1 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Control System Overview Bob Dalesio, Control Group Leader 8 th ASAC meeting for NSLS-II Project May 10-11, 2011
2 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Outline Installation Preparation Fast Orbit Feedback Component Development High Level Application Status Documentation of Facility in an Relational DataBase - IRMIS EPICS Extensions Control System Studio (CSS) Tools Subsystem Status Conclusions
3 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Installation Status (1 of 4) Equipment for installation Server room in the RF service building are all in hand, configured, and ready for installation. –Redundant IRMIS servers received and ready for installation –3 Dedicated Boot servers received and ready for installation –Production Archiver is received and ready for installation –2 dedicated virtual machine servers received and ready for installation that are redundant and running: DNS, NTP slaves, LDAP, Puppet (LINUX sys management) –2 dedicated backend server received and ready for installation for MySQL services. –Mercurial Server received and ready for operation. –Web server received and ready for any web applications. –Network monitoring systems received and ready for operation for syslog, Cacti, Nagios, and Splunk. –Network management server received and ready for installation with real time traffic inspection up to 10 GHz. –2 development servers received and ready for installation for application development –1 dedicated back up system received and ready for installation with tape library
4 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Installation Status (2 of 4) VME crates – have enough in hand to start point to point check out –RFP is late in going out. Expect 6 week turn around once it is out. –There are 10 on hand, but these are not likely to be the standard selected. CPU Boards – have enough in hand to start point to point check out –30 have already been sourced and should be here in May and have 10 on hand Soft IOCs – have enough in hand to install pentant 1 –30 IBM x3550N3 processors (redundant power, disks, remote serial management) that covers the first 10 cells are on hand and ready to install as well as the vacuum and 1- wire IOCs, and booster IOCs cPCI crates – have enough in hand to start point to point check out –Ordered 5 that are expected here in June and have 3 on hand. cPCI CPU – have enough in hand to start point to point check out –Ordered 5 that are expected here in June and have 3 on hand. Moxa terminal servers - have enough on hand to install the first cell –4 on hand to start the first pentant. 90 are on order (3 per cell).
5 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Installation Status (3 of 4) Timing –All hardware in hand: EVG, Egun, Fanouts, EVRs Network Hardware –Core Switches delivered and need to be configured –Edge Switches for all 30 cells are in hand and ready to install –120 less expensive switches for the power supplies and bpms ordered delivery expected in 4 weeks. –Ad hoc network in the first pentant until the service building is ready
6 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Installation Status (4 of 4) Fiber Plant – deliver expected prior to beneficial occupancy of the service building –Individual fibers for ad hoc network not ordered but expected in June. –Bundle for each pentant (with temporary bundle to left for pentant 1) not ordered. Need fiber path before the order can be placed. –Timing system fiber is not ordered yet going out together with above. –Intra rack fiber for BPMs and timing, not ordered – expected in June Cat6 – delivery expected in time to install into the first pentant –Cable, patch panel, connectors for the first pentant not ordered but expected in June Wireless – parts in hand to install the first pentant –30 wireless access points available for the mezzanine and tunnel wireless –Wireless controllers on hand and ready for installation
7 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Fast orbit feedback system in one cell Orbit feedback system architecture
9 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Fast Orbit Feedback – Status Digital Front End – BPM is fully tested and ready for production Spin 1 Virtex 5 fully operational Spin 2 Virtex 6 all functionality running on a prototype board Spin 2 Virtex 6 – 6 in hand to verify full functionality with the analog front end Fully integrated with the EPICS IOC Digital Front End – Machine protection software is under development Spin 2 Virtex 6 all functionality running on a prototype board Spin 2 Virtex 6 – 2 in hand to verify full functionality Machine protection implementation is not yet complete. Not needed until >25 mAmp operation in the ring Need to define the DDR3 RAM map for integration into EPICS I/O Module – Cell Controller – Ready for test with spin 2 of the DFE Spin 1 contains 16 DI, 12 DO, and 2 AI. Fully tested and working with the Virtex 5 DFE board It needs to be tested with the recently received Virtex 6 DFE boards Power Supply Controller – Parts in hand for cell one – delivery for first pentant in June All functionality tested. Full order is out, 20 are in hand and tested. The other 165 will arrive in June to complete Pentant 1. Fully integrated with the EPICS IOC.
