Basic Marketing – Chapter 15 Supplementary PowerPoint Archive This is an archive of photos and exhibits from the text and additional graphics and exhibits as referenced in the Basic Marketing Multimedia Lecture Guides. See the Basic Marketing Multimedia Lecture Support Package for additional detail and teaching suggestions. For use only with Perreault/Cannon/McCarthy. These images may not be redistributed or used for any other purpose without permission of the publisher, McGraw- Hill/Irwin, The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. McGraw-Hill/Irwin Copyright © 2011 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
Ferguson’s Pooja Gupta opening photo 15-2
Exhibit 15-1: Strategy Planning and Personal Selling 15-3
Boise ad 15-4
Schwab ad 15-5
Krispy Kreme photo 15-6
Hobart ad 15-7
Vodafone ad 15-8
Dell ad 15-9
Clorox sales team in Brazil photo 15-10
Exhibit 15-2: Examples of Possible Personal Selling Emphasis in Some Different Business Market Selling Situations 15-11
AVAYA ad 15-12
Panasonic Toughbook ad 15-13
website 15-14
Videoconferencing photo 15-15
Caliper ad 15-16
CAT Rental ad 15-17
Exhibit 15-4: Key Steps in the Personal Selling Process 15-18
Capterra ad 15-19
Dale Carnegie Training ad 15-20
Exhibit 15-5: Prepared Approach to Sales Presentation 15-21
Exhibit 15-6: Consultative Selling Approach to Sales Presentation 15-22
Exhibit 15-7: Selling-Formula Approach to Sales Presentation 15-23
Personal Selling Often the single largest operating expense! 1 out of 10 in the labor force is in sales work Increasing professionalism Good selling means helping the customer to buy Represent both firm and customer Market information Planning strategy and allocating effort 15-24
Overview of Key Personal Selling Issues 15-25
State Farm ad 15-26
Basic Sales Tasks 15-27
GE Profile washer and dryer interactive sales display photo 15-28
Supporting Salespeople MISSIONARY SALESPEOPLE Supporting salespeople who work for producers—calling on their middlemen and the middlemen's customers TECHNICAL SPECIALISTS Supporting salespeople who provide technical assistance to order-oriented salespeople CUSTOMER SERVICE REPS Solve customer’s problems after the sale 15-29
Hobart ad 15-30
Telemarketing Using the telephone to call on customers or prospects Rapidly growing in popularity in business markets Reduces travel time and expense Especially useful for small accounts of less expensive products Often used to identify live prospects Typically uses a prepared sales presentation No call issues and criticisms of use in consumer markets 15-31
Some Bases for Setting Sales Territories Geographic areas Customer types Account size Product to be sold Any combination of the above 15-32
website 15-33
Sales Technology Salespeople daily rely heavily on sales technologies—many of which were not available a decade ago: Internet websites Pagers and cell phones Electronic presentations Video-conferencing Laptop computers Online data and spreadsheets Opportunities for young people with computer skills and experience Creates training costs and problems for firms, but also competitive advantage in meeting customers' needs 15-34
website 15-35
Videoconferencing photo 15-36
Sales Selection and Training A written job description lays the groundwork—by specifying what tasks the salesperson needs to be able to do Commonly used selection tools are best when used in combination multiple interviews—with several different people personnel and psychological tests background checks Initial and ongoing training can help both experienced and inexperienced salespeople company policies and practices product information selling techniques (and customer knowledge) 15-37
Flexibility in Sales Compensation is Desirable Flexibility in selling costs Flexibility among territories Flexibility among people Flexibility among products Flexibility must be weighed against simplicity Will salespeople understand the compensation plan? 15-38
Tech Target ad 15-39
Sales Presentations The salesperson's effort to make a sale Should be carefully planned Three basic approaches prepared (canned) sales presentation consultative selling approach selling formula approach 15-40
Keebler’s Instant Date Evaluation Access system photo 15-41