Study Visit No. 194 Research Institute for Child Psychology and Pathopsychology MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, SCIENCE, RESEARCH AND SPORT OF THE SLOVAK REPUBLIC Ing. Katarína Ondrášová Section of Regional Education Bratislava
Section of regional education system: Departments Department of kindergartens, primary schools, primary art schools, and school facilities Department of secondary schools and language schools Department of pedagogical and specialized workers, conceptions of funding, and regional education system, network of schools and school facilities Department special schools, special educational facilities, and counseling facilities Department of schools with the teaching language of ethnic minorities and education of Roma communities Department of private and church schools Department of editorial work
The OECD PISA Study Slovakia has been included among countries with the biggest differences in pupils' results on the basis of the highest achieved education of parents. However, important is also the finding that Slovakia belongs among countries with the biggest influence of the pupil's social-economic background on his/her performance.
The principal change of the approach according to the Convention on the Rights of the Child The fundamental change in the approach was not in ethnicity but in the definition and in laying down the term of socially disadvantaged environment.
Upbringing and education of children from socially disadvantaged environment (SDE) legislative changes from September 1, 2008 in relation to pupils from SDE (socially disadvantaged environment) and from January 1, 2009, also in relation to the system of their funding in the School Act No. 245/2008 Z.z. (of the collection of laws) the term is defined - "the child or the pupil with special educational needs", and within the scope of this wide group the group of children and pupils with health disadvantage is clearly separated from pupils and children from socially disadvantaged environment, and the means of their education as well by the Act No. 317/2009 Z.z. on pedagogical and specialized employees, the teacher-specialist is instituted for work with children and with pupils from socially disadvantaged environment, the pedagogical assistant, teacher's assistant, educator's assistant, and assistant worker of the master of professional education (taking effect on November 1, 2009)
Socially disadvantaged environment The child from socially disadvantaged environment, according to the new School Act, is the pupil or the child living in an environment which - with regard to social, family, economic, and cultural conditions - insufficiently stimulates the development of mental, volitional, emotional characteristics of the child or the pupil, does not support his/her socialization and does not provide him or her with wealthy and adequate stimuli for the development of his/her personality.
Criterions for placing the child into SDE The pupil from socially disadvantaged environment is considered to be: the one from family that receives assistance in material need and the family income is within the range of the minimum life subsistence, at least one of the parents or the person to whom the child is entrusted to personal custody belongs to the group of disadvantaged job applicants, the highest level of education of parents is basic (primary school), or at least one of the parents has not finished the primary education, non-standard housing and sanitary conditions of the family (e.g. the pupil does not have his or her place for learning, does not have his or her own bed, no electrical connection, etc.), the instructional language is different from the language spoken by the child in its home settings.
The pupil from socially disadvantaged environment Promoting access to education is secured on the systems basis (both financially and institutionally): free pre-school education from 5th year of the child's age zero grade in primary school specialized classes in primary school - the compensation and developmental program pedagogical assistant (teacher's assistant); contribution to the pupil from SDE subsidies for food and school aids; social benefit in a material need to ensure basic living conditions of the child if this child fulfils the compulsory school attendance support for schools - development projects, ESF development and standardization of relevant diagnostic tools.
To ensure the education of children and pupils from socially disadvantaged environment, schools have to create individual conditions Individual conditions a) education on the basis of individual educational program b) adaptation of the organization of education c) adaptation of the environment in which education is carried out d) use of specific methods and forms of education
Order of the Ministry No. 649/2008 Z. z. on the purpose of using a contribution for pupils from socially disadvantaged environment Contribution to improve conditions for education of pupils from SDE can be used to cover the following costs: a) for wages of teacher's assistants for pupils from SCE, for social insurance and the insurance premium for compulsory public health insurance b) to equip the room intended to be used for preparation and teaching of pupils from SDE 1. by didactic technology 2. by teaching aids 3. by compensatory aids
Order of the Ministry No. 649/2008 Z. z. on the purpose of using a contribution for pupils from socially disadvantaged environment c) combined with pupils' participation in activities under a special regulation d) combined with education of pupils in specialized classes e) combined with prevention of transmitting a contagious disease (pediculosis)
The order of grades according to percentage share of pupils from SDE in the missed, unexcused teaching lessons Survey by MPC ROCEPO 2009-PS zero grade87,41 % third grade74,71 % fifth grade73,52 % second grade73,16 % fourth grade70,79 % first grade69,74 % sixth grade62,39 % seventh grade62,34 % eighth grade60,83 % ninth grade48,21 %
The well-known facts in countries of Eastern Europe including the Slovak Republic Socially excluded communities have a low chance to accomplish education because they are disadvantaged due to their cultural and language distinction and due to poor socio- economic situation. The education system in Slovakia is, to a certain extent, characterized by the fact that children in it achieve the same level of education as their parents.
The well-known facts in countries of Eastern Europe including the Slovak Republic We see manifestation of inadequate training of children in the kindergarten - parents show no interest school unsuccessfulness (underachievement) and loss of motivation during the compulsory school attendance placing children to special schools intended for pupils with mental disabilities unaccomplished lower secondary education lack of interest in secondary education - expenses for travel, accommodation, and so on vs. social benefits low representation of Roma students at universities dependence on the social system
Consequences for example: being self-centered in family - community showing non-confidence toward the majority population loss of motivation and sense to be integrated into society and be competable on the labour market
Integration of children from socially excluded communities The interdepartmental government materials are under preparation: update of the National Action Plan - in 4 areas (education, health service, accommodation, employment) within the scope of the Roma Population Integration Decade to 2015 development strategy for the marginalized Roma communities and for socially excluded communities up to the year 2020 act on socially excluded communities inclusive education including members of ethnic minorities, migrants and asylum refugees, Roma communities, the disabled and so on
Topics for the discussion Pre-primary education Objectives: reinforcement of pre-primary education in kindergartens with emphasis on involving children from socially disadvantaged environment; supporting creation of kindergartens in places where their capacities are insufficient; newly-developed programs focused on improvement of cooperation of Roma children's parents Placing children into primary education The issue of pedagogical and psychological diagnostics Inclusive education - solving the issue of desegregation - experience and knowledge Roma ethnic-minority education
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