CMDB in Snow Part 2 Zhechka Toteva IT/DI-SM
Conclusions from last meeting Snow table column Snow table Source for Puppet Source for CDB From where CommentsHowon demand Cluster Server/Clust er/Cluster Node Puppet_nod es CDBforeman push single ImportanceServer Puppet_nod es CDBPuppet_db Yes/no for puppet push single Last Modified in CDB Server-CDB Not need in the future for push Push! Via ? JSON. Pull of a single host information from hwdb. LocationServerCDB?CDB LANDB- >INFOR Better from LANDB. Later from INFOR. pull database view NameServer Puppet_nod es CDBLANDB pull database view RackServer/RackLANDBCDB LANDB- >INFOR Null for VM ? pull database view Serial Number ServerCDB hwdb ? take from HWDB VendorServer-CDBhwdb ? Script by ServiceNow ? take from HWDB WarrantyServerCDB hwdb ? take from HWDB Discussion last meeting
Conclusions from last meeting Snow table column Snow table Source for Puppet Source for CDB From where Comment s How on demand Status Cluster Server/Clus ter/Cluster Node Puppet_nod es CDBforeman push single Not started ImportanceServer Puppet_nod es CDBPuppet_db Yes/no for puppet push single Not started Last Modified in CDB Server-CDB Not need in the future for push Push! Via ? JSON. Pull of a single host information from hwdb. Not started LocationServerCDB?CDB LANDB- >INFOR Better from LANDB. Later from INFOR. pull database view Done NameServer Puppet_nod es CDBLANDB pull database view Done Rack Server/Rac k LANDBCDB LANDB- >INFOR Null for VM ? pull database view Done Serial Number ServerCDB hwdb ? take from HWDB Partially VendorServer-CDBhwdb ? Script by ServiceNow ? take from HWDB Partially WarrantyServerCDB hwdb ? take from HWDB Partially Retired flagServerhwdbNot started Status today
HWDB -> Snow: Status Manual pull of HEDB data via personal certificate Java in-house built code for transforming JSON to CSV Manual push of the CSV file with host information in Snow and automatic data mapping to the Snow Server CI Automatic push via the Snow JSON interface using basic authentication – partially done in dev. No show stoppers Automatic pull via the HWDB JSON interface using authentication – maybe will be done, not clear yet ServiceNow provided JSON consumer with certificates – Not planned for the moment. Enhancement request open on behalf of CERN Done To be finished Maybe Probably not Full data pull on regular basis
HWDB -> Snow: Future plan TO BE FINISHED: the push via JSON to Snow and consuming the HWDB via certificate (?) Pull the warranty information Pull the retired flag NEW NEEDED: Pull the last updated date Try to consume directly the Snow JSON from HWDB (?) Try to create a SOAP based Proxy for Snow to pull HWDB data on demand (e.g. when an alarm for non-existing machine is raised) Data push on demand Data pull on demand
Puppet/Forman -> Snow: Future plan Try to consume directly the Snow JSON from Puppet (?) Data push on demand
Discussion last meeting – full table Snow table column Snow table Source for Puppet Source for CDB From where CommentsHow on demand Cluster Server/Clus ter/Cluster Node Puppet_nod es CDBforeman push single Contract Type Server Puppet_nod es CDB Can it disappear? Rename? DepartmentServer Puppet_nod es CDB/SDB ImportanceServer Puppet_nod es CDBPuppet_db Yes/no for puppet push single IT ContactServer Puppet_nod es CDB/SDB Last Modified in CDB Server-CDB Not need in the future for push Push! Via ? JSON. Pull of a single host information from hwdb. LocationServerCDB?CDB LANDB- >INFOR Better from LANDB. Later from INFOR. pull database view Hardware Model Server-CDB NameServer Puppet_nod es CDBLANDB pull database view Operating System Server Puppet_nod es CDB Not needed. RackServer/RackLANDBCDB LANDB- >INFOR Null for VM ? pull database view Serial Number ServerCDB hwdb ? take from HWDB VendorServer-CDBhwdb ? Script by ServiceNow ? take from HWDB WarrantyServerCDB hwdb ? take from HWDB