1 The distribution of the State budget 2006 Total budget: NIS 303 billion,
2 The distribution of the social service budget
3 Per capita social expenditure: a slight rise in 2006 after a steady decline since 2001 Current budget, 2005 prices, NIS thousand
4 Average per capita expenditure on transfer payments: stable following a decline 2005 prices, NIS thousand
5 Population distribution by district
6 Mixed localities : districts that stand out – Jerusalem and the North
7 Share of immigrants: the South exceeds other districts Immigrants as a percent of total population, by district
8 Age distribution: a younger population in Jerusalem and the North Elderly and children as a percent of the total population, by district
9 Fertility rates: differences by district Average number of children a woman is expected to bear in her lifetime
10 Average government expenditure on education per pupil: a slight rise after a continuous decline since 2001 Current budget 2005 prices, NIS thousand
11 Education expenditure: the expected influence of natural growth is marked in Israel Estimated influence of population growth on education spending: 2015 versus 2005 Index: 2005=100
12 The population ’ s education level: Israel ranks high in international comparisons Average years of schooling among those aged 25-64
13 Educational achievement: significant differences in matriculation certificate entitlement by district *excluding East Jerusalem Entitled to certificate, percent of those aged 16-19, average for
14 Studying for a first degree: differences by district Percent of year olds studying for their first degree *excluding East Jerusalem
15 Health expenditure and population growth: since the National Health Law passed, spending has not kept pace Index: 1994=100
16 Financing national health expenditure: a continual increase in household share* *excluding health tax Percent
17 Infant mortality: rates in the North and South are high compared to a decade ago Rate per 1000 live births, by district
18 Life expectancy: longer in Jerusalem and shorter in the South Life expectancy at birth, by district
19 Hospital stays in general wards: a marked decrease in number of beds and average length of stay since 1980
20 Population density: vast differences between districts Number of people per square kilometer
21 Road accidents: high rates of injuries in the North Average injuries per 1000 residents, by district
22 Taub Survey - Public health priorities : the public prefers more subsidized medicines and preventive care Which of these areas should be a priority to improve the population’s level of health?
23 Distribution of the National Insurance Institute budget: two-thirds goes to old-age and disability allowances
24 National Insurance: differential development with a sharp rise in general disability allowances Index: 1990=100
25 Taub Survey - National Insurance: most prefer limiting or canceling allowances to high income groups Do you think that allowances to those with a high income should be reduced or even canceled?
26 Pensioners: 18% of households in Tel-Aviv and Haifa are pensioners Pensioners as a percent of all households, by district
27 Recipients of nursing care allowance: low rates in Jerusalem, high in the South Percent aged 65+ receiving nursing care allowance, by district
28 General poverty level: an increase in the number of families under the poverty line Percent of poor families after transfer payments and taxes 411,000 families
29 Poverty by district: an especially high rate of poor families in Jerusalem and the North Percent of poor families after transfer payments and taxes
30 Poverty among children: a steep rise – nearly one- third of Israel’s children are living under the poverty line Percent of poor children after transfer payments and taxes 769,000 children
31 Poverty among children by district: more than half of Jerusalem’s children are living in poverty Percent of poor children after transfer payments and taxes
32 The working poor: working is not always insurance against poverty Percent of poor families in different groups, 2005
33 Housing conditions: pronounced crowding in the Jerusalem district Percent of homes with more than 2 persons per room, by district
34 Computer ownership: 60% of households in Israel have a computer Percent of households with a home computer
35 Internet access: 40% of households in Israel have Internet connection Percent of households with Internet connection
36 Information and communication technology: Israel leads in terms of ICT product and employment ICT employment - % of business sector ICT product - % of business sector
37 Labor force participation: a continuous rise over time Percent of those aged 15+
38 Participation in labor force by gender: low participation of women in the North and Jerusalem Percent of those aged 15+, by district
39 Unemployment over time: after peaking in 2003, a decline in the rate of unemployment Percent unemployed of the civilian labor force
40 Unemployment by district: higher rates in the North and South Percent unemployed of civilian labor force, by district
41 Wages by district: lower wages in the North and South Average monthly gross wage per employee, NIS
42 Taub Survey - Fear of unemployment: fears have calmed over the past three years but one-fourth are still greatly concerned Percent of respondents who feel greatly vulnerable to unemployment