簡報大綱  1. 為何需要變革?如何變革?  2. 策略種類的變革  3. 實現的變革  4. Q&A 3

1. 環境中的力量促使需求 組織中更多大規模的變革 Structure change Mergers, joint ventures, consortia Strategic change Horizontal organizing, teams, networks Culture change New technologies, products Knowledge management, enterprise New business processes resource planning E-business Quality programs Learning organizations 更多威脅 More domestic competition Increased Speed International competition 全球化變革, 競爭與市場 T echnological Change International Economic Integration Maturation of Markets in Developed Countries Fall of Communist and Socialist Regimes 更多機會 Bigger markets Fewer barriers More international markets 4

2. 策略種類的變革 5

變革  Type of changes (變革)  Incremental changes (漸進式變革)  Radical changes (激進式變革)  Elements for successful changes  Suppliers Professional Associations Consultants Research literature Customers Competition Legislation Regulation Labor force 1. Ideas 2. Needs 3. Adoption Perceived Problems or Opportunities Internal Creativity and Inventions Organization 4.Implementation 5. Resources 6

 漸進式變革 激進式變革 Continuous progression Paradigm-breaking burst Through normal structure and management processes Transform entire organization Affect Organizational part Create new structure and management Technology improvements Breakthrough technology Product improvement New products, new markets 7

科技變革  General Manager Creative Department Expand capabilities — Explore and develop new ideas (Organic structure) 有機組織 Using Department Exploit capabilities — Routine application of new ideas (Mechanistic structure) 機械組織 Switching structures -- brainstorm new ideas Creative departments -- organic and mechanistic Venture teams -- new-venture fund Corporate entrepreneurship -- idea or management champion 8

 To be both an organic and mechanistic, managers implement an ambidextrous approach  Structures and management processes that push innovation 9

新產品成功率 10

新產品和服務  Market success rate for R&D projects: 14% → Customer’s need ! Environment Technical Developments Environment Customer Needs Organization General Manager R&D Department Marketing Department Production Department Coord 11

 Reasons for success:  Innovating companies understand customers  Innovating companies successfully use technology  Top management supports innovation  Horizontal Coordination Model:  Specialization  Boundary Spanning  Horizontal Coordination 12

策略和結構的變革  Administrative changes -Design and structure of a organization -control and information systems, authority hierarchy and departmental grouping. Dual Core Approach Type of Innovation Desired 13

文化變革  Forces for culture change  Reengineering/Horizontal organization  Diversity  The learning organization (organization development; OD)  OD culture changes interventions (干預)  Large group intervention  Team building  Interdepartmental( 跨部門 ) activities 14

3. 為實現變革的策略  Most important crucial and difficult.  Leadership for change 15

為實現變革的策略 Barriers to change Excessive focus on costs Failure to perceive benefits Lack of coordination and cooperation Uncertainty avoidance Fear if loss of power or status Techniques for implementation Establish a sense of urgency for change Establish a coalition to guide the change Create a vision and Strategy for change Develop plans to overcome resistance to change Create change teams Foster idea champions 16

設計要點 Change, not stability is the challenge for managers There are four types of change Organic structures foster innovation A top-down approach is best for change and strategy Top managers must foster culture change The implementation of change can be difficult 17

4. Q&A  創新和變革在企業中時常發生,如何界定 兩者的不同?  通常變革會帶來員工的抗拒,如何解決? 18