10 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Client-Server Architecture for HLA Distributed Front-Ends MMLT Client Middle Layer Servers Physical Device Ethernet PVAccess Model Server Java HLA Client PVAccess/CAC Control System Studio PVAccess / CAC Diagnostics CAS PVA Elegant/Tracy PVAccess Channel Finder Svr SQL RDB PVAccess/CAC Multi-Channel Arrays Svr Physical Device Power Supplies CAS PVA Physical Device RF CAS PVA Physical Device Vacuum CAS PVA Physical Device Utilities etc.., CAS PVA PVAccess/CAC Save/Compare Restore Svr SQL Python HLA Client PVAccess/CAC IRMIS PVAccess Lattice Server SQL IRMIS PVAccess/CAC Magnet Conv, Response Matrix, Dispersion, etc…. Serves orbit, magnets, any array of channels Completed Early Development Being Extended LS2 Simulation Diag & PS CAS PVA
11 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES High Level Applications (HLA) High level applications requirements are identified and being refined through use cases documented on a project wiki page (physics/controls/engineering). High level application architecture is client/server based on the EPICS version 4 network protocol: PVAccess Servers are completed that provide: Model Results List of process variables based on function and attributes Synchronous vector of data given a list of process variables. Lattice domain services are under development. Developer document for thin clients is being written in conjunction with the physics group. Standard clients in CSS can be used to display HLA data The software development is making good progress and collaborations with Swiss Light Source, Diamond, and an SBIR grant for Matlab support, should improve the outlook for a solid suite of tools.
12 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES IRMIS Production tools available for: Component type editor, Component editor, Component Browser and Wiring Editor Control group members have entered some component types – many remain to be captured. Subsystem engineering groups have started spreadsheets to capture data and large scale insertion is needed. Cable information is in spreadsheets – and large scale insertion is needed. Rapid prototyping tools are in place to support developing applications: Lattice, Save Compare Restore (SCORE), Magnet Measurements, Component Inventory and History. Data installation and application development needed. Collaboration with MSU provides Inventory and Elog. Data capture ready for power supply group on bar code reader and application. Elog needs to be integrated with Control System Studio and put into use. Many tools are in place. Need to start large scale data insertion as tools are likely to need modification and extensions.
13 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Control System Studio is the Operator Console Adopted CSS for our user interface after evaluation Redeveloped build environment and had it adopted by the collaboration Developed a name server to return process variables by function Developed a channel access package to provide all client functions and time synchronous vectors from an arrays of process variables. Developed multichannel visualization tools Need to integrate the MSU Elog into CSS The collaboration with DESY and ORNL is providing solid support to mature the tool set and integrate the new physcis application functionality into this tool set.
14 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES ChannelFinder Viewer CSS Display ChannelFinderViewer Searching Name, Property value, Tags Regular Expressions using “*”, “?” prop=val1, val2 is equivalent to prop=val1 OR prop=val2 prop=val1 tag=myTag is equivalent to prop=val1 AND tag=myTag
17 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Channel Access Client (CAC) WAN/LAN/Local Channel Access Server (CAS) DB Engine Device Support Driver Support I/O Controller Control System Studio Applications: BOY Archiving Directory Service Multi-Channel Viewer Types Subsystem Implementation is 95% Complete Boot Servers Timing - Ready Diagnostics - Ready Power Supplies - Ready Vacuum – Need the PLC integration EPS – need PLC and Cell Controller integration PPS – need PLC integration RF – need LLRF integration Facility Control - Waiting on a final signal list Network / File Servers – Ready
18 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Timing System Workbench Event receivers Fan-out module Event generator Not shown: HP signal generator, a LeCroy WaveRunner Oscilloscope and a Transition module IOC
19 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES New Event Generator Features Runtime configurable Software timestamp TX Frees 2 (of 8) inputs Dynamic sequence management Store ready-to-run sequences Fast switching at runtime –10 events in ~30us
20 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES New Event Receiver Features Only Base record types Complete runtime (re)configuration Same code for VME and PCI models Linux support Support for event uplink New CML modes
21 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Main Control panelADC raw data waveform BPM EPICS Integration
22 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Turn by turn data10 kHz Data BPM EPICS Integration
24 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Cerenkov Beam Loss Monitor Tests at NSLS Good linearity: CBLM signal is linear to beam decay;
25 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Brocade FWS port Switch (4 GigE /100Mbps) PSC chassis and 20 PSCs GigE to Linux IOC’s private network card Hardware Level – PSC and Switch
26 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Ramping PS Example Digital output data Analog output data Digital /analog input data 9 ADC waveform
27 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Vacuum - Girder Bakeout Temperature monitor, configure and plot
28 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Vacuum - TSP Test TSP Monitor and Archive
29 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Vacuum - Varian IP Controller Test Test 4 channels with dummy loads
30 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Vacuum - RGA Test Analog mode scan of MKS MicroVison RGA
32 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Conclusions All servers, network hardware processors, and timing needed to start point to point check out is in hand or expected to be on hand in June. All parts should be received by June for installation. The IRMIS tools are available for all identified applications. – Preparation for massive transfer from spreadsheets is planned and required to discover new requirements. –An active collaboration with FRIB resulted in inventory and Elog capability. All of the tools needed for supervisory control are in place. Physics commissioning tools are under development with collaboration between physics, controls, Diamond, and SLS.. Implememntations exist for most of the equipment control.