OSC’s Industrial Applications and Workforce Training Programs Ashok Krishnamurthy Interim Co-Executive Director April 6, 2011
Overview Barriers to adoption of Modeling, Simulation and Analysis (MS&A) services by Small and Medium Businesses Portal-based access to MS&A services –WeldPredictor –Polymer Portal Workforce development and training
Barriers to Adoption of MS&A by Small- and Medium-Sized Firms Costs to acquire the hardware that will only be used intermittently License costs for commercial software Lack of trained personnel to use MS&A
OSC Portal Philosophy Develop portal based HPC access to areas of strategic interest: BCC and biomedical sciences –Targeted (applications with limited functionality provided to “non-HPC people”) –Comprehensive (data, software and cycles in one click) –Lightweight (no client resources except web browser) BCC Portal Philosophy –“web appliances” –Integrated applications that engage user 5
EWI-OSC WeldPredictor Partnership with Edison Welding Institute Easy access to advanced weld modeling tools through a secure website Single and multi-pass arc welding simulation Output Temperature Hardness Residual stress Distortion Users Web browser
Weld Geometry Selection 7
Grant from NIST Manufacturing Extension Program OSC Blue Collar Computing partnership with Polymer Ohio Direct visits to firms to analyze their needs Advanced certificate in polymer modeling Creation of portal for polymer firms Training (4 Courses) Projects (6 Projects) App Access (5 Apps) Productivity Audits (24 Audits) Outreach to Industry (50 Visits) -Access to software and training -Access to several industrial systems and management models -Access to virtual machines and high performance computing resources as required -Additional training for firms relating to extrusion molding, supply chain management
PolymerOhio-OSC Polymer Portal Partnership with PolymerOhio Easy access to polymer processing MS&A codes and training through a secure portal Modeling and simulation for –Injection molding – Moldex 3D from Core Systems –Polymer physical properties – Custom code Training program and polymer portal to launch mid-April
Prediction of Nanofiber Composite Processing 10
Ralph Regula School of Computational Science: Feeding the Workforce Pipeline Defining the requirements –Ohio program – interdisciplinary group to define competencies for undergraduate computational science minor program –Review by industry advisory committee –Initiation of multi-university minor program in computational science in 2007 at nine institutions –Associate degree program initiated at three institutions in 2010 focused on encouraging further work toward bachelor’s degree
Ralph Regula School: Adding Value to the Workforce Translation of program into first part of stackable certificate program –Basic certificate Portions of undergraduate minor program re- packaged as basic courses for industry personnel Offered through Ralph Regula School of Computational Science at two community colleges Structured to review basic modeling principles and methods for those who need to update their skills Offered at distance to serve a statewide audience
Ralph Regula School: Building the Advanced Certificate Program Started with the polymer industry in partnership with universities and a statewide industry association – Polymer Ohio Major steps –Define the areas of greatest interest to the industry through a survey/focus group of leaders –Focus instructional efforts on two promising areas –Tie the materials to required software, hardware, and support requirements –Trial run of course materials with university students
Acknowledgements Work made possible, in part through several grants from the National Science Foundation –SCI –DUE –OCI Grant from NIST –Manufacturing partnership extension program Polymer Ohio
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