Foundation Of Occupational Development (FOOD India) Web: ICTs for Development: Lessons Learnt and Directions for the Future (infoDev symposium 2001)
FOOD India - Profile 20-year-old non-profit organization Conducting research on social development and implementing welfare programs on Cost-effective housing Employment generation Women empowerment Education Health Environmental sanitation Poverty alleviation through ICTs E-commerce
Our efforts in ICT Remote area network Student community network Community information center Online city information Rural e-commerce Inter-city marketing Civil Bridge E-marketers
Our efforts in ICT FOOD India server (1995) Remote area networking (1996) Student community network (2001) E-commerce for rural artisans (1998) E-marketers (1999) Inter-city marketing cell phone network (2001) Civil Bridge Round Table (2001) Asia City (2001) Community Information Center jump team (2001)
TNUDP-II / World Bank UNDP / SAPAP Partners
FOOD Community Producers Inter-city marketing network through cell phone to leverage economic empowerment SHGs
Inter-city marketing network – Project partners CMADeW KVIC infoDevFOOD
Community Inter-city marketing network – community networking Community
Inter-city marketing network through cell phone Sensitizing the Community Based Organizations (CBOs)
Inter-city marketing network through cell phone Discussion on sharing of responsibility
Inter-city marketing network through cell phone Production supervision
Inter-city marketing network through cell phone Women at work
Inter-city marketing network through cell phone Discussion on supplies
Inter-city marketing network through cell phone Packing products
Inter-city marketing network through cell phone Quality assurance
Inter-city marketing network through cell phone Delivering the products
Inter-city marketing network through cell phone Evaluation and suggestion on improvements
Lessons learnt Poverty alleviation Social solidaritySocial capital ICTs
ICTs – bridging the gap Functional literacy Language Affordability Connectivity Capacity building Touch screen Social capital Cell phones Issues Solutions
Upcoming ICT projects FOOD India Primary Education through ICT Offline E-commerce Fishermen network through ICT Women’s Net
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